Heather (Your Side)

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So this one is kinda based on the song Heather by Conan Gray,

Trigger Warning: (Self Harm, Suicide, Anorexia)

i just wanna say that if you ever feel down and wanna talk I'm here to listen :)

Y/n and Reid had become best friends the moment they set eyes on each other, the day that Spencer burst through the briefing room doors, his caramel hair slicked back across his head. Eyes of the purest gold filled with sheer excitement as they locked with the curious orbs that stared directly at him and his strange outfit. A slick emerald tie hung loosely from his neck, blowing softly in the gentle breeze as it blew through the room. His ivory skin was dancing with wild rose and rouge as he gulped, amber gaze boring straight into y/n's. Because in that moment, they both knew, they were destined to fall in love.

Four years later and from afar they seemed to be living in bliss, both completely enamored by the other. But everyone was oblivious to the aching in their chests, the tears that forever shone behind their eyes, the fact that they were both completely unaware of the love the other so longed to shower them with. They were at an impasse, so deeply in love with each other that they couldn't see the longing in their darlings' eyes, the silent pleads that threatened to spill from their lips.

The pair spent every waking moment together, each night filled with snacks, movies and subtle touches they both wished felt the same to their love. The gentle sleight of hand that erupted butterflies within their stomachs, ignited the most delicious of flames within their hearts, that they would only ever imagine the joy of having reciprocated.


Y/n and Spencer sat in the latter's living room, sprawled hazardously across the rich onyx leather fabric of his couch. A film played quietly in the background, the gravelly voice of the actor simply serving as background noise as Y/n squirmed uncomfortably in her seat, the tight fabric of her shirt clinging unbearably to her skin. She realized now that her favorite jeans and the nicest top she could find weren't the most suitable of clothing to wear whilst simply watching a movie.

Y/n slowly picked up her now cold tea, the cream liquid splashing against the porcelain walls of the mug, threatening to pour over the white of her shirt. Which, if she was being honest, was her plan to rid herself of the awful clothing that made her grimace as its material scratched at her skin. She pretended to take a sip, carefully spilling a small amount onto the shirt before placing the mug back down and whispering "sugar" just loud enough for Spencer to hear.

The almost sleeping boy frowned softly at the stain before quickly bouncing from his seat, newfound vigor within his bones as he practically skipped over to his bedroom. Y/n grinned mischievously to herself as she watched Spencer prance back into the room, her favorite navy jumper of his within his grasp.

"Here, I know it's your favorite since I always see you eyeing it up" He smirked as he spoke, watching as y/n sprung up from the couch and quickly grabbed the jumper. As she skipped through to his room to change, she felt a small wave of guilt wash over her as she saw what looked to be a womans shirt folded neatly upon the dark oaken dresser. Did he have a girlfriend? The team had always been curious about his relationship status, questioning him whenever he came into work with rugged hair, a small bruise upon his neck, or smelling of sickly-sweet perfume.

Each time y/n would feel a pain in her chest, her mind swarming. Of course, she wasn't good enough for him, she would think. Her words blinding her to the way Spencer's eyes would gravitate towards her when asked about his love life, for the girls he spent his nights with would never be her. They were simply moments in time, nights of lust that would never flourish into the adoration he felt so strongly towards the oblivious girl.

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