Truth Serum

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I know I've kind of already done a truth or dare kinda one but I love writing drunk Reid so hope you still enjoy!

"come on pretty boy! you can't stay in your apartment all weekend" Morgan groaned, he and the rest of the team had been trying to persuade Reid to come out with them for a good two hours now and each time he had shaken his head and attempted to continue on with his paperwork.

"Come on Reid don't be such a spoilsport!" (Y/N) chimed in, almost straight after she spoke he smiled and agreed to join them. "of course he only comes when (Y/N) asks" Emily smirked and looked up at Reid, his cheeks had turned bright pink and he was biting his lip the way he did when he was embarrassed.

"Fine. I'll come but don't expect me to get absolutely wasted like the rest of you, did you know that an estimated 88,000 people, approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women, die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States."

"No, I didn't. now you better not start spitting out statistics like that later" Morgan joked as he ruffled Reid's hair making him scrunch his nose and furrow his brows as he attempted to restyle his hair. 


The team had already been at the bar for an hour or so and Reid had barely drunk a thing, that was until (Y/N) walked in. Seconds after she burst through the door, trying to pull her dress down and fix her hair at the same time Reid chugged both his and Morgans drink. Morgan yelled something but his voice was already slurring slightly so no one could really understand what he was saying but laughed anyway. (Y/N) slid into the seat in between Morgan and Reid, hoping to stop any drunken play fights that would most likely leave one of them in the hospital. Reid had stepped away from everyone and made his way to the bar to order yet another drink when Morgan nudged (Y/N) in the side.

"What is it?" she sipped her drink while eyeing him suspiciously, he just smirked before he began again.

"okay. I know you like pretty boy over there and Emily and I came up with a plan, every single time Reid gets drunk he starts speaking the complete truth, alcohol is like a truth serum for the boy. sooo we're gonna suggest we play a game of truth or drink and find out if he likes you back, this time without his brain getting in the way" his smirk grew bigger as he explained his plan, she couldn't help but laugh at the idea of Spencer just pouring out all of his honest thoughts and admitting something he probably didn't mean. and if it meant she found out if the boy genius liked her back she would happily play along.

"hheyyyyyy" Reid greeted in a sing-song voice, he scooted back into his seat and wrapped his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders. "hey genius" she winked at him causing him to grin widely and turn back towards the group. He not so delicately clinked his keys against his glass, letting the team know he was about to announce something.

"can we just take a moment to appreciate..." he looked at (Y/N) and smiled even wider before looking back at the team and yelling "ME!". The whole team started laughing at Reid's sudden confidence, Reid started dancing in his seat, completely out of synch to the music but he still seemed to be having the time of his life. (Y/N) couldn't help but look at him with pure admiration, she hadn't tried to hide her feelings for Reid around him but the young genius seemed completely oblivious to the blatant flirting.

"who's up for a game of truth or drink?" Emily grinned mischievously at (Y/N), Garcia squealed and ran to the bar to get shots for the group. Everyone nodded and sat up in their seats, almost as if they were preparing to play. A few minutes later and Garcia had returned with a huge dish covered in shots, 

"Alright, I'll go first" Morgan announced, his eyes scanning around the table, searching for a victim. His eyes finally landed on Emily, "so, Prentiss. Have you ever dreamt about any of us?" he motioned towards the rest of the team but mainly on himself as he winked at her.

"yes. yes, I have" she declared with confidence, "who exactly?" Morgan questioned, her eyes glanced up to JJ for a moment before returning her gaze back to Derek, 

"ahhhhhhhh I see" he smiled and waited for Emily to ask someone else a question, "sooo Reid. what do you think of (Y/N)?" his face lit up at the mention of her name,

"oh my god!" he slammed his hands on the table like an overdramatic teenager before he continued, "she's legit soooo hoooooooooot" (Y/N) blushed profusely and was about to speak when he cut her off "shh! don't tell her this but I've been in love with her for 402 days 16 hours and 27 minutes" he yelled, completely forgetting that it was (Y/N) who's shoulders he was still gripping onto. "Is that so?" (Y/N) piped up and couldn't help but laugh at Reids surprised expression, "(Y/N) when did you get here?" he looked genuinely surprised making her laugh even harder. "Jesus christ Spence" she managed to force out between laughs.

"you know. I think you're pretty hot too" she whispered in his ear making him shiver and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He let out an involuntary moan as (Y/N)'s lips brushed against his ear causing Morgan and Garcia to burst out laughing, within seconds every one except Reid were howling with laughter at the sudden noise. "screw you" he mumbled and began swirling his drink around in his glass.

"maybe later" (Y/N) said, Spencer's jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes grew wide at the suggestive comment. She just winked and kissed him on the cheek, wrapping her arm around his waist and joining back into the conversation.

Word count: 1017 words

Hope this was okay! look at me posting two in a day ;)

don't forget to vote, comment and request!

good morning/afternoon/night - Mae xoxo

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