Snacks and Silence

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Another night of aimless tossing and turning, y/n had been twisting around in her bed for six hours now and to no avail.
Sleeplessness is something y/n had grown accustomed to over the past year, little did she know a man named Dr Spencer Reid was doing the exact same.

She had finally had enough of the torture so she slipped out of the duvets and wrapped her dressing gown around her body, she shivered at the loss of warmth as a cool breeze swept across the room before snatching her purse from the kitchen bunker and making her way out the door of the apartment.

She half-stumbled down the stairs towards the collection of vending machines. As she approached she could hear quiet murmurs and the sound of someone's foot tapping on the cold concrete beneath their feet.
Once she reached her destination she was met with a surprising sight, standing right beside one of the machines was a tall, skinny and might she add very handsome man fiddling with some spare change in his hand.

Y/n suddenly felt underdressed and exposed as the man twisted around at her sudden appearance, she gave him a soft smile before making her way to the machine next to him.
There was a strange tension as the two stood in silence, the only sound being the click of buttons and occasional yawns coming from each of them.

"Good choice" y/n spoke up as she glanced over at the man, he jumped slightly before chuckling quietly and nodding at her.

"You too" he gave her a warm smile and y/n could have sworn she fell in love in that second. The man quickly grabbed his food and gave her a brief wave before heading back up to what y/n assumed was his apartment. Y/n sighed as he left, she oddly found herself missing the man that she had said no more than two words to.

Y/n couldn't help but hope she'd see the mystery man again.

It was almost the exact same time a week later, and once again y/n couldn't sleep. She clambered out of her room and down to the vending machines, a small part of her hoped she would run into the mystery man that had been taking up space in her mind for the last week and didn't seem to be budging anytime soon.

Much to her appreciation there he stood. He took notice of y/n almost immediately and a huge, badly concealed grin spread across his face.

"Evening" she grinned back and began typing in her usual number. She kept glancing over to where he stood, taking in his features with each not so subtle stare. He had gorgeous brown eyes, his cheeks were dotted with freckles and his curly mousy brown hair made y/n desperate to run her hands through it.

Every time he would look back over at her she would quickly divert her gaze back to the array of confections in-front of her, completely unaware that he too was admiring every feature on her face, a light blush would flash across his pale cheeks every time they would make eye contact or he would catch her staring.
But sadly they couldn't stand in the lobby of the apartment forever so y/n finally pulled away from the little world the two had built.

Both of their hearts broke a bit each time they separated without saying a word and Spencer was scared that with his job he wouldn't be seeing the mystery woman for a while.

Three weeks had passed and every Wednesday at midnight, like clockwork the two would attend the lobby and share no more than two words each. Yet it seemed to be enough for them, sadly Spencer would be away on a case for the next few days and wouldn't be able to see his new found friend.

It was currently 11pm on Wednesday night and Spencer decided to leave y/n a note, to be fair it would be the most words either had spoken to each-other.

Spencer grabbed a post-it note and scribbled down his note before heading down towards their meeting place. He stuck the note onto the machine and placed the exact amount of change into the slot before snatching up his messenger bag and heading out the glass doors of the apartment building.

An hour later y/n was walking down the stairs, a slight spring in her step as she eagerly waited to see her mystery man. Her heart sunk in her chest and a small frown grew when she didn't see the person she was hoping to, she furrowed her brows when she saw a neon yellow sheet of paper stuck onto the glass.

She plucked it off the surface and a gentle grin spread across her face as she read what it said in his chicken scrawl of handwriting.

I'm sorry for not being there tonight. Work dragged me away for a few days but I'll be there next week! The money is already in the machine - Mystery Man

Y/n's heart skipped a beat and a flurry of butterflies erupted in her stomach, she smiled down at the paper in hand as she walked back over to the machine.

Y/n and her mystery man had been meeting and leaving notes every week for six months now and we're still unaware of everything about each other beside the others favourite snacks and what kind of pyjamas the other wore.

The two still found themselves falling the other, although y/n enjoyed the arrangement she was longing for something more with the guy that had stolen her heart with snacks and silence.

The man had let her know that he would be working that Wednesday night and therefore wouldn't be able to join her so y/n came up with a plan. She was going to leave him a note this time and hopefully it would lead to them finally having a conversation, it was almost as if every time they saw each other their tongues became tied and no words came to mind.
Spencer slumped down the stairs, he had been in a terrible mood and what made it even worse was the fact that he wouldn't be able to see the woman who had been on his mind for over six months now. He already had his note written out and the change was clinging in the pocket of his trousers.

He looked up at the glass and his lips turned from a pout to a goofy grin when he spotted a note already there.

Think it's time we finally spent more than ten minutes together! Call me when you get back and we can arrange a date ;) - Mystery Woman

Spencer's eyes widened when he saw her phone number at the bottom and quickly shoved it into his pocket with a huge smile on his face.


It was two days later and Spencer currently stood nervously by the machines, he and the mystery woman had arranged to go on a date and Spencer could've sworn his heart was going to pound out of his chest.

His breath hitched in his throat as he heard the gentle clicking of heels on concrete, he spun around and was met with what he may have called the most gorgeous sight he had ever seen.

There she stood, his mystery woman, although this time she was wearing a short red dress with matching heels instead of her usual cat onesie and fluffy pink slippers.

His jaw visibly dropped as she approached, he snapped out of his daydream when she cleared her throat.

She giggled slightly before sticking her hand out for him to shake,

"Hi, I'm y/n" she greeted and gave him a knee weakening grin as he returned the handshake.

"I'm Spencer"

"Nice to finally meet you I guess" she giggled once again as he linked their arms together and began for the door.

Word count: 1346 words
I kinda liked this one! Hope you did too <3
If there is any Harry Potter fans that read this I've just started a new Remus Lupin book and I'd love if you gave it a go!
Tysm for all the kinda comments and messages I've been given they honestly make my day!!
Don't forget to vote/comment/request
Good morning, afternoon, night ~ Mae xoxo

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