Hurt You

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Before we start, I wanna say thank you so much for 200k! You have no idea how much this means to me, I never expected to reach a fraction of this and to know that many people have read and hopefully enjoyed my stories is what keeps this book running. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Y/n knew what was coming, the words playing in her head completely inevitable as she twirled her thumbs, breath laboured and eyes already stinging with the promise of lucid rivers and shattered gazes. She should have known from the beginning that he was the same, that he would use her, let her believe she was deserving of love, and then he would tear it from right between her fingers. Worship her as a god, let her walk amongst the seraphs for a moment, before dragging her down to where he resided. But the hellfire that would sear and scorn her was nothing compared to the agony that soared through her veins and tore at her heart.

It was different when they first got together, such joy and contentment when his heart was still hers. He had spoken of futures, of families built and vows shared, of sinful divulgence and unparalleled ecstasy. Had led her to believe that she could take down the walls she had spent so long building and tore them down she had. Every tender word and loving embrace collapsing them further, until her true soul was all that remained, what she hadn't known was that the second she was weak, defenseless, barriers broken, and heart exposed, he would strike.

Now he spoke of endings, how imminent and inescapable their departure was. How young they were, the way the world sat just out of their grasp, he had cursed her for crying as he spoke, promised that it wouldn't be that day he escaped her tethers. But he never denied that it would be the next day, that mere hours later she would be begging him to end his torture, to cut the noose that was entangled around her throat, finally free her from the endless cycle of second guessing and accepting their destined split.

It had been that morning she had noticed the change, the way his mouth seemed sewn shut, how his jaw ticked, and laughs were pitiful and hollow. The way his aurelian eyes no longer shone with affection, void pools of amber that no longer glimmered in the light, how his tone grew sharp, irritated, the way he pretended not to have heard her when she said she loved him. Y/n tried to ignore it, accepting that perhaps he was just having an off day, a day where it seems like all the weight of the world is weighing on your shoulders and every person is adding something new.

But when he sat down in front of her, expression empty and smile impassive, the cruel realisation hit her. Spencer knew it too, he had seen how her eyes watered and desperate grin faltered as she looked at him, the love in her gaze made his heart ache, he could imagine the face she would make. The way her tears would shine like painful crystalline oceans, how her eyes would reflect a shattered mirror of his expression, the way her lips would tremble and pour with crimson tears as she bit them relentlessly.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore" He started, harsh words that bashed her heart the second they poured from his tongue. Just as he expected, y/n's eyes fluttered shut, her head falling, crestfallen and heartbroken. She couldn't bring herself to speak, throat constricting and lungs burning.

"Why? Did I do something to upset you?" She whispered, looking at Spencer's numb expression and cold gaze. He seemed like medusa in that moment, eyes blazing with such godless divinity, adiamorphic sanctity. One look could turn the finest warriors into brittle stone, stop their hearts and freeze their lungs, and that's what his ruthless glare seemed to be doing in that moment.

"No, no, you've not annoyed me. I just can't" Spencer pleaded, the shining honey of his irises was bittersweet now, no longer a delectable gift from the gods, now a sickeningly sweet substance that burned as it poured down her throat.

"If you're going to break up with me, please just get it over with"

"I don't wanna hurt you though" Y/n scoffed at his words, the searing ache in her heart proving that he had already hurt her, that he had already laid claim to her mind. Convinced her to sell her soul to the devil, to hand herself willingly over to him, let him play with her like his puppet, tied by her heartstrings.

𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒅 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now