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Y/n smiled softly to herself as she walked through the grand doors to the hotel, basking in the beautiful warmth that flooded through her as the sun kissed her skin.

A lively red head sat by the desk, her crimson curls bouncing joyfully upon her shoulders as she grinned brightly at y/n. Her smile reminded the h/c haired girl that things weren't stressful for once, that she could finally let herself breathe after feeling like she was drowning for so long.

The pressure with work had become unbearable, even in her dreams she was haunted by the piercing glare of her boss, impending deadlines and snarky colleagues. She allowed herself to simply just breathe for a moment.


Y/n had already unpacked her bags, eager to bathe in the sunlight by the glistening waters of the hotels pool. With her favourite book in hand she strode leisurely towards one of the many chairs that littered the rigid stone. The cool fabric burned her skin as she lay upon it, its frozen touch contrasting with the golden glow casted from above.

The skies were rivers of the purest cerulean, electric yet calming in its waters. Soft clouds painted the gentle canvas, carefree and airy as they floated amidst the pale sapphire streams.

Y/n closed her eyes, feeling at peace for the first time in a while, her tranquility was interrupted suddenly by raucous laughter sounding from the gate. She peaked at the group through hooded eyes, her pupils blowing wide as they locked onto a woman that seemed unmistakably familiar.

Her hair fell in tendrils of the finest gold, the waves shining in the light. Her eyes were kind, endearing yet brimming with youth and excitement. Jennifer Jareau or JJ as y/n had called her as they were growing up. They had been best friends, a seemingly inseparable pair that never left the others side.

But as they grew, so did the distance between them. With JJ training to join the FBI and y/n working towards her dream job there was always something in the way of their plans, causing many forgotten nights and wasted time.

It seemed as if JJ could sense the shocked girls stare as her eyes tore away from her laughing friends to her, a surprised grin crossed her petal soft lips as she began to walk hastily over towards her.

"Y/n?" She questioned as she reached the chair, arms open and awaiting a hug.

"JJ?" Y/n replied as she embraced the blonde girl tightly, both squeaking girlishly as she gripped the other, revelling in their presence after so long.

"Oh my god y/n! It's been forever" she giggled gracefully as they pulled away, bright smiles on both their faces. Y/n looked over at the group that still stood by the gate, their faces etched with confusion as they watched the reunion. Her eyes scanned each person, but her gaze felt drawn towards a certain young man.

His hair sat in wild curls of caramel, draping across his ivory skin and hiding the natural beauty of his honey tinted irises. He wore a dopey smile as he talked quietly with a raven haired woman, her vermillion stained lips forming a gentle smile as she looked at JJ, obvious adoration shining behind her eyes.

"It really has, especially with you being a big bad FBI agent now" y/n spoke as she playfully nudged JJ, watching as her skin flashed scarlet at the comment.

"Speaking of FBI, these are my team" she nodded in the groups direction, smiling as y/n waved meekly at them. A man suddenly walked over to the pair, slinging his arm around JJ's shoulders and looking at y/n with a devilishly handsome smirk.

𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒅 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now