Sharing (SMUT)

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Hey! So this was originally written for my friend so if there's any mistakes please let me know!

T.W - Includes light hair pulling, mild possessiveness and choking.

It was no secret that y/n and Spencer hated each other, their hateful glares and spiteful words didn't exactly leave much to the imagination anyways. But deep down, hidden behind the mask of indifference they both wore, was a silent longing, an ache to be beside the other even if they pretended to hate it when their hands brushed, or gaze locked.

Their war had begun the second y/n had walked through the door, Spencer's jaw tightening and amber eyes darkening as she walked confidently through the grand crystal doors. h/c hair falling in silken tendrils across effortlessly glowing skin, eyes like stagnant rivers that glimmered with excitement and a deep-rooted desire to succeed. Something about her made his blood boil, his hands twitch and a small flame to ignite deep within his mind and body. It was small at first, a gentle warmth that left a subtle glow within his chest but would soon grow to an untamable inferno.

The entire team had seen the way his eyes darkened the moment they locked on the girl, how his soft demeanor switched instantaneously, how he stared her down like a predator does its prey. It shocked them to see their precious little doctor so coarse in his words and begrudging in his actions, watch as malice dripped from his tongue and his eyes cut her like shattered glass.

The moment she sat down, her wide smile fading as Spencer's gaze bore into her own, a silent war had started. A battle of ego's, of will, a game of cat and mouse that would ultimately lead to anarchy or surrender.


The team had just finished a case out of town, their minds plagued with the gruesome images, rivers of crimson, broken cries, innocent lives stolen for some sick fantasy. A maniac that craved to hear as each delightful scream passed their lips, savor each tear of scarlet, each future stolen and family torn apart.

A groan slipped from Emily as she collapsed on the faux velvet sofa that sat in the hotel lobby, the harsh sound of the treacherous weather still ricocheting through the walls as the rain pounded at the doors. The skies were painted a dark charcoal and cerulean, sudden bursts of violet each time lightning struck and lit up the sky. Y/n sat down on one of the umber chairs, groaning as she ran a hand though her rugged h/c waves, wincing as it twisted around her fingers and yanked at her scalp.

Spencer's eyes grew wide as he watched her face as her hands ran through her hair, something about the airy gasp that slipped through her painted lips as she gripped the delicate strands made his heart tremor slightly in his chest. He scowled at himself, trying to shake off the tremble in his hands and tightness in his throat as he watched her lean back against the back of the chair. The soft skin of her neck shone in the grand lights of the parlor, it was strange, but he ached to watch as the supple skin turned amethyst and rose from his attention. To claim, to wreck the flawless expanse, prove that no one else dare set their gaze upon her.

But a dangerous voice whispered in his ear yet again, why would she ever want you? It was that very voice that forced him to build the walls up in the first place, the delirious whispers that flooded his poor, desperate, awestruck brain. The second he saw her, he needed her, but Spencer knew he wasn't worthy of such a girl. She was incredible, ethereal, otherworldly and he was nothing more than a disciple, a pawn to which she could use in whatever game she saw fit. So, he hid behind a mask of hatred and odiousness, a cold mirage that concealed the truth. That he was nothing but a lonely man that longed to love and be loved, and for a moment he had believed that perhaps she would one day love him like he so longed for someone to.

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