Heather (Spencers Side)

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This is the second part of my one-shot Heather and this time it is in Spencer's perspective.

I was ecstatic, I couldn't stop replaying the moment over and over again. I finally admitted to her how much I loved her and it turned out that she liked me back, the smile on my face hadn't faded since the kiss and it wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. I was sitting on my couch trying to focus on my most recent book but my mind kept wandering to (Y/N) and our kiss. I couldn't stand not being with her anymore so I threw on my shoes and jumped into my car.

I pulled into her driveway and I suddenly felt incredibly nervous, what if she didn't mean it? What if she felt bad for me and just gave me sympathy? I shook my head and hopped out my car, I reached her door and tried to ring the bell but I couldn't get my hand to keep still for long enough. I exhaled deeply and counted to ten before pounding on her front door, I stood for a moment anxiously waiting her reply but there wasn't one. Her car was in the drive and there was a lamp shining through the window from her living room. I pounded two more times and by the second time I was getting worried, either she was ignoring me or something was wrong. I thought back to our kiss this time focusing on just how skinny and ill she looked, I thought back to how her eyes had bags surrounding them and the way she flinched at my touch. It was at this moment I started trying to force the door open with all my might but it was bolted shut, I sprinted to the back door and luckily she hadn't locked it. I birst throught the door, almost falling over onto the kitchen floor at the speed in which I threw the door open.

"(Y/N)?" I yelled while frantically searching each room yet to no avail. I finally came to a stop at her bathroom door and didn't even bother knocking when I saw a small trail of blood seeping from underneath the crack of the door. My eyes didn't even attempt to hold back the tears, I swung the door open and collapsed to my knees at the sight. I crawled over to her and lay her head on my lap, I wiped the hair and tears off her face and finally let my self sob as hard as I needed when I checked for her pulse only to find that there wasn't even a trace of life left. I leaned over to grab the small piece of paper on the table and read it

I'm sorry, I love you Spencer was written on the sheet of paper, I fumbled around to find my phone. I would have called an ambulance but I knew she was long gone so instead I phoned the only person I could think of, Morgan. I fiddled with the screen, trying to find Morgans contact through blurry eyes. I finally managed to click the small blue phone button and it began to ring, It took a good few rings for Morgan to pick up but when he did he seemed as cheery as ever.

"Hey pretty boy what's up?"

"s-s-she's d-dead" I choked out between sobs

"Who Reid who's dead" His tone changed from happy to serious in milliseconds,

"(Y/N). s-she k-kiled h-hers-self" I could barely form a sentence, I was just in pure shock. I couldn't believe how much my life had changed within a matter of hours, only a few hours ago I felt like the happiest man alive and now I wish I wasn't breathing. "I love you too" I kissed her head gently, that's when Morgan and the rest of the BAU came barging into the bathroom, tears pouring from every one of their eyes.

"Oh jesus" Morgan whispered to himself, Garcia and JJ walked out of the bathroom and I could hear their muffled sobs. "What does the note say?" Hotch asked I could hear the emotion in his voice and I hadn't seen him this emotional since Hallie died.

"I'm sorry, I love you Spencer" Rossi forced out, he had taken the note while attempting to console me but no support could do anything. I had already lost Maeve and my mom and now I had lost (Y/N).


*Two Months Later*

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