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I use the name Jane for the daughter in this but you're ofc free to change it!

Also listen to the song ^^ while listening as it inspired me to write this oneshot ;)

Spencer stood idol in his kitchen, the cool marble of the counter burning his trembling fingertips as he looked through the window. Deep vermillion painted the skies, subtle copper rivers intertwining with the rose gold oceans that kissed the earth with soft aureate glows.

He watched as his daughter ran through the grass, how its short emerald stems parted for her tiny little feet. Her soft muttering and gentle laughter as she played with her dolls, how careful she was as she handled them brought a warmth to Spencer's chest. Her hair shone in smooth h/c tendrils, having inherited her mother's hair colour but her father's texture, wild curls that bounced around excitedly on her shoulders, completely untamable as they danced down her back.

As if she could sense Spencer's loving gaze, Jane quickly spun to face the window, waving brightly at her dad before springing from where she had been kneeling. A flowy white dress danced behind her as she ran, accompanied in its waltzing by one of Spencer's cardigans.

The gentle clicks of her shoes tapping against the slick wooden floors sounded in the air, like a quiet metronome. Spencer turned slowly as Jane's footsteps slowed to a stop, his pale skin glistening with a faint cloak of crystal as it met the gentle rays that beamed through his window.

The ghost of tears long shed haunting his face, the remnants of cruel rivers that had been threatening to drown him only moments before. A weak smile crossed his lips as his daughter approached, admiring the daisies that sat amidst the curls on her head, an addition to her outfit that she had added whilst she was playing in the garden. Her bright blush and wholesome smile made Spencer's faltering grin grow and become more genuine as he swept her up in his arms, giggling softly when she squealed and laughed at his actions.

"Are you ready?" He questioned softly, tucking a loose h/c curl behind her ear as he cuddled her close. Jane nodded excitedly, springing from his arms and running through the kitchen, she carefully climbed up the small stool that levelled her face with the counter. Spencer walked beside her, placing a small cupcake in front of them both. Rose icing swirled to a point, intricate fondant daisies and roses freckled the sugar sweet pirouette, a small candle stood pride and center, waiting to be lit.

"Can I light it?" Jane asked, flashing her innocent amber eyes at her father and watching as he melted from her gaze. He sighed defeatedly before swooping in behind her, slowly leading her hand towards the wick of the candle as he flicked the lighter. Crimson tendrils danced to the wind, spiraling in elegant whirlwinds alongside gleaming golden whisps. The flame slowly seeped onto the candle, the wax melting slowly under the small flame.

"Careful" Spencer whispered worriedly as he put the lighter away, placing Jane on the counter, the pair silently watching the candle as it flickered and glowed. A shaky breath fled him as he admired the beauty of the flame, how airy and carefree it seemed to be as it waltzed.

"I got mummy a present" Jane quietly spoke, pulling out a small bundle of daisies that she had collected from the garden. A small lilac ribbon was wrapped around the stems, having previously been tied in her hair by Spencer.

"I'm sure she'd love it angel" He spoke weakly, wiping away a rogue tear as it burned down his cheek. This day was always hard, for both of them.

Celebrating the birthday of someone who couldn't be there with them, blow out the candles, say goodbye to a year she hadn't been there to enjoy. Y/n had died not long after Jane was born, leaving a clueless Spencer broken, struggling to keep together enough to look after his newborn daughter. Every year they would spend the night together, reminiscing in each memory with y/n.

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