I Didn't Mean It (Part 2)

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(Y/N)'s POV

The next day I handed in my notice to the BAU, Spencer had told me to get out of his life and he had worked there a lot longer than I had so it seemed only fair. I walked into the BAU, bags under my eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Straight after I walked in I was met by all the female BAU members running up to me, their faces filled with concern and confusion.

"what the hell do you think this is?" Emily asked, snatching the notice from my hand and inspecting it with a pout.

"I'm sorry" I had kept my head down the entire time and still refused to lift it, I could hear Garcia sniffle as she embraced me in a hug. "don't you dare leave us" Garcia squeezed me slightly, for a moment I considered ripping up the paper in my hand and staying put but the second I saw Reids car pull into the car park I remembered exactly why I had to leave. I hugged all of them and gave Morgan a quick hug too, much to his confusion. I knew I had to get out of the office before anyone stopped me so I sprinted to Hotch's office, placed the paper on his desk and got out seconds before Reid came out the elevator.


Six months had passed and things finally seemed to be looking up, I had moved out of Virginia, gotten a new job and didn't think about that night with Spencer anywhere near as much as I did before. I had originally planned on cutting off all ties with the BAU but when I saw the teams faces the day I left I realised that I couldn't just drop them, they were my family. I had kept in touch with the girls and Morgan would occasionally tag along with Garcia whenever we met. I was shocked when they didn't pressure me into explaining what happened with Reid, instead, they were nothing but supportive about the whole situation.

My phone pinged from beside me, I groaned as I sat up and checked the notification.

Morgan - wanna meet for drinks. say 7 pm tonight?

I smiled as I read the text, I fired back a yes and checked the time. I only had an hour and a half before I had to leave so I stood up from my bed and began getting ready. I ended up wearing a dress that was Spencer's favourite without even realising it, I curled my hair and threw on some makeup before making my way out of the house. I pulled into the car park of the bar and climbed out of my car, I heard Penelope's signature heels clicking and clacking across the pavement, approaching me.

"y/n! you're here," she said, her tone just as giddy as it usually was.

"hey pen, it's been a while" I said, attempting to match her tone as I gave her a quick hug. Moments later Morgan, JJ, Emily and surprisingly Hotch approached, everyone except Hotch gave me a hug, he instead gave me a sympathetic smile and a handshake. We piled into the bar and sat down at one of the booths, we ordered our drinks just in time as within minutes the bar was completely packed to the brim and the bartenders looked as if they were about to pass out. I grabbed Garcia and JJ by the hand and dragged them towards the dance floor, the three of us danced horrifically to the music blasting from the speakers. Throughout the night I had a strange feeling that I was being watched yet every time I looked there was no one there, to distract myself from the weird gaze I could feel I decided to find a guy or girl to dance with. It took only a moment of batting my eyelashes for a rather attractive man to approach me, he was oozing confidence and frankly it made me feel a bit sick, I was never one for the buff, confident guys, I was more for the tall, skinny, awkward, ner-. Spencer Reid kind of guy.

I could feel the tears sting in the corners of my eyes at the thought of the man I was once, and still in love with. I shook my head and looked up at the guy who was dancing 'seductively' beside me, in my opinion, he looked a bit ridiculous and not in the slightest bit seductive but the alcohol in my system made me care even less.

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