It Hurts

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In this story y/n will have a condition called 'chiari malformation'. This is a chronic brain condition that causes severe headaches, dizziness and many other symptoms. I too suffer from the condition and I've used some of my personal experiences to the story.
Hope you enjoy ;)

Today was one of the hard ones, the case was going well but y/n was going through something no one can see. When she was 17 years old she had began to suffer from severe head aches, within a week of them starting she had been diagnosed with a condition called 'chiari malformation', a chronic brain condition that made the most simple of tasks extremely difficult. When she first began to work at the BAU a hefty amount of the symptoms almost vanished, leaving her with the occasional bad day and sadly today was one of those.

(y/n's pov)

The team and I were sitting in the police station discussing ideas about the unsub when it hit me, it started as a twinge in the back of my head and a slight buzz in my ears. I flinched slightly and began to use one of my coping mechanisms which were simply just tapping quietly on the table, I attempted to focus on the noise and not bring any attention to myself. I let out an involuntary squeak as the pain in my head intensified, it went almost completely unnoticed but of course someone had seen and that someone was Spencer Reid.

He and I had been together for just over six months and sure, he had seen me pretty bad but never at my worst. When I was younger I had been instructed to use a scale to express how much pain I was in, Reid had seen me at an eight and even then I could see just how panicked he was.

His head snapped around when he heard the noise and within seconds he knew what was going on. I bit the inside of my cheek as the pain raised from a six to a seven, my hand began to twitch and Spencer's face grew paler and paler by the second.

Morgan shot me a concerned look when my breath audibly hitched in my throat, I gave him a weak smile and looked over at Reid, he nodded slightly indicating me to tell him what number I was at, I winced before barely whispering "nine".

With that he stood up abruptly and approached a random officer, the team gave me a confused look to which I just shrugged and continued to apply some of the techniques I had learnt over the years.

"hey y/n. It's okay come with me" Spencer said in a soothing and calm tone, I nodded and attempted to stand up but when I did my knees buckled, sending me straight to the ground with a loud thud.

I practically screamed when the burning sensation I had grown accustomed to spread through my spine, it felt as if magma was flowing through my veins, and what made it worse was knowing that no one could do anything. JJ and Emily dashed to my side but retreated when Spencer shooed them away.
"I need to get her to a dark, quiet room. Hotch can you please explain what's going on" Reid almost commanded as he helped me get to my feet.

He led me through the station, shielding my eyes from the harsh, bright lights that lined the ceilings. We burst into the room and the tears I had been withholding finally escaped, this time it was both of us that fell to the floor.
"It hurts Spence. It really hurts" I choked out through sobs, my hands gripped the side of my head, it seemed as if it was going to explode at any second. Reid embraced me and started to rub soothing circles on my lower back.

"I know it does baby. You're okay, I'm here" his voice managed to calm me down slightly, my body nearly melted when the pain in my head and back began to subside and the shrill ringing in my ears dulled into a low buzz.
I looked up at Spencer and my heart broke when I saw that he had tears running down his cheeks and onto his shirt.

"I'm so sorry Spence" I whispered as I wiped away his tears with my thumb.
"Don't you dare apologise. I just hate seeing you in pain. I wish I could get rid of it"
I smiled up at him and give him a peck on the nose, he giggled slightly as he wiped away the rest of his tears.

" I love you" he whispered in my ear, I shivered slightly when his lips brushed against it, he chuckled at my reaction and helped pull me off the dirty floor we were recently sat on.

" I love you too" his grin grew at my response.
"I'm glad" he joked, I just rolled my eyes and waved my hands around in an attempt to find the handle for the door. I groaned in frustration as I couldn't seem to be able to find the knob. Reid reached down and opened the door within seconds, he gave a smug grin and bowed playfully.

I gave him a thump on the back of the head, he whined and rubbed it slightly.
"see how you like it" I lightly tapped the back of his head and dragged him back to where the rest of the team sat.

Word count: 924 words

Hope this was okay, it's a bit shorter than the rest of them but I hoped you still enjoyed!!
Thank you so much for 3000 Reids!
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Good morning/ afternoon/ night ~ Mae xoxo

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