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{ TW. This chapter contains violence, knifes, blood and death so please do not read if that triggers you. }


The team had just finished a hectic case, their brains were swarming with the morbid images they had only recently seen.

Everyone but Reid and y/n had already escaped the dreary atmosphere of the office and were most likely cuddled up in bed sound asleep whilst y/n was nodding off between paperwork and Spencer was chugging the scolding hot coffee as if his life depended on it.

Y/n finally ticked the last box on the sheet and practically dashed out of the door, barely waving to Spencer as she threw the glass doors open and jumped down the stairs three at a time.

Her running was cut short when a huge gust of wind blew into her face, the wind was sharp and nipped at her nose, y/n began to shiver violently as she made her way to the car.

Her hands were shaking violently with the cold so when she pulled her keys out she dropped them straight onto the ground. Y/n groaned in exasperation as she kneeled down to retrieve her keys, desperate to slip into the cozy confines of her duvets.

When y/n pulled herself back up she suddenly felt a presence behind her, she slowly turned and just as she was making out the persons silhouette she felt a sharp pain sting through her forehead, then everything went black.

Spencer dragged his legs in the direction of his car, eager to get home and read a few books to distract his busy mind from the latest case. He merely glanced in the direction of y/n's car when he saw the door wide open, he approached quickly and his breath caught in his throat when he saw a pool of blood alongside y/n's car keys.

His breathing grew erratic and heavy as his eyes followed the deep crimson that flowed gently along the concrete and towards the surrounding drain. Spencer grabbed his gun from its holster and took cautious steps around the car, he was desperate to find footsteps or any sign of where y/n had gone, he couldn't even begin to imagine losing the woman he loved. Y/n was blissfully unaware of the young genius' true emotions towards herself and for all that Spencer was a genius and seemingly knew everything he too was unaware of how desperate y/n was to admit that she had been madly in love with the man for years.

The two seemed to live in a mutual agreement to never confess their feelings, to watch as the other fell in and out of 'love' with others, they were at an impasse, Spencer was too naive and y/n was too stubborn and embarrassed.

Spencer followed the drops that seemed to lead towards a van behind the BAU building, his breath was stuck in his throat and his head felt fuzzy as the drops of scarlet stopped at the door of the navy blue vehicle. His head perked up when he heard the sudden squeal of a car door opening, Spencer scanned the area to find y/n's abductor but his search was fruitless, a sudden blow to the back of his head caused him to drop his gun. He could feel the blood begin to pour before he collapsed to the concrete and everything became void, a cruel twilight devouring him.


Y/n woke up when a loud scream echoed through her ears, it felt as if the scream was bouncing off the inside of her head, only adding to the sudden ache that she was met with.

She squinted her eyes and furrowed her brows when she tried to take in her surroundings, after attempting to rub her eyes she realised that her hands were tied behind the chair she was forcefully strapped to. Y/n looked around once her eyes had adjusted to the harsh white lights that were beaming down on her blood and dirt covered skin, her gaze immediately locked onto the frantically kicking Spencer Reid, he seemed to be trying to find a way to escape the confines of the rope but it was no use, he was tied even tighter than y/n.

𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒅 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now