What She's Missing

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Tonight was Rossi's annual xmas party and to say it was gonna be big would be a huge understatement. He planned to go all out this year and invite close to half of Virginia. Reid never liked big party's but this year was different, this year Brittany was going to be there. He wasn't afraid to admit he was obsessed with her, he didn't know why but he was completely and utterly enamoured by her every move. He hadn't had more than three conversations with her but that didn't stop him, she worked in the same building but two floors down which brought many an awkward encounter in the elevator. He wanted to impress her but didn't know how, he groaned, running his hands across his face.
"Hey Spence!" He snapped out of his daydream and turned his head to see his best friend (Y/N) sitting on his desk, swinging her legs back and forth.
"What's wrong?" Her face became concerned as she stared at her best friend, turned crush, but he didn't need to know that. Not yet,
"n-noth-" he began but was cut off by her "don't nothing me. I'm your best friend" no matter how badly she tried to ignore it, that word hurt.
"It's just. There's this girl and I really like her but I don't know what to do" he blurted out.
Suddenly her face lit up causing him to furrow his brow. "oh no. What's your plan?" She gripped his hand and stood up abruptly, causing the desk to rattle and a few pens and pencils to fall on the ground.
"you. Spencer Reid, are gonna come with me. And before you scrunch your nose all confused. You're going to look super handsome and have a great time, then she'll see what she's missing. Then BOOM! You got yourself a girlfriend" he jumped a little at her enthusiasm before hesitantly nodding.
"Are you sure you're okay with this? What about your date?" He suddenly felt guilty about the whole plan.
"It was me that suggested it. Pick me up at 7, and try not to fall in love with me" she giggled, as she began to walk away he could have sworn she had whispered "please do". He shook his head as he glanced down to check the time, 5pm. Sh*t. He should probably go home he thought.
"Who's got you blushing so hard pretty boy?" Morgan hollered from across the room, he hadn't realised he was blushing.
They pulled into Rossi's courtyard, hundreds of string lights were tied up around his door causing (Y/N) to gasp. Spencer turned towards and his heart fluttered at the sight of (Y/N), the warm light illuminating her face, he couldn't help but think about just how gorgeous she looked, her (F/C) dress hung down to her ankles, her (H/C) hair sat in small curls on her shoulders, and her smile, how the hell had he never noticed that smile before?. She grabbed his hand, unknowingly making both their hearts skip a beat. She yanked him further towards the house, only pulling apart when Rossi approached, he wrapped her in a hug and kissed her on the cheek before pulling away from her,
"Looks like someone's jealous, do you want a kiss too Reid?" Rossi joked and started making kissing noises causing (Y/N) to burst out laughing, tears forming in her eyes as she laughed.

Spencer's POV

That laugh. How had I never noticed it, the way  her eyes lit up and her shoulders would bounce up and down, sure, I had heard her laugh many a times before but this time it felt different, I couldn't explain why but I desperately wanted to be nearer to her, talk to her, anything. As long as it was with her.
No ones POV
The night continued on exactly as (Y/N) had planned, Brittany had started making eyes at Spencer so (Y/N) had encouraged him to talk to her, and much to her dismay, he obliged.

(Y/N) couldn't help but feel jealous whenever Brittany would brush against or bat her eyelashes at Spencer. She turned around, desperate to find a distraction. If she had looked for a moment longer she would have seen that Spencer was returning the same look. Throughout the night he kept finding himself glancing over at (Y/N), each time noticing something new about her or simply appreciating something he had never taken the time to appreciate. His thoughts were disrupted by Brittany waving her hand in front of his face,
"You okay?" She asked with genuine concern,
"huh? oh yeah I'm fine" he pulled his gaze away from (Y/N), Brittany glanced over to what he had been staring at all night and felt a tinge of sadness, she had had a minor crush on Reid for a while but when she saw how he looked at (Y/N) she suppressed those feelings.
"you like her don't you?" Sadness and disappointment evident through her words,
"N-N-. Maybe" he barely whispered out, glancing back over to (Y/N), his expression became angry when he saw another guy getting far too close to (Y/N).
"go on, before your head explodes" she laughed slightly as he walked away. He walked, more like stormed over to where (Y/N) stood. He couldn't help himself, he wrapped his arm protectively around her waist and for some reason she didn't jump, instead she leaned into his grasp.
"Hey babe, who's this?" He kissed her on the head and looked down at her, she was grinning from ear to ear.
"Hey Spence, this is Nick! He was just asking if I had a boyfriend" she quickly pecked Reid on the lips causing him to smile before leaning back in, this time it was deeper and more desperate. They pulled apart when they heard someone clear their throat beside them, they turned slightly to see Nick, his jaw practically on the floor.
"I think that answers your question" Reid smiled brightly,
"You might catch flies Nicholas" (Y/N) joked and spun back to see Reid, his cheeks and nose bright pink.
"What was that for" her smile was still strong and a small giggle escaped her lips at how flustered the boy in front of her was.
"What about Brittany?"
"I only want you" he leaned back in and was taken aback by the pure force (Y/N) met him with.
"I'm glad. She's definitely missing out though"
"Shoosh" he placed his index finger over her lips quickly before kissing her once again, both their smiles made it difficult but neither of them cared in the slightest.

Word count: 1119 words
Hellooooo! Look at me updating more than once a week!
I just wanted to say tysm for helping me get to 2000 Reids, like that is legit INSANE!!!!!!!
I love you guys so much, you have no idea how much this means to me. I hope you enjoy this part :)
Don't forget to vote, comment and request!
Good morning/afternoon/night ~ Mae xoxo

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