Diana Emily Reid

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A shrill wail is what pulled Spencer's gaze from his wife's hand. Her excruciatingly tight grip finally releasing his hand, the blood flowing eagerly through his veins once again.

He gasped as a wide smile painted his face, watching as a nurse cradled his newborn daughter with a dry towel, carefully wiping her scarlet flushed face and cooing quietly at the child in her arms.

The blonde haired nurse walked carefully over to where y/n lay, her h/c hair sprawled wildly across the sterile white pillows, face dripping with sweat and mouth agape as she heaved in heavy breaths. Spencer had never seen a sight so beautiful.

Y/n opened her arms to hold her daughter, giggling airily to herself as the baby wriggled slightly in her arms. The rugged h/c tendrils that swayed softly with the gentle breeze flowing through the window tickled her daughters head as she gazed lovingly down at her.

Spencer walked slowly over to where y/n sat, rubbing a comforting hand across the tense muscles of his wife's back as he watched the pair. The wild caramel curls upon his head hung in front of his face, brushing against the porcelain skin.

"Do you want to hold her?" Y/n questioned, her voice hoarse and wavering from the hours of screaming, her body aching after the seemingly never ending agony had ripped through her for so long. But it was all worth it to see the way Spencer nodded frantically at her question, how he released a shaky breath as he held his baby girl close to his chest.

"Hey" he spoke meekly, almost raising his hand to wave at the child but stopping when he heard the melodic laughter come from y/n. He looked at her shyly, blushing a deep rouge as y/n awed at the sight of her husband and their child.

Spencer slowly lifted his hand to the baby, stroking the petal soft skin with his wavering finger. Tears formed in his golden gaze as the young girl cooed gently, her smaller hands gripping his index finger tightly. A precious pout crossed his chapped lips as he watched his daughters eyes finally open, orbs of the purest amber shone brightly in the lights of the hospital room, so full of innocence and tranquility that it made Spencer's heart thump in his chest.

"Have you came up with a name?" The nurse from before spoke, snatching Spencer away from his daze. He looked over at y/n with a cheerful smile, arms still cradling the baby.

"Diana Emily Reid" He spoke proudly, grinning to y/n at their choice of name. He had always wanted to name his daughter after his mother, the woman who had helped him into the man he was, even though she had her bad days Diana was an incredible parent to both Spencer and Y/n when they met. So it hadn't shocked him when it was his wife that suggested they named their daughter after her.

Y/n and Diana had a special relationship, an unspoken bond that had formed immediately after meeting. Y/n loved Diana like a mother and her like a daughter, it seemed only right to name her child after the woman that although plagued by ghosts never failed to bring light to her day.

"It's beautiful" the nurse spoke, smiling at the couple before taking her leave and hurriedly scattering through the door to alert the anxious team members that sat impatiently in the waiting room.

Spencer looked back down at Diana, crystalline rivers flowing gently down his face as he watched the girl experience life for the first time. His trembling finger still gripped by the doll like hands, their grasp unwavering as she slowly nodded off to sleep in her fathers arms.

When he looked over at y/n he saw that she had drifted off to sleep aswell, her once pain ridden face now completely relaxed as her head lulled side to side from her upright position.

"I love you both so much, more than you'll ever know" he whispered, placing a careful kiss to Diana's head as he swayed softly.

Sorry it's so terrible I was just thinking about Loki as a dad and ended up crying for like an hour over how good a dad he would be and ended up thinking of this!

I swear there is more dad Reid to come in the near future along with the requests I have received, it may take a while though as I'm in a bit of a slump (the reason this writing is so shit) but will defo try get them up as soon as possible.

Let me know what you thought in the comments and feel free to dm me with requests!

Good morning, afternoon and night - meadow x

p.s ~ please don't forget to vote! We're almost at 50k reids and would be amazed to hit 1k votes <3

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