Lost Chance

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It started out with a kiss.

y/n and Reid had finally agreed to accompany the team for a drink after one of the most emotionally draining cases the BAU had had in a while. The pair never usually tagged along when they went to bars and clubs where everyone would get obnoxiously intoxicated rather they preferred to lie in bed and become immersed in a book, separately of course. But something was different tonight and the two both agreed to join them.

y/n was currently running more than fashionably late, she started getting ready almost three hours ago but spent far too long trying to decipher what outfit would make the boy she had been pretty much madly in love with for a while finally reciprocate her feelings. When she had finally made up her mind she dashed to her car and drove to the bar at an impeccable speed. She piled out the car and was met with an already hammered Reid swaying side to side merrily with Morgan.

"y/n!" he announced excitedly and swung an arm around her shoulders, y/n glanced up at Reid and couldn't avoid the flurry of butterflies that erupted in her stomach at his appearance. His curly mop of hair hung just in front of his eyes, his tie had disappeared as had his cardigan and his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a small portion of his chest.


A few hours later and y/n was now far from sober, her and Reid had just stumbled out of the bar, desperate for air that didn't reek of liquor and sweat. The pair were laughing at nothing in particular yet they couldn't stop the incessant giggles escaping their lips. y/n slumped against the wall and pulled a cigarette out of her pocket, she lit it and took a drag before passing it over to Spencer, his eyes widened before he violently shook his head.

"come on Spence" she giggled and practically forced the cigarette into his mouth, he took a drag before violently coughing and spluttering. "that's disgusting" he stuck his tongue out and furrowed his brows causing y/n to begin giggling again. The two locked eyes as they were laughing and before either realised what they were doing their lips were together, Spencer wrapped his arms around her waist and hers gravitated towards his hair. After a moment the two broke apart, gasping for air. y/n couldn't help but smile, her grin faltered slightly when she saw Spencer's guilty, sobered expression. She waited for him to say something but when he still stood, unanimated and staring at his shoes she grew impatient and stormed off to find a taxi. The alcohol seemed as if it was no longer running through her veins as the tears began to sting at the corners of her eyes.

Mere seconds later a cab pulled up beside her, she gave one last glance to Reid but was unsurprised when she saw him still standing there frozen as if he had seen a ghost. She slid into the seat and stuttered out her address to the driver before really letting the tears fall.


She walked into the office the next day and within seconds of being in the room she felt someone grab her arm and pull her into the briefing room.
The door slammed shut and when she spun around she was met with an almost angry looking Spencer.
"What the hell was that for?" she spat although she had a rough idea exactly what it was for.
"We need to talk about last night" he groaned and ran a hand through his hair. Her heart sunk at his tone, he didn't seem as happy about the kiss as y/n was. She could feel the tears in her eyes and heavy feeling in her chest return when his expression hardened and his posture stiffened. She nodded and quickly wiped away the tears that had begun to fall.
"It was a mistake, we were both super drunk and it shouldn't have happened" he nodded as if he was trying to assure himself he was doing the right thing.
"yeah. We were super drunk, it was a mistake" she gave a pathetic attempt at a smile and nodded her head.
"Good, so just pretend it didn't happen?"
"pretend it didn't happen" the words felt like poison dripping off her tongue, she brushed her hand through her hair and patted him on the shoulder before dashing out of the office.

————six months later————
Spencer's POV

I sat at the bar aimlessly sipping at my fourth drink of the night, the burn of the liquor in the back of my throat was something I had grown accustomed to.
I spun around on the stool I was perched on so that I could see the ridiculously drunk people prance and dance around like complete idiots.
My breath hitched in my throat when I saw y/n dancing around with a group of random guys, she was giggling and swaying from side to side.

The last six months had been absolute hell, I had told y/n that it was a mistake when it was the complete opposite. It had been all I had wanted for years so when it finally happened I didn't know how to react. I had told her that I didn't want it, that we should pretend it never happened. And now here I sat, as a group of gorgeous men danced with her.

I couldn't take it anymore and almost as if I had been possessed I stormed over to y/n and pulled her off the dance floor and out into the street.
"what the fuck Reid?" she growled and looked at me as if she was infuriated by my very existence.
"p-please" I stuttered out, tears were welling up in my eyes as I spoke. She shot me a confused look when I didn't explain what I meant.
"I can't watch you dance with those guys."
"aw is little Spencer jealous" she spat and looked me up and down in disgust.
"don't be like that y/n, please"
"I don't know why you're getting all jealous? There's nothing between us" she said as she gestured between her and I. Her face looked angry but her eyes told a different story, they were sorrowful and filled with tears, she looked like she wanted to either sob or scream.
"What do you mean there's nothing?" I practically yelled, she flinched slightly at my volume.
"What do I mean?? I was in love with you Spencer and then when you finally kissed me I was fucking elated! The next day you told me to pretend it never happened so I did!!!!!" She was screaming at me now, her face turned bright red with rage and it seemed as if steam was about to come out of her ears.
"You love me?" I whispered, a slither of hope was laced in my voice.
"No Spencer. I loved you. You lost your chance" her voice was filled with spite and hurt, the tears that were welled up in her eyes moments before were now pouring down her face at an obnoxious pace. My tears were falling even faster, my heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest at her words, my lungs felt like they were made of led.
"you don't mean that" I furrowed my brows and shook my head violently.
"yes I do, now leave me the hell alone" she was no longer screaming, instead her words were reduced to a harsh whisper.
She turned on her heels and stormed off, I could hear her muffled sniffles as she walked away.
"wait! please!" I yelled but she simply flipped me off before continuing on her way.
My knees felt weak as I watched her walk away, I couldn't bring myself to move so instead I let all the tears and sobs I didn't even realise I had been holding back fall at an even faster pace.
I let out a scream and didn't even attempt to stop myself from falling to my knees, I was unbothered by the stares and uncomfortable glances coming from every angle.

This is kinda terrible but oh well :)
I just wanna say tysm for 5k Reids like that's insaneeeeeeee
I'm starting a Remus Lupin story so updates for this one are going to be even less often.
I might put another one up this week as I have to self isolate and won't be at school.
Don't forget to vote/comment/request
Good morning, afternoon, night ~ Mae xoxo

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