Old Friends, Old Flames

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In this oneshot Spencer went to college when he was slightly older cause he was like 12 or something in the show so please ignore any inaccuracies! Hope you enjoy anyways :)

I had met Spencer Reid on my first day at college, he may have been a fair bit younger than me as he was literally a genius but when I met him I made sure that we became friends. After a while of knowing him I found his boyish charm oddly attractive and no more than a year of us being friends I found myself having a slight crush on the young genius.
Of course Spencer being the person that he is graduated college before me, leaving me all alone and still hopelessly in love with someone I knew I'd probably never see again.

I currently stood outside the building at my new job, I had been studying for years to become part of the BAU in Quantico and today was finally the day.
I pushed through the large glass doors and was immediately greeted with a small group of people I presumed to be my colleagues.
"Ah Agent l/n" a man I had already been introduced to approached, he had black hair and a stare that could drill a hole in your skull, Hotchner.
"Morning Agent Hotchner" I gave him a bright smile and shook his hand before turning to the team.
"Please call me Hotch. Now Agent, this is our team-" he pointed towards the group of people who had turned to face me, a tall muscular man approached and stuck his hand out to shake,
"I'm Derek Morgan" he gave me a wink and shook my hand slightly, I blushed and chuckled slightly before looking over at the women who were smiling excitedly.
"Emily Prentiss", "Jennifer (JJ) Jaurea", "Penelope Garcia" the girls introduced one after the other, I couldn't help but giggle at the woman named Garcia's sense of style, her clothes were almost neon and her face was plastered with a constant, unwavering smile.
"Where's pretty boy?" Morgan asked suspiciously as Hotch led us towards the briefing room for our case.
I chuckled slightly at the nickname, suddenly I was hit with memories from college, especially the young boy I found myself madly in love with. He too had been called pretty boy by me and a few others. I snapped out of my daydream by Morgan waving his hand infront of my face, I shook my head and smiled up at him.
"You okay l/n?" He joked as he walked, I nodded as I reminisced in the days.
"yeah I'm fine! It's just funny, I used to have a best friend that I called pretty boy" we both laughed slightly and made our way into our seats at the table.
Hotch began going over the basics of the case when the door suddenly swung open, in the doorway stood none other than Spencer Reid.
He was far taller than when I last saw him, his hair was no longer slicked back and his jaw had grown more defined. I had to admit he was very good looking.
His eyes widened when he saw me sitting at the table, a huge grin spread across his face as he ran over in my direction. I stood from my seat and was automatically embraced in a bone-crushing hug, I giggled slightly and squeezed him lightly before he pulled away.
"I can't believe it's you!" He practically yelled excitedly, everyone was giving us confused looks and talking amongst each other.
"Neither! It's been so long" I squealed as he wrapped me in yet another hug, "Spence I can't breathe" I patted his back and he finally released me from his grasp.
"You guys know eachother?" Emily questioned as she looked between the two of us.
"y/n and I were best friends in college" he beamed at the group, Hotch cleared his throat and began explaining the case.

—Time Skip—

The team and I sat on the jet after a surprisingly easy case, Reid and I were catching up and making up for the lost time while the rest of the team gave suggestive looks and pointed between us. Just as I was about to comment on the never ending looks, Morgan slid into the seat beside me and began speaking.
"Anyone up for a drink, or ten when we get back?" He placed an arm around my shoulder and seemed surprised when I didn't move away or flinch, instead I played along with his flirty personality and sent him a wink before turning back to see an almost angry looking Spencer.
"As long as you're there" I playfully suggested when in all honesty it was Reid that I wanted to spend time with. Seeing him all grown up had definitely brought up old feelings I had almost forgotten about, but never quite.
The rest of the team nodded and said an array of confirmations before returning to their conversations amongst each other. Morgan retreated back to his seat next to Emily and placed his ear phones over his head as I looked over to see Spencer nodding in and out of sleep, he couldn't seem to be able to find a comfortable position for his head so I practically jumped out my seat and sat next to him. He gave me a curious look through his sleep ridden face to which I just giggled and patted my shoulder slightly, he gave me his signature wonky smile before gently placing his head, he seemed hesitant at first but within minutes he was leaning against me with his whole body weight and soft snores were escaping his lips. I beamed down at him, for all that he'd grown he still looked the same when he slept.

— Time Skip —

Spencer and I drove to the bar together, using the time to catch up even more, the longer I spent with the genius the more I could feel the feelings I had ignored rekindle from a tiny spark to a small flame. Sure, he had changed but deep down he was still the over-excited little boy who won my heart many years ago.
We pulled into the car park and Spencer dashed out of his door and round to my side, always the gentleman he opened my door and playfully bowed as I stepped out, I curtsied back causing him to break out into a fit of giggles, he snorted slightly mid-laugh causing me to burst out laughing alongside him. Our laughter was interrupted by JJ and Garcia approaching squealing something about us 'being too cute'.
" come on Spence" I pulled him by the hand towards the door, tingles shot through my arm as our skin made contact, we had held hands as friends a million times in the past but it was different this time, I just hoped he felt the same.
Once we were inside Reid dashed over to the bar as I sat down next to the team, Morgan put his arm around my shoulder once again but retracted it within a few minutes as Reid came back with drinks and a harsh glare. I patted the seat next to me and he awkwardly sat down but seemed to relax a bit when I wrapped my arm around him instead of Morgan.
The team and I drank for a good few hours but me and Spencer eventually retreated to the bar so we could talk in peace and to avoid the comments about our past, there was nothing to hide it was just neither of us wanted to talk about it to anyone. Especially not the fact that I was in love with him which was where the conversation seemed to be headed whilst we were with the team, Reid had seemed to pick up on the major, uncontrollable blush that spread across my cheeks like wildfire at the mention of any crushes. We drank in silence for a moment or two when Spencer finally piped up,
"Can I admit something to you" he half slurred due to just how drunk he was. I smiled up at him and took a sip of my drink, "anything".
This caused a grin to form on his cheeks, he inhaled deeply as if he was preparing for something bad to happen.
"Well in college, I may or may not have had the biggest crush on you, I could even say I was in love with you" his grin never faultered but his eyes were filled with worry and what seemed to be regret.
" well you'll be happy to know that I was madly in love with you in college" I smirked and finished my drink, leaving Reid with his jaw almost on the floor and a hint of mischief in his eyes.
He grabbed my upper arm and spun me around to face him instead of the bar,
"are y-" I began but was cut off by Reid smashing his lips against mine, it was something I had never planned on happening at any point in my life, I had convinced myself all those years ago that the feelings were simply one sided but now here he was, kissing me. While I stood there completely frozen looking like a complete idiot.
He pulled away and began rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly before he began to frantically apologise.
"listen y/n I'm so s-" this time it was me that cut him off by kissing back just as hard, he melted into the kiss within seconds, he clearly had been waiting for this as long as I had.
"That was-" he began blushing and grinning like a child, "long overdue" I intercepted and kissed him once again.
"definitely" he grinned.

Word count: 1609 words

Hope you enjoyed! I was halfway through writing another one and then realised I didn't finish this but I have now. I actually don't hate this one for once :)
Don't forget to vote/comment/request
Good morning ~ afternoon ~ night - Mae xoxo


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