
6.8K 95 12

The air was filled with gentle music, each note dancing elegantly. Excited whispers were shared between family members as the melody slowly increased, as did Spencer's heart rate.

A nervous smile was spread across his pale lips, the realisation hitting him hard as the chapel doors slowly opened to reveal what he could only describe as the most breathtaking sight.

Y/n. Her hair falling in tendrils of h/c, flowing softly, framing her face as it blew in the wind. Her e/c eyes were sparkling brightly in the warm lights, her skin casted in a golden glow from the unrelenting sun that shone through the grand stained windows.

As he watched her, slowly walking down the aisle, a lovesick grin painted upon her face. It seemed as if every moment between them flooded him.

The vibrant blush across her cheeks on their first date, the beautiful shades of crimson and rose that made Spencer's heart swell in a way he never knew possible. The way his body burned with a newfound vigour the first time he felt her lips upon his.

He could still hear her voice as they belted out the lyrics to a song on the radio.

"What are you doing?" Spencer spoke with a wide grin, his eyes filled with such adoration as he gazed over at y/n. She ignored his question, continuing to fiddle the small knob on her car radio. Suddenly the volume increased majorly, a bright smile crossed her face as she began to sing the lyrics loudly.

"I'm so in love with you"

"I'll be forever blue"

She sang, her hands moving excitedly as she danced slightly in her seat. Spencer looked over at her, a sweet laugh escaping him as he realised for the first time just how truly in love with her he was.

He remembered the look on her face when he got down on one knee, the pure joy that filled her face as tears welled in her eyes. The way her hands trembled as he slid the ring on, the beautiful giggles that sounded in the air as he twirled her in his arms.

Snow fell softly on them, the warm lights glowing brightly as y/n and Spencer walked hand in hand through the park. The very same park where they had met, went on their first date, said I love you and now the place Spencer would make her his forever.

"Y/n" he spoke as he slowed to a stop, her nose was dusted rose from the cold that bit at her skin. A kind smile across her lips as she hummed in recognition.

Her e/c eyes remained on the lake infront, watching as the water danced to a song no one would ever hear. It's deep blue waves darkened to an endless obsidian as the twilights above cast everything in a beautiful shadow. A gentle cough is what dragged her from her trance, as she turned her breath caught in her throat and tears began to gather.

It was Spencer, a nervous smile on his slightly chapped lips as he crouched down on one knee.

"Y/n, I'm not very good at things like this and I'm prone to rambling incessantly and scaring people off but to be honest I don't think I can put how much I love you into words"

"Everything about you, your smile, your eyes, the way you read me my favourite books when I'm sad o-or how you always listen to my facts! Just each thing you do makes me fall even deeper in love with you and I don't think I could survive without you. So, y/f/n would you do me the honours of becoming my wife?"

His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke, the words only truly showing a fraction of the love he had for her.

That day was how he ended up where he was, the warm amber of his orbs glistening like gold as his eyes flooded with tears.

He knew just how lucky he was, he had lost almost everyone, on a never ending coil of torment and agony. His life was so dark before, an infinite void that longed to embrace him in their arms of anguish.

But she had gotten there before they could, rescued him before the demons could poison every good thing. For she was the antidote, the light, the embodiment of everything pure and loveable and Spencer swore to spend eternity showering her in as much love and admiration as she truly deserved.

Because without her he knew his life would be entirely different, there would be no hearty laughs, no peaceful sleeps, everything he had grown to love was all thanks to her.

She had become the light in his life, the one thing that reminded him time and time again, that not everyone left. That he really did deserve the love she gave to him and so much more.

Y/n was his past, present and future. Spencer couldn't imagine what it would be like without her.

But now he didn't have to, because she truly was there, forever.

Hello everyone! I've not done a A/N in so long.
I have recently started an Emily Prentiss, Draco Malfoy and Sirius Black story (Sirius hasn't been published yet) and would love if you gave them a go!

I'm sorry that this is terrible but I hope you still enjoyed, ALSO HOW TF DID WE REACH 25K?????????

I love you all and hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night

- Mae xoxo

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