Counting Stars

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Hey, so before I start there's something I wanna talk about. Recently I've had a couple people attacking and complaining to me that I've not been inclusive enough for my poc audience. I want to apologise for this and for offending anyone that I may have upset or offended. But I'm asking you see my side for a moment. please see this from a writers POV, I try my hardest to be as inclusive as i can, deliberately not mentioning height, weight or skin tone as much as possible unless it is necessary for the plot or simply a mistake whilst writing. I have thousands of readers (which I am beyond grateful for) and it is impossible to adhere to every single person that reads personality, features etc.

A lot of the time whilst writing I imagine myself in the situation, as you all do when reading so if there are any mistakes or anything please forgive me as they aren't intentional. And a lot of the time I say certain things to help add to the atmosphere or to describe what y/n is experiencing at that moment in time.

So please, have in mind I am not deliberately trying to exclude anyone of any race, size, so and so forth. I love all of you no matter what. I just felt like I had to address this fact.


Y/n sighed as she spun speedily in her chair, watching as the harsh fluorescent lights freckled and flashed before her eyes in a dizzying whirlwind. Its stinging strobes making her vision dance with wild colours, blurring hues that waltzed teasingly behind her eyelids as her chair slowed to a stop. Y/n could hear Morgan's raucous laughter as he watched her hands grip the edge of her desk, knuckles showing as her eyesight swirled before her for a moment and the blood drained from her head.

"You alright there princess?" He questioned teasingly as he fiddled with the thin pen between his fingers, cursing when the ink slowly seeped from the tip, staining his palm a wild cerulean that quickly began to settle upon his skin and paint everything he touched. It was y/n's turn to burst out laughing as he frantically searched for something to clean his hand with, ruining hours' worth of paperwork during his frantic search.

"You alright there Morgan?" Y/n echoed his words, laughing brightly as he gave her a condescending smile and set off on his search of Garcia and her seemingly never-ending bag of necessities. The h/c haired girl turned back begrudgingly towards her work, flipping through the mounds of paper for a moment before giving up and sliding down in her seat. It's cheap onyx fabric burned her skin slightly as she went but she didn't care about the stinging burn that spread through her arms from the friction as she heard the unmistakable sound of Reid's converse approaching.

Y/n kept her eyes shut tight even when he was standing beside her, laughing airily when she heard him hesitantly switch from one foot to the other. The squeaking plastic rubbing against the horrid office carpet and making a soft scratching sound with each nervous bounce.

"I know I'm gorgeous Spence, but why are you staring?" Y/n opened her eyes this time with an airy chuckle, the same e/c orbs that Spencer had become unbelievably immersed in. But it wasn't just her eyes he had become infatuated with, in fact Spencer could swear whole heartedly that he was in love with each and every part of her. From her gorgeous h/c hair to the bright smile that crossed her petal soft lips as they threw jokes and remarks at each other from across the bullpen. He was whipped, he knew it, the team knew it, hell, even the unsub had mentioned it before.

"I-, um, I-" He suddenly grew flustered, any previously mustered courage disappearing as his honey tinted irises met y/n's. Spencer watched as she giggled quietly at his ridiculous behavior, her gentle voice so sirenic as it blessed his love-struck ears. He loved how her eyelashes fluttered and she subconsciously bit her lip when she laughed, how her arm would raise to cradle her chest when loud howls and snorts involuntarily fled her. The way a cloak of crystal masked her eyes as the laughter brought tears of sheer joy to prick at the corners.

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