Keep You Safe

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It's short, it's bad, but I had the idea and just wanted to get it down before I lost inspo!

Desolate, barren corridors surrounded them. Nothing but the sound of heavy breathing and careful footsteps resounding through the rigid stone walls, the odious scent of copper flooded their senses, a smell they knew only meant one thing. Y/n's hands trembled lightly as her and Spencer walked through the twisting paths, a perilous labyrinth, destruction and downfall awaiting behind each shadowed corner.

"We should split up" Spencer whispered airily, his voice wavering with anxiety as he tried to remain calm. Fear would only lead to failure, if he dared show just how terrified he truly was he would be risking their lives, ensuring their demise simply because he wasn't strong enough to maintain composure. But when the promise of death lingered in the air, the image of his child orphaned as she questioned where her parents were playing in his head, cowardice was inevitable.

Y/n chuckled dryly before speaking "You know, usually when someone says that in a movie one of them dies" Spencer shook his head, trying to ignore the voice in his mind that whispered devilish prophecies. He couldn't lose her, he had finally gotten everything he had ever wanted, he just couldn't. He had pined for y/n for so long, kept his adoration locked deep inside for years, until one day each pent-up emotion slipped through the cracks. Y/n had nearly died during the case and Spencer had barely saved her; in that moment he couldn't risk losing her without letting her know just how much he adored her. The way his heart would stammer every time her e/c irises met with his honey orbs, how her touch could ease the most agonizing aches, the way her voice had encapsulated the young genius the second he had heard the sirenic symphonies.

Years later, he had finally married the woman he swore only existed in his wildest fantasies. He had a daughter, his darling girl, his angel. A glimmering ball of light that never failed to bring warmth to his chest, her e/c eyes that swirled with veins of honey and gold like her fathers. Her tears made his heart ache, her smiles brought light to his life, everything about her was perfect. She was so small, so fragile, it pained Spencer to watch as she began to grow, the way she stumbled as she took her first steps, the first time she fell over and scraped her knee he cursed the world for ever having harmed his little girl.

And now here he was, gun cocked and each footstep unbearably loud as it clicked against the dirty concrete floor. His knees wavered and eyes were blown onyx with fear, amber rivers masked by the curtain of obsidian that grew wider with each trembling step he took.

"Be careful" He whispered sternly, watching as y/n's stubborn features grew softer as she got her way, the gentle pools of e/c that glistened with sincerity as she took one last look at Spencer before turning left, leaving Spencer to make his own way through the building, praying to whoever would listen that y/n wouldn't be harmed.

The corridor felt eerie the moment she left, like without her light the ghost that loomed throughout the adumbral halls were free to strike. It was a subtle chill that creeped slowly through his spine, tingled at his fingers and stung at his heart. An unreasoned heaviness in his chest that made his throat feel tight and his eyes water. Spencer had been scared in cases before, but never like this. Like a bitter taste on his tongue, a hollow tinge that let him know one thing, something was wrong.

But before he could get to her, warn her of the gentle steps he heard following in her direction. The ear-piercing scream of his darling girl filled the air, an agonized wail that echoed through the walls, ricocheted through his mind. A loud thump followed the harrowing sound, the recognizable sound of a gun splaying across concrete and bones snapping as they collided with the hard ground.

The rest was a blur, broken cries, tears of divine crimson, shattered dreams and broken hearts. All he could remember was the feeling of his love in his arms, her last wheezing breaths. How each precious ruby stained his skin as it seeped through his fingers, the very last words that slipped from her blood-stained lips as she let the twilights embrace her.

"Keep her safe".

All he could think about was holding his daughter again, keep her in his arms where nothing could ever harm her again. Hear her voice, listen to the beat of her heart, remind himself to be strong, to hold it all together just for her. The moment he reached the office, d/n standing quietly alongside a silently sobbing Garcia he rushed forward. Painting on a smile when she called out for him and ran with open arms.

Spencer kneeled slightly to reach her, slender arms twisting around her waist and pulling her fragile body against his heaving chest. She squealed as his arms grew tight, his nose burrowing in the curls that brushed her shoulders, d/n seemed oblivious to the desperate sobs that wracked her father as she held on tightly to his shoulders. The team stood to the side, stoic expressions faltering as they watched as Spencer held himself together for his daughter's sake. How he faked a smile every time the girl would pull from the hug to look at him, the way she wiped his tears and gripped him close with a gentle smile on her face.

"Where's ma?" d/n questioned softly, squirming from Spencer's unyielding grip for a moment as she looked around at the team. Their hearts breaking at her innocent expression, none quite sure how to tell the young girl what truly happened to her mother. She turned expectantly to Spencer, e/c eyes shining so similarly to y/n's that it made the image of her slowly slipping away in his arms flash upon his inward eye for a moment.

"She's gone darling. It's just you and me now sweetheart" He whispered hoarsely, voice cracking as he brushed the hair from her face and pulled her close once again, a tremor surged through his chest as he cried into her shoulder.

"Nothing's ever going to hurt you, I'm gonna keep you safe".

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