Little Things

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Spencer knew he loved y/n whole heartedly, and she him. But he didn't need loud proclamations to know just how loved he was, rather it was in the little things that Spencer felt the full force of her affection.

From things as simple as the day he had been getting dressed for JJ's wedding and couldn't seem to be able to get his tie quite right.

An irritated huff left Spencer as he tugged on the navy fabric, its silken texture almost impossible to twist in just the right way, the knot always ending up small and impossibly tight.

"What are you huffing about?" Y/n laughed airily as she walked into the room, a f/c gown flowed elegantly down her frame, accenting each beautiful feature of her body. Spencer forgot about his tie completely as he openly gawked at the girl, golden gaze concealed by his pleasure blown pupils.

Y/n chuckled as she watched the young genius admire her, secretly revelling in the lustrous gleam within his amber eyes. She could see Spencer's thin fingers still clinging desperately to the smooth fabric, veins protruding as he felt the same anger flow through him as he remembered just how annoying his tie had been.

Spencer just pouted childishly, milking the innocence of his alluring gaze to get just what he wanted. Y/n sighed before walking towards him, she gripped the fabric, admiring how the cool, delicate fabric felt beneath her fingertips. She expertly began to tie the knot, fighting the temptation to melt into Spencer's embrace as he began to airily brush his hands against her waist.

Once y/n had finished tying the tie, she had tried to pull away, only to be dragged quickly back to Spencer. She looked up at him with raised brows, trying to conceal the love struck grin that threatened to cross her lips. Spencer pouted once again, trying to kiss y/n on the lips but only managing a swift peck on the cheek as y/n playfully dodged him.

Y/n pulled away completely, laughing loudly when Spencer whined and crossed his arms like a stubborn child.

Or the day that he came home from a terrible case, deep amethyst painted under his once bright eyes.

No words were spoken as he flopped less than elegantly down onto y/n's lap and nuzzled into the soft fabric of her jumper, scrunching his nose as he inhaled the sugar sweet scent of his love.

Y/n had immediately began to play with his hair, smiling as the exhausted boy began to hum in contentment. Once she was sure Spencer was sound asleep, quiet snores slipping through his parted lips, she had started to separate the hair.

Y/n smiled subconsciously as she twirled his honey tinted hickory tendrils, tying them into small braids before letting them fall apart in her fingers.

"Love you" Spencer whispered airily into her shirt, closing his eyes once again before falling asleep once again.

The day he knew that he would spend forever with y/n was their first anniversary.

Grand emerald trees towered dramatically over the pair as they strolled hand and hand through the empty park, the only sound being their footsteps as they clicked against the concrete path. It was around seven thirty at night, the sky painted in hypnotizing twilights, oceans of the purest obsidian that shone magnificently in the ghost of the moon. Alluring stars freckled the onyx rivers, adding to the ethereality of the mesmerising sky.

In the distance shone a bright aureate light, its golden hues shining upon the grass as it glowed. Tranquil music played from underneath the large gazebo, calming symphonies that left the pairs brains melted with each beautiful note.

Y/n rushed forward, fingers still intertwined with Spencer's, dragging him alongside her. She stopped as she reached the canopy, smiling widely at the violin player that played the melancholy music.

Spencer bowed dramatically in front of her, extending his hand for her to grasp. Y/n curtsied playfully before lacing their fingers together once again, Spencer pulled her close, relishing in the warmth she emitted.

He slowly began to move to the music, watching as a gentle smile painted y/n's petal soft lips. Her cheeks danced with shades of crimson and rose as they twirled, her f/c dress spinning like a whirlwind around her legs as she spun back into his loving embrace.

Y/n pressed her head to his chest, leaning into his body as she listened to the steady thumping of his heart. Each beat vibrating through his baby blue shirt and blessing y/n's ears with its quiet beating.

Spencer didn't need her to yell it from the roof tops, exclaim how much she truly adored the bashful man.

For the little things would always show him.

Hola! I was thinking of doing a part 2 where we see little things Spencer would do, yall up for that?

Also tysm for 55k Reids! I love you all so much <3

Don't forget to vote, comment and request any oneshots you have in mind!

Good morning, afternoon and night - Mae xx

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