You Are My Sunshine

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A gentle laugh slipped past her lips, a genuine smile spread across her slightly chapped lips. Spencer smiled fondly at the memory, his eyes filled with such adoration for the girl who's head lay upon his lap. Her h/c hair spread wildly across the fabric of his jeans, a deep sigh left y/n as her eyes slowly began to close. Her body and mind were exhausted, longing so deeply to embrace the darkness that crept upon her.

"Are you really falling asleep during my story?" Spencer spoke with a tired laugh, his rose petal lips turning at the corners. Y/n shook her head softly but once again began to close her eyes, the image of his smiling features blurring as the thought of sleep became more and more tempting.

"Keep talking" she spoke quietly, her words no more than a murmur as she began to cough into Spencer's shirt.

"I remember when the team first found out we were together, Morgan came up to me and threatened to kill me if I hurt you." Spencer spoke in a fragile tone, his voice so soothing to y/n she found it harder and harder to keep her eyes open. The gentle notes lulling her closer to the rest that awaited, her approaching slumber was interrupted as she began to cough once again.

Crimson danced upon the rose of her lips, the white of Spencer's shirt doused in scarlet. A loose tendril fell down her face, lying upon her slowly fluttering eyelashes. Spencer looked at her painful expression, the colour drained from her face, no longer filled with the beautiful shades of rouge that once danced upon her cheeks.

He brought a trembling hand slowly up, tucking the strand behind her ear. Y/n let out a torturous groan, he glanced down at his hand to see the crimson seeping slowly down his pale fingers, Spencer quickly reapplied pressure to the rapidly bleeding wound.

A frozen chill wracked through their bodies, the cool stone supplying no shelter from the harsh winter winds that nipped at their skin. Tears brimmed in Spencer's eyes as he gazed at his one true love, the woman he promised to be with forever. But the option of eternity had been ripped from them, by someone thirsty for blood, aching to hear the screams rip through y/n's throat as the bullet tore through her stomach. Longing to paint their dreams with the vile vermillion that poured relentlessly from her wounds, the pain of losing everything acting as a sick drug through her killers veins.

"Come on y/n. Please, don't leave me" he spoke, his words pleading to whatever cruel gods allowed this. Whoever let the most perfect woman die, someone who held no malice, an exquisite rose amongst harsh thorns who only ever wished to bring beauty and joy to the cruel world.

"I'm so tired Spence" y/n spoke in a whisper, a newfound rasp in her voice, tears of crimson slowly pouring from her lips. She could feel it, the breath slowly escaping her grasp as she fought desperately for one more moment. One more case, one more party at Rossi's, one more night in Spencer's arms, one last kiss. Each memory had never felt more precious, each butterfly she had ever felt, every word ever spoken, so meaningful as they slowly faded.

Y/n knew she was dying, but in that moment, as every single person, emotion, memory played in her mind she had never felt more alive.

She knew the promises that she and Spencer had exchanged could never come true, the dreams of a future slowly passing.

"I know, but you gotta keep your eyes open, they'll be here soon. Just please, don't go to sleep" His caramel eyes glossed over, the deep amber slowly dulling as he watched y/n begin to slip away. He would have sold his soul in that moment, given anything just to watch the lights in her eyes glow once again. To watch the previously raging fire within return to its grandeur, but as he felt her grip on his arm loosen he knew what was happening.

"Sing to me, one more time" she spoke, each syllable a silent plea. He nodded solemnly as the pressure upon her wound remained unyielding. His voice came out broken, a shell of what it once was but as he sung, aware of the impending emptiness he poured every ounce of love he had ever felt into his notes. A painful melody filled with years of adoration, everlasting love, stolen futures.

"You are my sunshine"

"My only sunshine"

"You make me happy, when skies are gray"

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you"

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

As his song ended, the last words settling in the air. He could feel y/n begin to lose her fight, the rose upon her features making their last appearance, still as precious as the first time he had ever bared witness to her effortless beauty.

Her body slowly went limp, one last gentle breath leaving her lips as she finally allowed the darkness to take over.

Allowed the once bright sun to set, no longer grand and magnificent. Now just an empty, desolate twilight.

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