Pathetic - Part Four

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Another night, another moment of pleasure, another crack in the glass of y/n's heart. A step away from shattering, each kiss pushing it closer to the edge, about to smash. Dancing upon a thin cliff edge, teasing her with ruin and damnation below, if she would just take that step. Allow herself to fall, be embraced in the arms of isolation. Every noise Spencer made distracted her from her calculated steps, each thrust driving her closer and closer.

She already felt as though she had fallen, the crepuscule encapsulating her, with his hands around her throat, stealing each breath. Her pulse irregular and scattered, trying so hard not to stop from the way he was looking at her. With that primal fury in his golden eyes, the onyx centres brimming with lust and sadistic pleasure. A pace that shook her whole body, sending shocks through her spine as her mind ravaged behind the cloak of felicity and glee she displayed to Spencer.

But as his pace slowed, the fog within her thoughts cleared. It was no longer twisted crypts and riddles; she knew what she needed to do. Something she had tried to do before but had fallen victim to his charming smile and devilish eyes. It had to be done, even if it meant she was sent plummeting from the cliff edge she held onto so dearly.

'Stop.' She gasped through his fingers, breath coming in laborious wheezes from his constriction. Spencer simply grinned and went faster, he had played this game before. He enjoyed it even, he liked hearing her beg to stop, the way her pleads would subtly die down. It gave him a thrill of dominance, of control.

'Stop. I mean it, get your hands off me' Y/n began to squirm and scratch, clawing at his face, thrashing her legs. Trying to pry herself away from his unyielding grasp and consistent thrusting, he kept that same cruel grin upon his freckled face, one that once drove y/n insane but now repulsed her.

'Come on y/n, you know you want it' he purred, gripping her waist tightly and pulling her impossibly closer, putting himself deeper within her.

'Stop fucking touching me' Y/n cried, slashing her nails across Spencer's face. Her heart yearned to apologise and comfort him when she saw the marks upon his cheek, heard the gentle yelp he released when they had torn his once flawless skin. But the rage that ignited within his eyes as the pain set in made her squirm away from him. Spencer moved away from her, cradling his cheek as he looked at y/n through his lashes. Deep-set with fury, no longer a gentle amber shade, his eyes ravaged with an unbridled hatred towards y/n. Yet that glint in his eye remained, the need for her he had. No matter how much he denied it, he craved her. Craved her touch, her noises, her love.

'Jesus Christ, what's your problem' Spencer hissed, tongue poking his cheek as he seethed. Y/n felt her previous courage buckle like it had so many times before, this was when she pleaded and begged. When she threw herself in his arms and searched for tenderness in his violence, love in his hatred. But she couldn't afford to fail, the glass had started to fall, lacerating her as it slipped. Her throat was hoarse from its shards, tears running like the blood in her veins.

'I can't anymore'.

'What do you mean you can't?' Spencer quirked his head, caramel and hickory curls falling to one side as he did so. If it weren't for the disappointment that filled his features, y/n would have thought he looked beautiful in that moment. A gentle curiosity danced behind the darkness, it made y/n's heart ache for more. To see the loving side of the doctor, she could see it sometimes. Feel it in the tenderness of his touch, but that mirage of affection was always smashed by his harsh words and sick fantasies.

'I can't do this, whatever the hell this is. I can't sit here for another moment; feel you touch me but not well and truly touch me. I can't pretend that I'm happy, I can't pretend that I don't need you.'

'Princess, I already knew you needed me, I see the way your eyes light up when I'm around, you crave me and I know it, you're practically crying you need me so bad' Spencer spoke with a mocking tone, twirling y/n's hair between his thin fingers. Bringing his thumb up to wipe away the tears as they slipped down her cheek, it was moments like this that made y/n believe that maybe he could feel the same. When he was holding her, not grasping violently at her body. His hand clasped her chin, pulling her swollen lip down with his tear-soaked thumb. Y/n could taste the salt on her tongue, prickling at her tastebuds as she watched Spencer with timid curiosity.

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