Don't Let Her Forget Me

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"Don't let her forget me"

Those were the last words Spencer Reid ever spoke.

The team had been close to the end of a case, all they had left to do was make an arrest.

Of course what they didn't expect was for the unsub to start firing, and especially not for one of the bullets to hit someone.

Y/n could steal remember the screams as they echoed through the warehouse, the sudden thud of a body and the desperate call of her name.

She could still feel his heavy breaths as they wracked painfully through his torn throat. How his hands grasped at hers, his pleading for another chance at life. He was finally happy, he had found y/n and fallen in love so quickly and she too had became entranced by him. The pair had gotten married within months of being together and after two blissful years of marriage, his daughter was born.

That little girl was the light of his life, an ever glowing ball of sunshine. Her rose painted cheeks forever scrunched from her bright smile, her eyes like pools of gold, just like her dads. Her hair fell in thick tendrils of h/c across her face and her mind was extraordinary. She was incredibly smart, and nothing made Spencer happier than when d/n would beg him to read to her before she went to sleep.

And as the words slipped past his lips, all he could think about, was the fact he would never be able to read to her once again. Never watch her eyes gleam with wonder as he unpacked a new book, or hear her precious giggles as he spoke in silly tones. Never see her dance and twirl around the living room wearing one of his cardigans, it flowing like a gown across her tiny figure. He could handle dying, but he couldn't handle the thought of his little girl growing up without a dad, he knew what it was like and he wished the pain upon no one.

"Don't let her forget me"

Those words played in y/n's mind constantly, like a cruel mantra, a broken record that refused to stop spinning, condemning her to a life of agony.

Silent sobs poured from her body as she curled in on herself, drops of the purest crystal flowing from her eyes and soaking her pillow.

A large leather bound book sat within her trembling grasp, her fingers paling as she gripped the pages tighter with each broken cry.

"Why are you crying?" A gentle voice broke the silence, her words groggy and laced with exhaustion. Y/n glanced up and smiled softly at the sight, her daughter, d/n stood in her doorway. One of her dads old Star Wars shirts hanging like a drape against her petite frame, her wild curls sat rugged and scrunched upon her head.

Y/n was about to deny her toddlers claim, quickly hide the book before her watchful eyes could spot it and whisk her back off to bed, when Spencer's words replayed again. Don't let her forget me.

She gave a half hearted smile and released her grip on the cover, warmth filling her as she watched her daughter pad softly towards her.

"I want to show you something" y/n spoke, carefully scooping d/n into her arms and cradling her gently, her hands returning their grip on the book. She placed a small kiss on her daughters head, smiling as the little girl released a content hum.

Y/n slowly opened the book, the sound of plastic peeling from one another sounding in the air as she pulled the pages open. D/n released a small gasp before pointing at one of the pictures on the page. It was when y/n first joined the team, she had managed to solve the case unbelievably quick so to celebrate they all took her out for a drink, as a form of welcoming to their family.

"That's uncle Derek! and auntie Penelope!" D/n giggled sweetly as she pointed at the pair, Derek's arm was swung around both Penelope and Emily's shoulders, wide smiles on all their faces. The toddler spent the next minute announcing the names of the people in the photograph until she suddenly went quiet.

"What's wrong baby?" Y/n cooed gently as she stroked her hair, she could hear a soft sniffle coming from d/n, such a simple sound so heart wrenching to y/n as she looked at where she was pointing.

"You look so happy" y/n could feel tears begin to well up behind her eyes as her daughters sweet voice spoke.

"That's the day I first met your daddy, and the day I fell in love with him" y/n gazed at the picture, chuckling quietly as she saw Spencer's slicked back hair, the thick square glasses on his face, the only thing that stood out to her though, was his smile. His lips like the most precious of rose petals, blushed in a permanent rose, softer than silk, and much to y/n's chagrin when they first kissed, completely doused in Vaseline.

"I miss daddy" d/n cried softly to herself, she turned in her mother's embrace, nuzzling her nose into the soft material of her pyjama shirt.

"I do too baby, but you know he's always going to be watching over you, making sure you stop stealing biscuits out of the cupboard" y/n began to slowly tickle her daughter as her sentence ended, her excited giggles so much better than the desolate cries that sounded only moments ago. The sound like music to y/n's ears, the joy in the air as d/n squirmed playfully out of her ticklish hold.

She could almost hear Spencer's mock cries as he played around with d/n, pretending he had been captured by magical creatures, or been wounded so deeply by her comments. And for the first time in a while, a genuine laugh came from y/n, not one filled with deceit and false confirmations, a true, genuine, hearty laugh.

Because she knew that no matter what happened, neither her nor d/n could every really forget the man that had loved and been loved so eternally.

This one was going to be a lot sadder but I'm not in the mood to cry today ( i still did writing this one tbh )

Don't forget to vote, comment and request!

I am currently writing a new Tate Langdon fic and the whole thing should be up v soon! For now it is only two chapters but I would still love if you gave it a go!!

Good morning, afternoon and night - Meadow

If you want to blame anyone for me killing Spencer off you should blame -


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