Quiet Moments

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~ Brought to you by Meadow who is currently trying not to scream cause she has deadass the worst cramps in the world rn ~

Spencer always looked forward to coming home, hearing the excited cheers as he entered the threshold would always bring a smile to his face. So as he walked in, throwing his keys half hazardously into the small dark wooden bowl, he was flooded with worry when all he was met with was distant groaning and the sound of blankets shuffling.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" his voice cracked as worry flooded him, the sound of her pain filled moaning growing increasingly louder. His now bare feet padded against the carpeted floors, the only noise being that of the sleeves of his blazer rubbing against the torso.

His brows furrowed when he reached the living room, there was no blood in sight, no breakages or anything that he had previously been worried that he would find. Rather, y/n was laying down upon the cool leather sofa, a thin scarlet blanket wrapped tightly around her contorted frame. Her h/c hair peaked slightly from its cover, splashing wildly against the raven fabric of the seat.

Quiet whimpers sounded from beneath the sheet, noises so simple yet so heartbreaking to Spencer's ears.  He kneeled down carefully, cursing airily under his breath as he thumped his knee against the glass table beside him. Spencer brought a cautious hand up, slowly peeling away the fabric to reveal y/n, skin stained rose and the remnants of shed tears still shining upon her face.

"Hey Spence" she greeted with a half hearted grin, it faltering as she winced in pain. Her legs curled tighter to her chest, hands cradling her abdomen as she inhaled deeply. Spencer frowned at the sight, bringing his hand up to cradle her face, rubbing soft circles on the skin.

"What's wrong?" He questioned meekly, he was almost entirely sure of what was going on but wanted to be sure before he took action. Y/n groaned as another agonising wave of pain washed over her, curling in impossibly closer and closing her eyes.

"Cramps" she spoke in a whisper, the pain increasing with each movement of her body. She watched through lidded eyes as Spencer nodded, he placed a feather light kiss to her forehead before standing and walking towards the kitchen.

No more than five minutes later he had returned, arms piled high and an adoring smile on his face. He fell to his knees beside her again, meticulously rummaging through the pile in front of him before gripping a small box of paracetamol.

He silently raised a glass of cold water to y/n, smiling as she quickly downed the tablets alongside the drink. Once she had taken the medication he quickly rid himself of the uncomfortable tie and blazer that clung to his exhausted body, the fabric feeling unbearably constricting as he moved around.

Spencer ungracefully flopped down onto the couch beside y/n, a subconscious groan slipping through his chapped lips as he rested his limbs for a moment. Y/n chuckled softly from beside him, laughing even harder when Spencer childishly stuck his tongue out at her judgemental gaze.

"Come here" He opened his arms out expectantly at the girl, giggling lightly to himself as she eagerly moved to within his embrace. Y/n sighed as she wrapped her arms around his thin frame, the overwhelmingly comforting scent of coffee and cologne invading her sleep ridden senses.

Spencer quickly turned on the TV, watching as the fluorescent lights illuminated y/n's features. Her h/c hair flowing softly down her shoulders, skin painted rouge and her lips slightly parted while she watched the show on the screen with the utmost attention.

He much preferred seeing this side of her, the one that wasn't cringing in pain, instead she was tracing the intricate patterns of the veins in his hands as they gripped her waist tightly. Pressing gentle yet loving kisses on his neck as she nuzzled further into his arms, basking in the warmth he emitted and sighing contentedly whenever he would kiss her temple.

He loved the quiet moments like this, where y/n would allow him to shower her in the love and affection she deserved. Because to Spencer nothing compared to being able to hold her, feeling the beating of her heart as he looked at her with an adoring gaze and lovesick grin.

He loved y/n wholeheartedly and would cherish each moment with her as if it were his last.

Yeah it's short, yeah it's terrible.
But it's late, I'm tired and my cramps are bloody killing me so yeah!

Tysm for 45k! Ily all <3

Comment to let me know if you enjoyed!
If you want me to write a request feel free to comment it or PM me!

Good morning, afternoon and night- Meadow

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