Truth or Dare

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The bar pounded with obnoxiously loud music, the bass reverberating across the packed dance floor. The team had just finished a horrid case and had decided that rather than allowing the vile images to replay on a never ending coil in their minds they would for lack of a better phrase, get shit faced drunk.

Hotch and Rossi were hunched in a secluded corner of the bar, crystal glasses of whiskey right within their grasp and their usual stoic expressions upon their features. The rest of the team were laughing happily in a large booth, beers and colourful cocktails in hand as raucous laughs sounded in the air.

"Oh my god! We should play truth or dare!" Garcia giggled, her neon bracelets jingling as she wiggled her arms in a small dance. Everyone shared a collection of drunken agreements or annoyed groans at the proposition but eventually everyone agreed.

"Hey Spencer" y/n greeted with a wild blush, her cheeks painted a bright scarlet as he slid into the seat next to her. JJ smirked as she watched the altercation between the pair, she knew how y/n felt about the genius, how her eyes sparkled with such adoration when he did something as simple as say a fact. Her teasing towards the girl was incessant but she knew y/n didn't really mind.

"I-I've never played truth or dare before" he spoke in an embraced tone, his cheeks flashing rouge as his and y/n's arm brushed from the close proximity.

"Okay Pretty Boy, You pick truth or dare and if you don't wanna do it you take a shot" Morgan said as he slyly wrapped his arm around Garcia's shoulder, his muscles flexing as he gave her a side hug. Reid nodded, inhaling deeply to hide the ever growing blush on his face as the woman he had fallen madly in love with in the past few months nudged him playfully with her elbow.

"I'll go first!" Garcia practically sung, clapping her hands as she bounced up and down on her chair, the jewels on her rings glimmering in the bright lights that shone down upon them.

The game lasted a while before it was y/n's turn, and much to her chagrin Morgan had gone just before her meaning he would be picking. 

"Alright y/n truth or dare?" He chuckled as he spoke, you could see the wheels turning behind his eyes as he thought of the perfect way to embarrass her before she had even spoken.

"Dare" she spoke in a wavering tone, fear crawling up the back of her throat as she watched Morgan smirk with a playful look in his eyes.

"I want you to, by the end of the night, have made out with the hottest guy in this here bar" y/n's eyes widened as he spoke, her hand quickly gravitating towards the shot glass in front of her. Then it hit her.

This was her chance, to finally admit just how madly in love with Spencer she truly was. And if things go wrong, she could blame it all on being completely intoxicated.

"Screw it" she whispered to herself, but apparently loud enough for everyone to hear. Reid furrowed his brows in worry as he looked at her, "are you o-" he began to speak before being cut off.

Y/n smashed her lips against his, her heart stammering as she released all the months of pent up feelings into a kiss. Spencer froze for a moment, shock washing over him before the realisation hit him. He slowly raised his hand to cradle y/n's cheek as he kissed her with a newfound vigour.

The pair were ripped from their trance by Morgan's ridiculous bellow, "get it pretty boy!" His deep voice echoing through the bar and almost deafening everyone around them.

"I'm just going to say this, I-I like you, a lot" y/n spoke in a scared tone, Spencer's eyes widened drastically before a goofy grin spread his lips.

"Ditto" his face was painted a beautiful crimson, his caramel eyes shining with joy as he looked at y/n.

"Finally!" JJ yelled excitedly, her hands cheering above her head as laughs spread through the group.

"You knew?!?" Emily practically screamed, her face filled with mock anger. The team laughed once again as JJ spoke once again.

"Well y/n didn't exactly hide it" y/n blushed violently as she hid her face in Spencer's neck, his shoulders bouncing as he let out a hearty laugh.

"I think I like truth or dare" he whispered in y/n's ear as he lightly pecked her on the temple, his arm tightening its grasp around her waist as the team cooed and giggled at the new couple.

Hope this was good I really enjoyed writing this :)
goodnight peeps 😌✌️💞

P.S ~ These Oneshots are currently being rewritten so I apologise for the terrible writing ahead!

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