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A content hum left y/n's lips, her body basking in the warmth of the duvets, the soft fabric feeling heavenly as it rubbed against her skin.

She could hear the soft snores of Spencer as they slipped through his nose, occasionally increasing in volume as he gripped y/n tighter in his sleep. His curls were splayed half hazardously across the smooth pillows, the stark white contrasting with the golden tendrils that lay upon it.

Y/n traced the freckles on his face with her eyes, a beautiful constellation that danced upon his rose tinted complexion. His lips were tightened into a childish pout, his nose wrinkling as he dug his face into y/n's shirt.

She chuckled slightly as he murmured incoherent nonsense in his slumber, the words spoken in a rough, deep tone.

Y/n allowed herself to close her eyes once again, feeling as the sunlight burst through the window and casted the pair in a golden glow. She could hear a rustling as she kept her eyes shut tight, only opening when the body beside her suddenly went rigid.

A cool chill wracked her body as she opened her eyes, her breath catching in her throat as she gazed at Spencer's new found form.

His once sun kissed skin had gone pale, shades of amethyst and obsidian painting his eyes. His lips were chapped and bleeding, his mouth weeping tears of crimson as his eyes gazed into y/n's. They were lifeless, cold, the once magnificent amber orbs reduced to a dark brown, it's shine gone as they pierced into her e/c eyes.

Y/n looked down when she felt a sudden feeling brush her fingertips, no longer sat the warm material of Spencer's shirt, now they were doused in a rich scarlet. Her hands shook as they desperately pressed against Spencer's stomach, trying to aid the wound, but the rivers of crimson were merciless as they poured relentlessly down his body.

"You could have saved me" his voice spoke, his words harsh and biting as they tore through his throat. Tears welled in y/n's eyes as she brought her hand up to cradle his beaten face, the skin frozen beneath her grasp.

"You could have saved me" he yelled once again, small drops spitting out at y/n as his face grew enraged. He gripped her wrist tightly as he screamed the same words, over and over.

"It's all your fault" he spoke softly, his decaying hands slowly creeping up to her face, his delicate touch wiping the streams of crystal that flowed down y/n's cheeks. Spencer's grasp suddenly moved from her face, a tight grip around her throat, his hands slowly ripping the air from her lungs.

"It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault." He spoke like a mantra, delirious whispers fleeing him as he gripped y/n's throat tighter. She could feel as the breath within her lungs slowly slipped, desperate gasps and pleads sounding in the air as she clawed recklessly at his hands.

Just as she could feel the twilights approach, she shot awake. Her hands immediately gripping her throat as the air flooded her lungs. Her body trembled violently as she thought of what she had just dreamt, a reoccurring nightmare that had been festering since he had died.

She lay back down, shaking slightly as she reached over to what was previously his side of the bed. His old jumped sitting in a heap beside his pillow, she cradled it desperately, burying her nose into the soft material.

Y/n inhaled deeply, aching to smell the smell that once resided upon the fabric. The smell of old books, coffee and his cologne. But as she gripped the clothing she found that it had left, no longer there to bring the same comfort he once did.

Heavy sobs wracked her body as she scrunched the jumper in her hands, the image of his slowly bleeding body forever imprinted within her mind. His painful screams on a loop, a constant cycle of agony that y/n was destined to be stuck on forever.

For now not only was he gone, so was everything that could bring solace to y/n's aching soul. Nothing to stop the floods as they streamed down her exhausted face. To hold her as she screamed and sobbed, cursing the world for taking him away.

I'm sorry for this one! Idk why I thought of this plot but I hope you still enjoyed :)

don't forget to vote, comment and request!

good morning/afternoon/night - Meadow x

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