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This oneshot was requested by @MadsPotterReid I hope I did your request justice! I changed a couple tiny things but hope this was okay <3

Soft aurelian light glimmered through the thin curtains, the sirenic singing of the morning birds sounding elegantly from outside the window, a sweet symphony that slowly woke a sleeping Spencer. He inhaled deeply, loving the subtle scent of vanilla and cinnamon that washed over his senses as he buried his face into the crook of y/n's neck. He began placing feather light kisses to the exposed skin, watching as goosebumps raised even as she slept, he slowly raised his lips to her cheeks, pressing silken soft lips to the glowing skin. He watched as y/n's lashes fluttered, her lips quirking upwards as she became aware of his actions.

"Morning Handsome" She croaked quietly, her voice laden with sleep and hoarse from their less innocent activities the night before. Spencer grinned at her sleepy tone, loving how she tiredly rubbed her eyes, how her nose scrunched as she yawned airily, how a satisfied smile crossed her lips when he pulled her impossibly tighter and pressed yet another kiss to her cheeks and hairline. Y/n finally opened her eyes completely, gazing lovingly at the rugged appearance of the man, how his wild umber and gold curls fell in front of his eyes. She traced the hundreds of freckles on his face with her eyes, counting them as she did every time they had a quiet moment like this.

Spencer's eyes travelled down to her neck, cautiously tracing the bite marks and deep violet bruises that littered the supple skin. He looked ashamed, disappointed in himself as his fingers traced each mark, a small pout set deeply on his lips.

"What's wrong?" Y/n questioned quietly, his worried features making her heart ache a little inside her chest, she hated seeing him upset. His frown grew before he spoke, keeping his eyes trained on the bruises.

"I hurt you, didn't I? I'm sorry for leaving so many" Y/n laughed brightly at his words, finding it adorable just how concerned he was that he may have hurt her. Spencer frowned at her giggling, confused as to why she had started laughing so heartily. He couldn't help but crack a smile at her chuckling, even though he was unsure exactly why she was so cheerful, just seeing her like that made his heart warm and butterflies flutter in his stomach the same way they did on their first date.

"Spence, honey, I asked you to leave them. Anyways, I know you'd never hurt me" Y/n watched as his eyes grew soft yet again and his grip tightened around her waist. His lips moved towards hers this time, catching her in a kiss as he grasped her as tightly as he could, leaving no space between their bodies.

His kisses grew rougher as time went on, a sinful moan slipping past y/n's lips as they pulled away for air. Lungs burning for oxygen yet the overpowering need to be connected made them lean back in, their hands were desperate as y/n flipped Spencer onto his back and straddled his hips with her legs. The doctor grinned at her position, running his hands down her sides.

As he shot up, eager to feel her lips once again, a sudden knock echoed through the apartment. The couple groaned at the intrusion, neither wanting to leave their little bubble as they both prayed the person would give up and walk away. As another pound sounded against the door, y/n begrudgingly pulled herself away from a still panting Spencer. He moved to join her, barely sitting up before being pushed straight back onto the pillows with a soft push from y/n.

"Uh uh mister, I'll be back in a minute. You're staying right where you are" She tutted playfully as she spoke, watching as Spencer grinned appreciatively before settling back into the rich fabric of the duvet. Y/n quickly searched for something to cover herself, picking up the first item of clothing she saw, which just so happened to be one of Spencer's old Caltech jumpers. The charcoal fabric hung loosely from her, she subconsciously smiled at the rich scent of coffee and parchment that came from the warm fabric.

Her barefoot footsteps tapped against the cool oaken floors as she made her way towards the door, shouting a quick "coming" when the door knocked once again. She rolled her e/c eyes at how impatient their visitor seemed to be. Y/n swiftly unlocked the door and swung it open, her eyes growing wide as she locked eyes with that of Derek Morgan.

Before her stood the entire team, each holding freshly baked goods or coffee, their kind smiles faltering to expressions of utter mortification as they looked at y/n's half naked body. Her legs were bare, the jumper she had stolen from Spencer barely grazing her mid-thigh, her h/c hair splayed wildly across her head and her neck was adorned with deep amethyst bruises.

"H-hey guys" Y/n chuckled nervously as she grinned awkwardly at her friends, cringing at the wild scarlet that flashed across Hotch and Rossi's faces as they looked away desperately.

"Don't tell me you forgot about our plans for today" Penelope frowned slightly at the thought, the disappointment being drowned out by the hilarity of y/n's rugged appearance. For them being profilers in the FBI, they had all yet to notice just what was on her shirt, and who it belonged to. Y/n opened her mouth in shock as she realized what she had forgotten, she had promised to have the whole team over in order to give them a tour of her new apartment. It was Penelope and Emily's idea, seeing as they were desperate to see if they could find any evidence of a girlfriend or boyfriend in y/n's home.

It was Derek who spotted the shirt first, a smug smirk crossing his lips as he raised his brows at the nervous girl. Her face paled at his mischievous expression, the childish glee that shone in his chocolate eyes.

"Didn't know you went to Caltech, y/n/n. Speaking of Caltech, you heard from pretty boy at all?" His question was answered when an oblivious Spencer approached y/n, rubbing his eyes before wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Come back to bed" he whined as he pressed kisses to her neck yet again, his eyes shut as he gripped y/n tightly. The h/c haired girl stood there, eyes blown wide with shock, the teams faces identical to hers. Penelope looked at Emily dumbfoundedly, their mouths agape as they silently gawked at their little boy genius' actions.

"Spence" Y/n spoke with quiet urgency, tapping the arm that encircled her stomach. He ignored her calling, continuing his affections as he tried to pull her back to the comfort of their bed, groaning when her body stayed rigid and she didn't respond to his pleads.

"babeee" he whined childishly, finally raising his eyes when he heard a chorus of laughter that most certainly wasn't y/n's. His breath got caught in his throat as his eyes met with his friends, he bit his lip and hung his head in defeat, honey tinted hickory curls hiding his crimson-stained cheeks.

"You both have a lot of talking to do" Hotch suddenly spoke up, his face stern and stoic as his rich baritone voice pierced the silence. Y/n and Spencer looked at each other in terror, faces struck with horror as they chuckled nervously at their bosses' words.

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