Why Do You Hate Me?

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Ever since y/n had joined the BAU she had become family to all of them, well all except Spencer. It was as if the second she walked through the large glass doors he had decided to hate her. They were never 'violent or 'cruel' per se, instead their relationship consisted of snarky remarks and incessant mocking. Aside from the occasional sarcastic comment, they remained professional while working cases as they both knew the urgency and seriousness of the situation. According to the team, there was 'tension' between the two but whenever someone brought it up either Reid or y/n shut it down, normally it was y/n since she had had a minor crush on the doctor the second the entered the building and didn't want to even think about anything happening between the two of them because it would make it a hell of a lot harder to suppress her feelings.


It was y/n's first day at her dream job in the BAU at Quantico, her smile was bright and her eyes were filled with excitement and wonder. She stepped into the office and was hit immediately with the smell of coffee and paper, the smell only made her smile grow wider. She snapped her head around at the sound of approaching footsteps, when she turned she was met with a serious-looking man that she had already been introduced to, his name was Aaron Hotchner. Behind 'Hotch' as she had been instructed to call him was a kind-smiled woman with blonde hair and a tall, skinny looking man who was gripping his bag as if his life depended on it.

"Hello y/n, welcome to the BAU. you've already met me but I'd like you to meet Jennifer Jareau..." he gestured towards the blonde woman and she stuck her hand out to shake, she shook back and gave her a cheery smile before turning to the, rather attractive looking doctor. "And this is Dr Spencer Reid, our own resident genius" he announced proudly, it seemed for a moment as if he was about to smile but he simply just nodded at the two of them before walking away towards what she assumed was his office. she stuck her hand out excitedly but quickly retracted it when he shook his head and took a step back.

"I'd rather not," he said sharply and began to walk away, Jennifer approached her and patted her on the shoulder and smiled sincerely "Don't mind him. he gets like this with new people, you're desk is just over there" she pointed at the desk directly in front of Dr Reid's. Great. Just great.

end of flashback

"What are you guy's plans for tonight?" Morgan asked from his desk, Reid looked as if he was about to start talking so y/n decided it was the right time to make a rude comment as per usual.

"Here we go" she dramatically rolled her eyes and smirked when she heard Emily laugh from beside her. "I'm actually going on a date" he announced cockily and gave y/n a glare before looking back down at his work, he was prepared to get hounded by questions about his 'date' which was completely and utterly, not real.

"sure you do," y/n said, returning the glare. She wouldn't tell anyone but the idea of someone else being on a date with Spencer made her want to cry a little, she didn't know why she expected him not to date anyone, she preferred the idea of him being an awkward virgin that was too scared to talk to anyone other than the team.

"Just because no one will date you y/n doesn't mean other people can't go on dates" he chuckled slightly at himself but stopped when he saw y/n grab her phone and rush off towards the bathrooms. She always tried to ignore his comments but this one seemed to hit a nerve, and now she had made a scene and was most likely going to be made fun of because of it. She stood in front of the mirror for a moment before wiping away a few of the tears that had gathered in the corners of her eyes, she brushed off her skirt and walked back into the bullpen. She looked at Spencer and saw his stupidly good-looking face but he seemed almost sorry for what he had said, all regret disappeared when he gave her a stupid smile and shook his head sarcastically. This made her blood boil even more than it previously was, she gave him a death stare and flipped him off before stomping towards Garcia's Batcave, something about the woman was oddly calming.

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