Shades of Grey

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The day colour flooded their vision was one they would never forget, how their hearts fluttered and skin tingled as it made contact with their soulmate. How the very first colour y/n would ever see would be the rivers of honey that flowed behind his eyes, how the last she would ever see would be the fluorescent light of her phone as she dialed Garcia's number.

She had been at her local library, watching as the sun set through the small window beside the large leather chair in which she sat. But there was something missing, the stagnant crimson rivers that truly appeared were nothing but a blend of charcoal and onyx, those few mellow shades were all she had ever seen. Y/n found it hard to believe that soulmate existed, that out there was a person who melded so effortlessly with your own soul. Who was born to love and be loved by only one person for eternity, who without you were deemed unworthy of colour. She sighed as she finished the last page of her book, running her hands over the slick leather binding that held the pages, oh how she longed to see the shades that resided upon those pages. To see the beauty of a sunrise that her luckier friends had tried to describe, to even know simple things, like what colour her hair was, what her eyes looked like besides the shifting blend of raven and steel that swirled like desolate whirlwinds.

Y/n had stood from her chair, unaware that the man she had been waiting for had just walked through the doors. His skin a dull porcelain and hair falling like ghostly tendrils of smoke, even without colour his eyes held such intricacy, kaleidoscopes of even the cloudiest hues. Both had gravitated towards the very same book, hands grasping the withered paper spine from opposite side of the shelf, oblivious as to what was about to happen. Their fingers brushed and eyes locked as they pulled, sparks igniting in their veins and a sense of home residing in their chests.

It didn't hit them like a ton of bricks, rather the colours slowly began to seep into view. It was his eyes first, soft umber tones that shone like rich chocolate, vines of gold and stems of amber creeping through the orbs as a pale rose painted his cheeks and the gentle hickory of his hair flooded her eyes.

Although the world had ignited with colour for the first time in their lives, they couldn't pull their eyes off the other. Utterly immersed in the way their skin glowed, how soft their hand felt beneath their own, how their heart fluttered and thumped against their chests.

From that moment, their lives had never been dull. So full of love, adoration, such an undeniable connection between two souls. There was only one problem, with Spencer's job he was constantly risking his life, leaving them both in a limbo between security and fatality. It pained them both to be so far away from their partner so often, but the euphoria they felt when in the other's arms made each lonely night worth it. Y/n trusted Spencer and his team entirely, knowing just how skilled and precise they were, how they took each precaution and always made sure their family was safe.

She had grown close with them all, especially Garcia, seeing as she could keep y/n calm and accompanied when the team didn't need her help for a case. That was the magic of Penelope Garcia, she was always a phone call away, one click and you would be greeted with sunshine and smiles. Except one day, the onetime y/n truly did need her friend's snappy response and wonderous skills, she wasn't there to answer the call.

Y/n had been sitting on the couch, the very book she had found Spencer with sitting tight within her grasp. But for some reason, she couldn't focus on the words, the letters melting and whirling until they were incomprehensible. The sweet scent of vanilla that emitted from her favourite candle made her feel sick, the noise of the streets outside far too loud. Something was wrong, she could sense it, it was a heavy feeling in her chest, a voice in her head. There was a problem, and only one thing came to mind, Spencer.

He wasn't okay, she could sense it. As if she was on the case with him, she could feel the fear in his veins, the fog that clouded his mind. She could almost feel the pain that tore through him. Y/n picked up her phone, trying to convince herself she was just being paranoid, and that Spencer was probably sound asleep on the jet, hair messy and nose scrunching like it does when he's in a deep sleep. But it was like a parasite, a thought that latched onto her mind and multiplied, feeding off the dark thoughts that swirled in her brain and drank from the tears that welled in her eyes.

Her fingers trembled lightly as she unlocked her phone, desperately tapping the screen and opening Penelope's contact. It was just as she clicked dial that it started, the ring around her vision started to darken, each beautiful shade slowly being seeped from view. The voicemail message rung in her ears as she clasped her mouth, y/n wasn't stupid, she knew what was happening. Knew that somewhere out there, lay Spencer, life fading alongside the delightful hues that had blessed his sight for such a short amount of time.

With each pleading wheeze, each exhausted beg, another shade would darken. Like the world was being cast in the same shadow that had loomed over his shoulder his entire life, slowly teasing him with the darkness that awaited. Preparing him for oblivion by easing him into the sirenic twilight, piece by piece. Until the crepuscule embraced him yet again, dangerously bewitching as its arms pulled him under. The very last colour he ever saw being the scarlet that flowed from the cavern in his chest, the glint of the knife that had been burrowed deep within.

I'm gonna be writing a happier soulmate story v soon cause this was the first time I wrote a happy one and didn't want it to end sadly!

Sorry if it's not the best I've just been feelin v uninspired recently but I promise there will be better chapters coming soon!

Let me know what you thought, don't forget to vote, comment and request!

Good Morning, Afternoon and Night - Mae xoxo

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