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Okay so in this oneshot the reader speaks Scots Gaelic as it's something I speak and also because it's a very hard language to understand if you don't speak it yk? Anyways hope you enjoy!

Spencer always prided himself on being the smartest member in the team, his terrifying IQ and seemingly endless knowledge of every subject one could possibly think of set him miles apart from his teammates. Except there was one thing he could never quite master, he may have known the words, but languages certainly weren't his forte. He could write, translate, read so many languages yet something just never clicked in his mind, and it simply infuriated him.

So, when someone new joined the team with the skill for languages, it was safe to say that it drove him wild. To have somebody be better at something other than sports, something he should be good at, it sent him mad. Especially when she walked in speaking languages he didn't speak and certainly not one that he could even begin to understand. It also didn't help that Spencer found her ridiculously attractive, from bright and youthful e/c eyes that glimmered effortlessly in the light, to beautiful h/c hair that always seemed perfect to him. She was always perfect to him.

Y/n knew that it annoyed him, that a little part of him was annoyed at her for being better than him, and sure, it upset her to know that somewhere deep down he resented even the smallest part of her. But watching the way his jaw tensed and lashes fluttered when she spoke was far too attractive for her to even consider stopping her torment.

Besides the jealousy he felt towards y/n, a strong adoration and affection sprouted between the pair, one that neither had the confidence to admit. So, they let it grow, like a marvelous garden, so beautiful, ethereal, such resplendent beauty. But as it grew, as each divine flower bloomed and blossomed, as did the thorns, sharp thoughts and painful ideas that hid behind the elegant grandeur of the garden. Thorns that stabbed at their minds and broke their hearts, kept them hiding their reverence from the other, burying it deep into said garden, ensuring the other never found it.

Though both y/n and Spencer found ways to admit their love, even if their counterpart didn't realise what they were doing. The young genius would show it in subtle ways, making coffee and tea for her when they got back on the plane, helping her with paperwork, always letting her sleep on him during the flights no matter how much the germs bothered him.

Y/n on the other hand, wasn't as inconspicuous in her declarations as Spencer. Instead using the one thing he disliked about her to confess, every time they sat on the plane, her head leaning on Spencer's shoulder, eyes watching hazily as he sped through a book.

Each and every time, just a moment before she fell asleep, mind slipping off into the delightful nirvana that awaited, the same words would fall from her lips.

"Tha gaol agam ort".

For a while, Spencer didn't care about what she said, dismissing it as nothing but a teasing comment that she whispered under her breath. But as his indifference grew to devotion and yearning, the thorns began to prick at his mind, planting cruel thoughts, breathing grevious whispers into his ear, leaving him unsure as to what to do next. It was Morgan who had spotted his friends distress, had watched as y/n once again whispered the same ominous sentence before drifting off and allowing Spencer's mind to ravage and whirl around those four words.

It made him smile, that same devilishly handsome grin that left people unsure as whether to run for the hills or devote themselves to him entirely. Seeing the young doctor so hopelessly in love that he clung on her every word, even the ones in English, how he would follow her like a lost puppy, eyes wide and lips agape in sheer wonder.

It also hurt Derek, to watch as his brows furrowed and mind delved deep into caverns that they should never explore. Such dark, adumbral depths that even the most talented diver would drown in its tidal waves. Watching him doubt her obvious affection made his heart break, to see the broken look in his eyes as she slept, the way he would brush her hair so softly, such tenderness in his actions. Yet there was caution behind his movements, apprehension for if he moved to quickly and shocked her awake, for her to curse him out for ever feeling such emotions towards a woman so transcendent, so magnificent as herself.

So, with the help of a translator app held under the table as she spoke, Morgan discovered just what it was that y/n was truly saying. His smile could have outshone the sun at his realisation, the image of Spencer's giddy and overjoyed face as the pieces clicked in place, as the thorns were removed, leaving nothing but beauty, allure, elegance and grace. If Morgan had expected to see Spencer smile at his news, he was wrong, for the glee that spread across the man's beautiful features couldn't be limited to something as simple as a smile. It seemed as if a fire ignited, his eyes suddenly blazing, heart pounding and cheeks blaring such a dizzying crimson it seemed as if he well and truly was aflame.

Spencer sat with a newfound giddiness that day, leg bouncing, and arms open for y/n as she climbed onto the plane. Yet as she melted into his arms, his confidence, his eagerness faded. Leaving the same nervous man, the same man who once spilt coffee all over himself when he saw y/n at a bar, hips swinging and skin glowing. The same man that learned every word to y/n's favourite book so he could recite it to her when she couldn't sleep, watch as her fears melted away and she relaxed into his embrace. Except this time, for all that he was the same childish, lovesick puppy dog as before, knowing that the woman in his arms loved him even a fraction as much as he did her, made his heart soar and veins surge with adrenaline.

"You okay?" y/n questioned softly, trying to fight the sleep that pulled at her as she looked up at Spencer, worry etched in her brows. The doctor nodded eagerly, trying to stop his eyes from drifting to her lips, softer than the petals of any flower that could grow.

"What? Um, y-yeah, I'm okay" He spluttered, nerves shooting through his surging veins. His hands gripped the book within his grasp unbearably tight, the veins and tendons in his hands protruding as he tried to settle his breathing, ignore the prominent thumping in his chest.

Y/n made a satisfied hum before settling her head down onto Spencer's lap, lashes flittering against the coarse fabric of his trousers and hair splaying against his shirt. Mellow halcyon light filtered through the windows, kissing y/n's features as she waited for sleep to embrace her in its heavenly arms. Spencer gazed out the window, smiling as he watched the sunset, copper and gold streams that swam through oceans of pale cerulean and whirlpools of crimson and rose. But with each bewitching shade, no matter how dazzling they were, none were as marvelous, as beautiful as y/n.

The aurelian tendrils that swirled through the sky also shone in her eyes, lips the same vermillion, smile brighter than any star. The image of her in his head, watching her eyes gleam with glee, see her lips quirk into the subtle smile she wore when he was around, it sent something new to his heart.

It wasn't adrenaline or confidence like before, but it also wasn't the same fear of rejection that had clouded his mind only earlier that day. It was a sense of security, the comfort of knowing you're loved as eternally by someone as you love them, after feeling homesick for a place that didn't exist, he had finally found it. To others, it may have sounded silly, some pathetic declaration of the heart, but in that moment, he realised his home was within her arms.

So as the same four words sounded in the air, he knew exactly how to respond. No tenacity needed, they seemed to be the easiest words to say, like it was the only thing that was destined to pour from his lips.

"I love you too".

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