Forbidden Fruit

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Things are gonna be a wee bit different for the sake of the story so don't judge me for any inaccuracies, enjoy!

She should have known that she was never enough.

That a great mind such as his would only ever be dulled by her, she wasn't spectacular or extraordinary.

She was ordinary, and there would come a day where Spencer would finally learn how beautiful the world was outside their little bubble. For he had tasted the forbidden fruit, the dangerous yet divine taste of something so sinful.

He had felt the lips of another, a girl so angelic in her looks but devilish in her intentions and y/n had seen it. Watched as the man who promised her forever held the blonde, hands grasping desperately at her perfect body. Like a starved man, aching for the sweet release of death only to be gifted with the finest of feasts. His greed showing as he finally relieved the ever-growing hunger, ignorant of how his gluttony condemned y/n to starve.

Lila Archer, the golden girl. Hair like waves of the purest gold, an electric gaze that made men drool and women cower. The very same gaze that had set on Spencer, unknowingly tearing his life apart the moment it locked with his. She knew what she wanted, and she cared not for the repercussions of her actions. Ignored his pleads, his explanation as to why he wouldn't join her in the pool.

His heart belonged to another; a woman so flawless in Spencer's eyes that he wondered how he had grown so lucky to deserve her. But Lila always got her way, and she craved to feel the gentle touch of the doctor, steal his innocent demeanor and show him just how glorious life was if you gave in to temptation.

She knew that the paparazzi followed her every move, that by being so public in her affections it would take seconds, minutes for the news to spread and chaos to ensue. She could hear the camera as it clicked, her hands grasping him tighter, trapping him like a predator would do its prey. Lila could imagine the shock across his lover's face as the photos flooded her phone, pictures of her partner in the midst of a scandalous embrace.


Y/n had been sitting on the couch, admiring the delicate ring that sat upon her left ring finger. A glimmering band that signified how deeply he loved her, his promises of eternity playing in her mind as she twirled the jewelry mindlessly.

Spencer had told her about the case, an up-and-coming actress that had been threatened and he would have to be staying with her to protect her, y/n had felt the worry in her stomach the second the words fled his lips. A sour taste that creeped into her mouth, nausea flooding her stomach as she imagined the statuesque girl stealing the one man she had truly loved.

But she kept reminding herself, Spencer was a good, honest man. He wasn't like the other boys that disregarded her after a night of forgotten pleasure and wasted time. Though as she scrolled through social media, the images of her darling kissing the actress so amorously her worries came to light.

He was the same, selfish, insatiable, cruel. Just like other men, he couldn't resist the sirens call, the immoral pleasure that followed the painfully delectable juice of the forbidden fruit. But what men didn't know was the very same delicacy they had once deemed lifesaving brought nothing but anguish down upon them, a raging hellfire that scorned them for committing so godless an act.

Y/n's hands shook with rage as she called Spencer, something as simple as his name making her feel sick. If he had thought that the burns he had received for giving into desire were bad, he was unaware of just how grand of an inferno had begun to blaze within y/n.

"Hey y/n" His once sweet voice already shook with nerves, cracking and wavering as he spoke into the phone, cursing himself silently.

"How could you?" Y/n's words were meek and broken, barely showing the rage that bubbled inside her. She could hear Spencer release a shaky sigh, almost see his ivory skin flash porcelain and his honey gaze to flood with tears. But she felt no guilt as she imagined the tears pouring down his face, staining it a biting scarlet that stung with the cold air. Because no pain he would feel could equate to the agony of knowing he had cheated, that he was no longer hers to have and to hold.

"Y/n, please, I-" his rambling was cut off by her voice, her tone now sharp and filled with disgrace, hiding the pleading sobs that threatened to tear through her throat.

"I trusted you! You promised me you wouldn't cheat, you said you loved me"

"I do y/n, I love you so much" His hands waved frantically as he spoke, trying to convince her that he was the same, untainted, but there was a venom within him now, a poison that festered in his veins and scared everyone away.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have fucking kissed her! You know what, you can pick your things up when you're home. Don't phone this number again, you disgust me" She sneered into the speaker, quickly hanging up and violently throwing her phone across the room.

Y/n fell to her knees, hands cradling her face as heaving sobs wracked through her, wrathful cries that echoed through the room.

Lemme know what you thought!

I do have a few chapters in mind (including some requests) and will try get them up in the next while.

Don't forget to vote, comment and request!

Good Morning, Afternoon and Night - Mae x

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