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I warn you I have never been to Disneyland so if there's loads of mistakes please don't come for me!! Also the little girl is called Alba in this so feel free to change it :)

Spencer chuckled softly to himself as excited giggles filled the car, his heart melting as he watched the small girl from the rear view mirror. Alba, y/n's daughter from a previous relationship, was bouncing up and down in her seat. Her wild h/c curls jumping with her, her eyes filled with such immeasurable glee as she watched Spencer pull into the car park.

As the car stopped, the brakes of his old car squeaking slightly as he pulled them, he looked over at y/n. Her face was just as joyful as her daughters, her e/c eyes scanning their surroundings with such wonder and amazement. The rings in his pocket suddenly felt apparent as he gazed at the woman he longed to spend the rest of his life with.

"You ready to go?" He spoke with a wide grin, turning in his seat to look at Alba. She gripped the mickey ears tightly within her grasp, their black sequins shining brightly in the sun.

She nodded frantically, hair thrashing around as she began to unbuckle her seatbelt, falling slightly from the seat and onto the floor. Spencer laughed airily as he rushed to her side of the car, picking her up from her position on the floor and squeezing her tightly in his arms. The girl let out a sugar sweet giggle, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as Spencer walked over to where y/n stood.

"I've been replaced" y/n spoke with a feigned sad expression, hand grasping her chest in mock betrayal. Her facade faded when Alba quickly squirmed from Spencer's loving grasp, rushing forward and grabbing her mums hand tightly in one hand and Spencer's in the other.

"Can we go see the Star Wars things?" She said as she swung her parents hands to and fro, a bright grin across her rose kissed cheeks.

"Don't tell me you made her watch Star Wars" y/n groaned as she turned to Spencer, raising her eyebrows as he cast his gaze to his feet, scarlet painting his cheeks as he realised he'd been caught.

"I had to get her to watch it! She kept calling me a nerd for loving it so much so I decided to show her just how awesome it is" He lifted his unoccupied hand in defence, flashing his innocent golden eyes at y/n and smirking at how quickly her expression softened.

Just as she was about to let it go, continue on with their day, Alba suddenly spoke up.

"Kylo Ren is very very pretty though" her voice was interrupted by Spencer's loud burst of laughter, he scooped her up in his arms as he watched y/n's face transform into shock.

"Spencer you're supposed to stop her from crushing on boys never mind getting her to fancy men thirty years older than her!" She called after the pair, Spencer's long legs helping them escape the menacing glare being sent their way.

Y/n quickly began to chase after them, following the sound of their precious giggles and the occasional appearance of Spencer's caramel curls.


They had been there for hours, the sun no longer an endless ocean, now it was painted in shades of crimson and gold, the low sun casting everything in a magnificent glow.

Spencer had yet to find the courage to ask the question he had planned to ask, to busy stuffing his face with the most delectable of treats and nearly throwing them up on the ridiculous rides y/n forced them to go on.

As they approached the castle though, he slowed down slightly, just allowing himself a moment to admire the pair.

Y/n and Alba were hand in hand, dancing to quiet music that played from an unknown place, their laughter filling the air as they twirled and curtsied. His heart swelled, and tears formed in his eyes as he watched them, only wiping them away when Alba suddenly ran up to him and wrapped her tiny arms around his leg.

"Will you dance with us? Mummy's not very good" she pouted playfully as she scrunched her nose and stuck her tongue out at her mum. Spencer threaded his hand through her hair before walking towards y/n, her smile striking him in the chest and flooding his mind with the most blissful of thoughts.

One hand was buried deep within his pocket, fiddling nervously with the two rings that sat there. One significantly smaller than the other.

He always knew, from the moment he met y/n, that she was the one. That he couldn't survive without the effortless light she gave, she was magnificent in everything she did and he was completely in awe. So when he found out she had a daughter, he found himself falling for her even faster. Seeing the way she acted around Alba made his heart skip a beat, and his chest ache. He had always wanted children, but never had them. Alba had became his little girl, the one he could read to sleep, and tickle until tears of joy welled in their eyes, cuddle with after a long case. So that's why he had planned on asking her a question first, if she would become his baby, his Angel, the second love of his life.

"Alba, can I ask you something" he whispered in her ear, her soft hair tickling his nose as he hugged her tightly. She nodded happily, her shoes clicking as they made contact with the ground.

Spencer exhaled deeply before going down on one knee, smiling softly when he heard both y/n and Alba gasp. He pulled the smaller ring out of his pocket, a delicate silver band with her favourite colour gem on top. He had splashed a little on both of their rings, just to see the way their eyes lit up as they squealed with excitement.

"I was wondering. If you would be my little girl? And if you will, if I could have your blessing to ask your mummy to marry me?" He spoke with a nervous grin, seeing y/n cover her mouth in his peripheral vision.

"Does that mean you're gonna be my dad?" Alba spoke quietly, her e/c eyes drifting up to Spencer's honey iris'.

"If you want me to be" he wobbled slightly from his stance, quickly regaining balance and looking at Alba with a gentle smile. She giggled brightly and nodded as he wrapped her arms around his neck, her small body wrapping around Spencer's as he held her tightly.

Once he had placed the ring on Alba's finger, he turned to y/n as the young girl gazed in amazement at the jewellery.

"Y/n, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I-I never imagined myself being so happy as I am with you, you make my life so unbelievably great a-and I want to spend every day showing you just how much I love you. So, will you, y/f/n, do me the honours of becoming my wife?" His voice wavered and cracked as his eyes brimmed with tears, joy and fear washing over him in confusing waves.

"Yes, oh my god yes" y/n laughed as she embraced Spencer tightly, his thin arms wrapping around her waist and spinning in quick circles. He pulled away from her grip, allowing himself to gaze into her eyes. He leaned forward, kissing her softly as their grins peaked through.

A small "gross" is what pulled them apart, their eyes locking on a disgusted Alba, clearly not happy with her parents kiss. Y/n stuck her tongue out at the girl, pecking feather light kisses all over Spencer's face and smiling as she felt the young girl intercept their embrace.

Spencer looked down at the two, a loving smile on his face, his heart swelling as he cuddled the two girls tightly. His girls.

Aghhh I'm sorry it's bad I just had this idea in my head and had to write it! If yall have any requests please let me know!!

Don't forget to vote and comment to let me know what you thought!

Good morning, afternoon and night - meadow

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