Good Boy

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He craved her. You could see it in his puppy dog eyes and sulking figure, oh how he longed for her to break him. For her to tie him down, strip him of his clothes, his dignity, his self-worth. He wanted to be nothing but a toy to her, but she would hardly look his way. Her words were short and dignified, lips pursed and features stoic in her presence, he wanted to make her feel good, and she was repulsed by him. Her breath didn't shake when he was around, he didn't send lightning through her veins as she did to him. So, he devised a plan, he had watched her pets come in before, knew what she liked. How they were always adorned in hickeys, their wrists always displaying cuffs she could clip together at any moment, the sinful name they always whined and begged to. Spencer could play innocent, moan under his breath, make her desire him as much as he ached for her.

It started with dropping things near her, claiming a sore back, and having no choice but to get on his knees to pick it up. At first, y/n dismissed his actions, but when he pretended to hurt his spine and released a small whine, her eyes shot towards him. Spencer had never felt a rush like it, the thrill of her eyes blazing into his skin, it was a drug that he would become hopelessly addicted to.

The next step was the cuff around his wrists, hiding beneath his sleeves sat two identical leather bands, silver rings hanging from them. It felt odd at first, having something so tight around his wrist and not being able to roll up his sleeves in case any of the team saw them. But the look on y/n's face as he reached for a case file made it all worthwhile, the raise of her brow and the devilish look in her eye as she finally met Spencer's desperate gaze, the challenge she presented with a single twitch of her eyebrow. It sent shivers down his spine and almost had him on his knees for the second time that day.

From there it only got better for Spencer, her stares grew long and concentrated. Y/n's hands gripped her pen impossibly tight as Spencer threw his head back, yawning loudly and letting out an innocent whine at the end. But when he came into work with fake hickeys littering his neck, y/n seemed to finally reach her breaking point.

Her stare grew bored, her features cruel and her countenance indifferent. She ignored him entirely, slipping away when he came near, wearing earphones so she couldn't hear his moans. It drove Spencer crazy; it shattered his heart in ways he never knew possible. He tried to become everything she could ever want, so why didn't she love him as deeply as he loved her?

His hope began to dissolve, the harsh reality that maybe he would never be enough for her beginning to set in like a weight on his lungs. He may have once longed to feel her hands around her throat, and maybe she had, but this time it was different to his violent delights. In his dreams she would whisper in his ear, bite his neck, use him in whatever way she wanted. But now her hand was suffocating him, it was creeping around his neck as he so longed for her to do, but it was too tight, the pleasure faded to pain, the love faded to despair. Yet the same masochistic devotion that had driven him to these lengths that allowed him to maintain hope, despite her evident lack of care.

That was until y/n well and truly snapped, her words fleeing her like a flood. The streams slipping from her lips, showering Spencer in her ideas and emotions, allowing the demons he had craved to witness for so long finally enrapture him in that delightful crepuscule. It was when he had approached her in the conference room, she stood there, so elegant and composed. Nothing like Spencer's nervous figure as he made his way less than gracefully across the room, he knew she had heard him, yet her face remained unbothered as she flipped through her files.

"Y/n" He began, his voice faltering as he spoke. It seemed as if all oxygen disappeared when she was around. Y/n became his oxygen, she was the only thing that mattered. Spencer's nervousness faded to irritation as she ignored him, he could almost see the smirk as it painted itself across her lips. Her silence was somehow still overpowering, not a word was spoken, and he already knew all hope of dominance was gone. A rich chuckle sounded from her painted lips, a sinful symphony that serenaded Spencer, left him breathless and begging for more.

"You think you're funny, do you?" Y/n spoke, a glint in her eye that could have toppled kingdoms, brought the devil into submission. Spencer smiled inwardly, trying to play innocent. Y/n grew agitated with his coy demeanor, seeing the truth shining behind the shades of crimson and rose that glistened across his freckle dusted cheeks. A hand clasped around Spencer's throat, pushing him harshly against the wall, a gentle plead fleeing his lips as he collided, ragged curls fell before his face, his mouth open and breathing heavily. Y/n could feel his pulse beneath her fingers, how his precious heart sped up under her touch.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Spencer grinned after he spoke, a newfound confidence flooding him despite his compromising position. Y/n raised her brows, gripping Spencer's hair with her other hand, entwining her fingers in the golden tendrils. Spencer whined as she yanked, watching his neck become exposed as he stared at the ceiling, his breath coming in desperate pants.

"Don't play dumb. We both know exactly what you've been doing. If you're such a desperate little whore for me, why didn't you just ask?" Spencer stammered after she spoke, her words creeping through his mind, crawling down his spine and sending thrills through every nerve in his body. A gentle moan fleeing his scarlet lips, eyes ravenous and brimming with excitement.

"Good boys get what they want, but if you want to keep being a fucking whore, we can make that work too. So, what do you say pup? You gonna behave for me?" Y/n watched his strength crumble before her, she had him wrapped around her finger. He just had to say the words and she would ruin him like he had longed for her to do, yet Spencer seemed completely frozen. Shocked by the sudden change of events, entranced by the words playing in his mind, the feeling of her fingers around his throat. The only noise he was capable of making was a pleading whine, his body squirming under her hold, trying to feel more of her. Her body heat scorned him in the most delicious way, he ached for more, to see the scars her flames would adorn him with, feel every second of her sadistic torture.

"Use your words, slut"

"Y-yes, I'll behave" Y/n grinned at his words, his eager tone thrilling her, she had seen his desperation since the moment he had set his eyes on her. But watching his pathetic attempts for her attention were addicting, she loved watching the little show he had put on lately, reveled in the pretty noises he made. Imagined using those cuffs to tie him down, strip him of everything, show him who he belonged to. Show his innocent soul the pleasure it had been depraved of for so long.

"Good boy".

it's been a while ! i know this chapter is short and terrible but i decided to write it just to let you guys know i will be coming back to writing soon! a lot has been going on but i have some amazing news i would like to share with you guys

in the very near future i will be publishing my first ever book, not online, but i will be selling physical copies! it's a huge step for me in my writing career and i hope you are all as excited as me, this book has been years in the making and i cant wait to be able to share it with you guys ! i'll do an announcement when it's officially on sale, i cant wait to share my best work with all of you!!

i hope you're all having an amazing day, don't forget to vote, comment and request!

lots of love, mae xoxo

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