Just For Tonight (SMUT)

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I was listening to I kissed a girl on repeat while writing this so if yall want the full experience I suggest you listen to it ;)

The air was stifling as they entered, the overpowering scent of cologne and liquor flooding their senses as they poured into the busy club. Sensual crimson lights shone from above, deepening each feature and igniting a flame deep within each person that danced beneath its sinful glow.

Y/n, Emily, Garcia and JJ had finally found time for a girls night, having been so busy with work they felt as if they were suffocating in paper work and deadlines. Tonight they were letting loose, forgetting each worry for a night of fun and far too much booze.
JJ and Garcia gravitated towards the dance floor, grins on their faces as men began to sway behind them, watching the pair with an animalistic gleam in their eyes.

Y/n and Emily drifted to the bar, leaning against the sticky wooden surface and watching their friends with amused smiles. The latter quickly excused herself to the bathroom, giving y/n an awkward smile as she left the girl on her own standing at the bar as men gawked and stared. The h/c haired girl almost had to scream as she ordered her drink, her voice being drowned out by the obnoxiously loud music that blared from the surrounding speakers.

It was a deep, low song that vibrated through the floors and surged into your limbs, leaving your nerves buzzing and skin aflame.

Her e/c gaze scanned the bustling club as she slowly lifted her straw to her painted lips, she winced slightly as the burning liquid seared down her throat and left a warmth deep within her chest. Y/n choked on her drink when her eyes landed on a sight she never thought she would see, there at a booth, in a divine silken shirt, three women eyeing him animalistically, sat Spencer Reid.

His caramel curls appeared a deep umber in the rich, adumbral lighting of the club. His jaw was piercing, eyes dangerous, composure radiating a newfound dominance and superiority, an air to him that left a subtle throb in y/n's veins. Spencer smirked as if he could feel her gaze, he seemed to be reveling in her attention, feeling as the wild flame of lust behind her eyes warmed his skin. His devilish golden gaze slowly turned to her, he bit his lip as he looked her up and down, ignoring the desperate woman that clung to his arm. Y/n could feel herself grow flustered from the primal gleam in his eyes, his honey gaze no longer soft and innocent, now it was a perilous onyx that threatened to drown y/n with their dizzying oblivion. A mischievous wink was the last she saw before Emily acted as a barrier, unaware as to what had just happened between y/n and their not so pure doctor.

"You alright y/n/n? You look like you've seen a ghost" Emily worriedly placed her hand on her friend's forehead, removing it when y/n nodded frantically. Her e/c eyes were still blown wide in shock, her already foggy mind trying to ignore the strong ache that his simple actions could cause. She had never looked at him like that before, never had his eyes made her crave his touch, she had seen him bite his lip a million times before but now there was something new.

It could have been the alcohol blurring her senses, but all she could think about were his hands. How tightly he gripped the crystal glass, the way his muscles flexed, and veins protruded underneath his freckle dusted ivory skin. She didn't know why, but she needed to feel his skin against hers, hear his rich voice produce the most sirenic of sounds as he opened her eyes to a world of pleasure.

But as Emily moved to order another drink, y/n's eyes immediately shooting towards the same booth Spencer had sat at only moments ago, she was disappointed to see nothing but the same three girls from before. Their eyes locked onto a new man as if he were their prey. Y/n frowned slightly, almost hoping he had been there, seen how desperate she had already become for him, for him to grant her with mercy and satiate the powerful desire that left her nothing short of aching.

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