Coffee Shop

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A small jingle sounded in the air as y/n opened the door, the rich scent of coffee and cinnamon invading her senses as she stepped into the quaint cafe only just around the corner from her house.

Her cheeks flooded scarlet as the warm air embraced her frost bitten body, her h/c littered with snowflakes from the relentless weather outside. She loved to come here and relax, the warm aroma that forever filled the coffee shop never failing to bring a smile to her face.

"Can I get a chai tea?" She grinned tiredly at the wide eyed woman behind the counter, the woman's auburn locks bouncing excitedly on her shoulders. Y/n quickly tapped her card against the reader that sat on display next to the register, the small ding alerting her the payment went through.

"Coming right up" she spoke with a smile, ushering herself away to make y/n's drink. The h/c haired girl gazed around the shop, watching as a small couple chatted quietly in a corner booth, fingers interlaced with the others.

A large bookshelf covered the biggest wall in the cafe, each shelf lined with books of varying conditions. Some were old leather backs, pages creased and worn from years and years of attention. Others were brand new, slick covers and pristine white pages that begged for someone to wear down.

Y/n picked up her drink before sliding into her usual booth, one with the gorgeous view of the park outside. Emerald trees painted with precious drops of crystal snow, the ground shining brightly with the gentle golden glow of the sun. She watched as awkward teens walked side by side, hands itching to latch onto the ones beside them. Dogs bouncing excitedly as their owners watched with wide smiles at their pets joy.

The sudden jingle of the bell snatched y/n's attention away from her cup, when her eyes landed on what could only be described as the most gorgeous man to ever walk the earth.

The man was tall, his hair practically brushing against the top of the door. His skin was sun kissed, adorned with hundreds of honey freckles that contrasted against the precious shades of crimson upon his cheeks. His eyes were like pools of the richest gold, bright and joyful as they glimmered in the warm lights.

Y/n watched as he ordered his drink, a pounding feeling in her chest as she watched him with wide eyes. When he turned to look around the shop, his eyes locked with y/n's e/c ones, eventually leading to an unfortunate chain of events.

She smiled kindly at him, the scolding hot liquid in her mouth quickly pouring from her lips and soaking her clothes. Spencer's smile faded as he watched y/n flap her arms in an attempt to cool the tea, he rushed over towards where she sat, small pile of paper towels in hand.

"H-here, are you okay?" He rushed out, piling the napkins in front of them and wiping away the drink. His worried frown disappeared as y/n suddenly began to laugh, pausing her cleaning to hold her stomach as she chuckled loudly. Spencer began to giggle nervously alongside her, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the girl.

"Sorry, it's just-" she cut herself off by a quiet laugh, returning to her wiping only to grimace when she saw just how ruined her shirt was.

"The one time a good looking guy comes in I immediately make a total fool of myself" y/n brought her hands up to cover her face, closing her eyes and hoping the world would just swallow her whole. Then the words she just said hit her, shit. Did I just say that? she thought with a hidden scowl.

Spencer chuckled nervously, his soft caramel curls falling in front of his rose tinted cheeks. His navy blue tie fell forward slightly as he smiled, the end soaking up a small puddle of tea that remained on the table.

"W-well if you want I could buy you another coffee"

"Sure, thank you. Do you wanna sit with me?" Y/n questioned sweetly, watching as the man she had still yet to name blushed wildly and fixed his terrible posture.

"I-I'd love that" his tone was meek and shy, wavering quietly as he spoke. He nervously ran a hand through the rugged toffee tendrils upon his head, unaware of how y/n practically drooled at the way his veins protruded against the smooth porcelain skin.

"I'm y/n by the way" Y/n said whilst extending a hand out to him, almost laughing at how small her hands were compared to his.

"Spencer. Spencer Reid".

I love this one tbh! Hope you liked it aswell :)
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night 💞✨✌️🥺

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