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Okay, so this story roughly follows what happens when Reid gets kidnapped but I'm gonna change a few things!

Spencer woke up, his head was throbbing and when he tried to move he realised that he was tied to his chair. He struggled against the ropes but it was no use, there could have been twenty different ropes bounding him to the chair. The last thing he remembered was telling JJ that they should split up and now here he was, tied up to a chair, unaware of his surroundings and in agony. He threw his head back, hoping to alleviate some of the pain, it worked for a few seconds but a new wave of pain surged through him when his leg jerked, causing the rope to burn his leg.
Spencer let out an unmanly scream when the door of what seemed to be a wooden shed swung open, a tall figure stood in the doorway, he was wearing a black robe and was holding what appeared to be a syringe. It took Spencer only a few moments to realise exactly who the hooded figure was, Tobias. He wasn't sure why he hadn't realised it before, they were looking for him when he was knocked out. The man walked forward and kneeled in front of Spencer, he was finally able to focus on the man's features and he was certain it was him. Tobias reaches down and pulled out a small bottle and filled the syringe with the clear liquid as Spencer looked on, unable to stop him, he lifted the needle and pointed it at Spencer's veins,
"Please don't" Spencer pleaded as he watched the man pierce through his skin and inject the drug that he had identified as Dilaudid. He threw his head back once again as the drugs flowed through his veins.

From what Spencer could tell he had been there for nearly 24 hours, his hope was quickly faltering as every second passed by. Tobias had injected more drugs recently and this time he allowed himself to reminisce in his life up to this point, in other words, he started to think about Y/N and how stupid he had been to not let her know how he had felt. He had been in love with her for over a year now yet never told her how he felt, instead he tried to keep the tears hidden every time she walked into the BAU either with or talking about her new boyfriend. He had never realised how much Y/N had been flirting with him, she too had fallen head over heels for Spencer yet never told him. Now she was pacing around the briefing room, trying not to have a panic attack. It had been nearly 48 hours since Spencer had gone missing and they still didn't know where he was, they knew who it was yet had no idea where. Just as she was about to lose all hope Garcia's laptop pinged and she screamed, Y/N rushed over and her knees buckled when she saw what was on the screen.

Your POV

Spencer. He was tied up to a chair, his hair tugged and covered in blood. My knees almost disappeared at the sight, sending me straight to the floor with a loud thud. Morgan helped lift me back to my feet after a moment and I began sobbing, I couldn't stand to see Reid wincing and twisting in pain. Suddenly a gruff and deep voice sounded from behind the camera, I wasn't able to stay in that room a moment longer so I stormed out, only to pass out seconds after shutting the door.

I woke up to see the BAU looking at me, their faces a mixture of worry and joy. I scrunched my brows together and winced slightly at the throbbing pain in my head,

"why is Hotch smiling?" I asked, the team just laughed slightly and Hotch's face returned to its usual serious expression. I swear I've seen that man smile twice in the three years I've worked here.

"We know where pretty boy is" Morgan smiled and helped me back up to my feet yet again. "where is he?" I asked, the colour returning to my face and a smile appearing.

"We'll show you when we get there but right now we gotta go" he responded before joining the rest of the team on their way to gear up.


The rest of the team and I piled out the car, trying to be as quiet as possible so that Tobias wouldn't do anything to Reid. JJ nodded towards the small wooden shed and we all began to walk towards it, I tiptoed over to a crack in the wall, hoping with all my might that he would be there but it was empty. There was a chair covered in ropes and blood spattered across the floor and chair, my heart sped up, I had to force myself to remain professional and not burst into tears at the thought of Reid being gone. I hear a commotion from behind the shed and began to run towards the sound, the rest of the team followed, staying only a few metres away. I peeked around the wall to see Spencer holding a shovel and Tobias holding a gun to his head, I turned and nodded to the team before sneaking around the other side of the shed so that I was behind Tobias, I swung my gun over the side of his head, causing him to topple over and drop his weapon. I called out for the team and they got there seconds later, Morgan took his hands behind his back and placed the handcuffs on his wrist, telling him his rights as he did so. I looked over to Reid and was met by him running towards me. He grabbed the side of my face with his hands and pressed our lips together, sending butterflies through my stomach and sparks through my body. I deepened it for a moment but stopped when I heard Garcia and JJ squeal from my right, Spencer looked disappointed when I pulled away but the smile quickly returned when I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

Reids POV

Tobias had finally untied the ropes but seconds later he had a gun pointed at my head, he threw a shovel at me and instructed that I walked over to the graveyard to the side of the shed that I had been holed up in. I nodded, trying to come up with a plan to escape that didn't end up with me having a bullet somewhere in my body. I walked forward and he opened the door, shoving me through and directing me towards the gates. I stumbled slightly and I could of sworn I heard a car pull up but when I didn't hear anything else any hope that I had disappeared just as quickly as it had showed up. Tears started to pour as I looked down where I had been instructed to dig my own grave, I once again allowed myself to think about Y/N, this time not feeling guilty for being so in love with her, if I was going to die I might aswell be thinking about the one I love. I had started to sob when I heard a loud grunt, followed by a thud and what sounded like Y/N's voice. I spun around to see her standing there, putting her gun back in her holster, her eyes met mine and I couldn't help it. I found myself almost sprinting towards her and the second I was close enough I kissed her, I was worried when she took a step back but all fear vanished when she leaned in and kissed me back. I could hear JJ and Garcia giggling and squealing but it only made me happier, we pulled apart and I frowned slightly before she laced her fingers with mine bringing my smile straight back.

"I'm sorry it took us so long" she said looking down at the ground in disappointment, I lifted her chin with my fingers and smiled at her. "you saved me, don't apologise" she exhaled sharply and looked straight into my eyes. "I need to say something. I know with our jobs we're always in danger but I just wanna tell you I love you" she blurted out so fast I could barely hear the words I had been longing to hear for years, "I love you too" I quickly hugged her but we were joined by the rest of the team squeezing me so tight I could barely breathe.

"come on Hotch" Garcia called out from the middle of the group hug, Hotch walked over and gave me a pat on the back before being shoved into the hug by JJ. He chuckled, a sound I had never heard in the entire time I had worked at Quantico, It only made me squeeze everyone tighter and my smile to grow to an impossible size. This was my family. I loved them more than I could imagine. Especially Y/N.

Word Count: 1512 words

how was this? was it okay? please let me know in the comments! also please vote and comment so I know if you liked it :) if you have any suggestions please please please give me them as I'm stumped!!!!

good morning/afternoon/night - Mae xoxo

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