You Can't Hear Me

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A constant beeping, that's all she could hear, that's all she had heard for hours.

No matter how hard she tried, her eyes refused to open, a constant twilight embracing her. Her eyelids seemed like they were made of lead, so unbearably heavy and her mind was exhausted. Like she could feel it slowly turning off, watch as the light slowly faded from her concealed eyes.

Y/n couldn't remember what happened entirely. Just the sound of a bullet tearing through the air, the unbelievable agony that surged through her as it pierced her skin. Then darkness.

When she had first awoken she could hear the quiet chatter of doctors, a smile desperate to show on her face when she heard them talking about the team that were crowding the waiting room, eager to see her. But it was if she was unable to move her body, she was nothing more than her consciousness, like a ghost looming over, forced to watch as her life slowly slipped from her grasp.

Now all she could hear was that stupid beeping, a monotonous sound that brought even more pain to her already aching body. The irritating loop was interrupted by the sound of a door opening, careful footsteps ushering towards her, soft sniffles and cries coming from whoever was now sitting beside her.

"H-hey y/n" the recognisable voice spoke, a tremor evident in his wavering tone. She could feel his feather light touch on her hand, how she longed to intertwine their fingers and show she was here.

"The doctor said that I should talk to you, that maybe you could hear me. She also said, sh-she said that you're-" his speech was broken off by a heart wrenching sob, his grip tightening around her limp hand. Y/n could feel as tears dripped from his eyes, dancing across her skin in pools of crystal.

He exhaled deeply and sniffled once again before continuing, his hold on her hand remaining just as tight, as if to ground himself.

"She said you're dying. They put you in the coma b-but you're not improving. Why y/n? Why did you have to jump in front of me? This should be me, not you" it seemed to suddenly click for y/n, she remembered seeing the unsub with his gun trained on Spencer, the overwhelming urge to protect the man she loved so dearly, even if it cost her her life.

"I-I don't know what I'm gonna do without you y/n/n. The doctor said to say anything we wanted to say incase something happened, a-and I wish I had just found the courage to say this before" y/n's slow, laboured heart beats increased slightly as he spoke. Her eyes watering behind their confines, she wanted to reach out to him, wipe the precious tears off his face and tell him it would all be okay.

"I love you y/n. I have for years a-and now I'm losing you and I feel so stupid! why couldn't I have just told you how much I loved you" painful sobs wracked his body as he lifted y/n's cold hands, he watched as the heart monitor began to slow, he could practically feel the soul he loved so much be ripped from her unconscious body.

"I love everything about you. Your eyes, your smile, the way you always let me borrow your favourite books, o-or how you cuddle into me on the jet because you think my hair is super soft and you like to play with it" y/n was internally screaming, no pain was as unbearable as this, watching the man she loved admit his feelings, knowing she would never be able to show him just how much she adored him. For she was trapped, her body now a withering cage she was ensnared in, destined to watch it crumble around her, and to fall alongside it.

"And I know it's silly to think you'd ever love me back, you're so perfect and I'm weird, and skinny and annoying. But to imagine for a second, that you could hear me, that you loved me even a fraction as much as I loved you. It's silly, I know. I just wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I never told you"

"I-I'm scared y/n. Utterly terrified. My mind is a scary place, and I don't want to have to face it alone, I'm scared of myself, what I'll become when you leave me. I'm lost without you, and my brain is so dark, and you're the light that makes it so much easier, what's going to happen when I lose my way and don't have you to save me?" Y/n listened intently, ignoring how laboured her breathing suddenly became. How heavy her chest felt, she could feel the crimson rivers that ran through her body begun to slow. But all she could think of was how broken Spencer sounded.

She did love him, she always had and always would.

But he would never know that, instead he was forced to accept that he had just lost his light. Experience the insurmountable agony that came with losing your love, feel the sudden yet painfully slow drop of their limbs.

Watch the beautiful shades of rose and scarlet that once painted their faces dull and darken.

Hear the last exhausted breath leave their paled lips, ones he would never have the joy of experiencing.

See the heart rate machine change so drastically, hear as the ear piercing, heart wrenching, mind numbing flat line buzz filled the air, echoing through the ice cold walls of the hospital room.

Feel the torturous cries as they ripped through his throat, his pleads falling to deaf ears as all the light was drained from his life. Condemning him to a life of anguish, agony and isolation.

Um... I'm just gonna leave this here.

don't blame me!

They started the war not me!

I'm just gonna be the one who wins :)

So you should defo blame coffee_addict2005

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