The Reid Effect

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I'm just gonna use the name Elora in this fic for the daughters name since it's my fav name but you're free to change it if you want!

Y/n never imagined having a kid so young, especially not with a man like him. But now four years later, things were finally going okay.

She had finally gotten her dream job, an apartment large enough to accommodate her and Elora, and she had managed to meet someone who y/n knew from the moment they met was her soulmate.

There was only one problem, the person she had fallen madly in love with seemed to have an affect on women, animals and sadly, children. It was know as 'The Reid Effect', or that was what Spencer's coworkers labelled it. Y/n was unbelievably nervous that Elora wouldn't like Spencer, and what made it even worse was that she had an important shift and the only person free to look after her was of course Spencer Reid.


"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Y/n questioned, a nervous frown on her face as she fiddled with the buttons on her uniform. Her hair fell in rugged tendrils of h/c, the strands knotted from her desperate gripping as her mind swarmed.

A gentle hand was placed on her shoulder, she lifted her head slowly and couldn't help but smile at the sight. Spencer's caramel hair was slicked back, his thick glasses shielding the rich amber of his eyes from the world, his long lashes batting uncomfortably against the panes.

"It's going to be fine! I mean I'm a little nervous, what if she doesn't like me? O-or if I talk to much?" He rambled, his voice raising an octave as his hands waved frantically in the air.

"She's going to love you Spence. Now I need to get going" Y/n spoke softly, her hand gently cradling his face. She leaned up and quickly pecked Spencer on the lips before rushing down the hall as she realised just how late she was running.

"Bye honey! Be good for Spencer" she called as she sprinted through the door, the heels of her boots echoing through the empty hall. Y/n could hear the sweet voice of her daughter calling out to her as the latch clicked shut.

"Hey Elora" Spencer spoke in his softest voice, he kneeled down to her level and gave her a small wave as he watched the little girl pad through the room towards him. Her hair sat in wild curls of obsidian, eyes like sapphires gazed sweetly at Spencer's nervous figure.

"Hi" she spoke, her cheeks painted scarlet as she waved back at Spencer. Her baby blue pyjamas hung loosely on her small body, pastel pink slippers that squeaked every time she stepped. Spencer chuckled lightly to himself as he looked at her attire, his shirt and blazer suddenly feeling uncomfortable as he watched her cozy into the small blanket around her shoulders.

"Mummy said you do magic! Can I see?" She spoke sweetly, her voice high pitched and delicate as a bright smile crossed her cheerful face. Spencer's eyes lit up with happiness as he whipped out his new pack of cards from his swede jacket pocket. Elora squealed and giggled in excitement as he began to twirl the cards between his fingers, watching as they disappeared and reappeared again.


The sound of keys jingling ricocheted through the apartment as y/n unlocked the door, a loud yawn escaping her lips as she rubbed tiredly at her eyes. Her hair had fallen out of its ponytail and now fell messily against her exhausted face.

She dragged her aching limbs through the corridor, following the trail of scattered toys that led through to the living room. No noise could be heard from the apartment other than the subtle buzzing coming from the TV.

"Spencer? Are you there?" She called softly, her voice hoarse and dry. Y/n slipped her shoes off as she slowly walked into the carpet covered room, she cursed quietly under her breath as a small piece of Lego stabbed into the sole of her bare foot.

"On the couch" a voice whispered followed by a quiet sniffle, y/n could see his playful curls no longer gelled back peeking over the couch, the dim lights of the living room deepening them to a rich gold shade. His tie and blazer had been splayed across the small armchair, his shoes were neatly placed in front and a stack of cards sat sprawled upon the dark wooden table.

Y/n's heart stammered when she heard what sounded like a small cry come from Spencer, her footsteps rapidly approaching. She was about to question what was wrong when her eyes landed on the most wholesome sight she had ever seen.

Elora was cuddled into Spencer's side, her small legs entwined with his longer ones. Quiet snores slipped through her lips as she nuzzled her nose into the fabric of his shirt. Y/n glanced up at Spencer with a heart warmed smile, it faltered massively when she saw the tears that clouded his amber orbs.

"What's wrong Spence?" Her voice was quiet in hopes not to wake up the sleeping toddler, she placed a careful hand on his causing his eyes to flicker from Elora to her.

"W-well we were playing with her dolls, a-and then she-" he stopped speaking as drops of crystal poured from his eyes, he wiped them furiously before they could fall onto the sleeping girl. Y/n's face filled with fear, her grasp on his thin hand tightening as he began giggling softly to himself.

"Spence you're scaring me, what happened?" Y/n brushed a stray curl from her daughters face, eliciting a quiet hum from the little girl.

"Sh-she called me daddy" his voice broke as a warm smile painted his lips. Deep shades of crimson painted his pale face as he chuckled in embarrassment, his heart fluttered as he replayed the image in his head.

"are you okay with that?" Y/n spoke uncertainly, a small frown on her slightly chapped lips. Spencer chuckled softly as he began to play with the raven curls that spread across his lap.

"She's gonna be my little girl" tears began to fall once again as he looked up at y/n, her wide smile reassurance enough.

The pair both looked down lovingly at the girl, their hearts swelling as they gazed at their newfound family.

"I guess the Reid effect isn't real then" Spencer spoke, placing a gentle kiss on Elora's forehead before settling back into his previous position, watching as the toddler mumbled incoherently in her slumber and cuddled Spencer's thin frame even tighter.

I have a Spanish, German and English essay due today but I got the idea for this lil one!

Spencer Reid deserved a child and it honestly hurts to know he never got one, so be expecting lots of dad Spencer in the coming oneshots!

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Good morning,afternoon,night - Meadow x

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