Married in Vegas

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The team groaned in unison when Hotch informed them that they wouldn't get home until the following day. They had already finished the case yet due to a heavy rain storm the jet couldn't take off until the next morning.

Everyone had piled into the hotel and just as the team were about to divide into their respected groups and finally get some much needed rest, Morgan proposed that the team, for lack of a better word, get absolutely shit faced drunk.

The statement was initially met with an array of disapproving comments and complaints but after little to no persuasion the team were off getting ready for a night of booze and banter.

Y/n was meant to be sharing a room with Emily so the two chased each other down the vast hallways, both desperate to reach the shower first.

Although y/n was smaller than Emily she somehow managed to dash past her at the last second and slip into the generic hotel bathroom before her friend. Y/n discarded her clothes quickly and turned on the shower before stepping into the warm embrace that was the scolding water.

Mere minutes passed before Emily was pounding at the door, complaining incessantly that she was taking too long. Y/n loved Emily she really did but she was the most impatient woman she had ever met.

Y/n clambered out of the shower, shivering at the sudden loss of heat but stopped when she wrapped one of the provided towels around her slightly shaking posterior.

Emily barged into the bathroom hastily and began to undress before y/n had even processed what was going on, once she had realised that her friend was practically half naked y/n dashed out the door and started to rummage through her go back in an attempt to find a 'night out' appropriate outfit.

She slipped on a pair of high waisted black jeans, a white silk shirt with which she unbuttoned the first few exposing a small portion of her chest and collar bone, she zipped up her heeled boots before making her way back to the now empty bathroom to apply her makeup.

Y/n coughed slightly when the pent up steam escaped from the confines of the bathroom, the mirror was covered in a thick mist making it near impossible for y/n to make out her reflection. She wiped the water away with her towel from earlier before fishing through her makeup bag and beginning her usual routine, normally she would do a very natural look but tonight y/n decided to go all out. Instead of her usual mascara she doused her eyes in shades of red and gold, pristine black wings framed her eyes and her lips were stained a deep crimson.

When she walked out of the room she was met with a hoard of wolf whistles, she furrowed her brows in confusion at the sudden appearance of new voices but when she was met with the handsome faces of Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid she relaxed her face and gave them a light chuckle.

"Damn y/n" Derek said as he inspected her outfit, When y/n had first joined the BAU the mans flirty personality had left her confused and often blushing but after working with the man for just over five years she had grown accustomed to his often less than appropriate comments.

Y/n gave the group a spin and began laughing when Emily whipped out a bottle of vodka from seemingly nowhere. The team took turns taking swigs, besides Spencer who poured it carefully into a glass after thoroughly washing it in the sink.

Forty minutes later and the small group piled into a busy club only ten minutes away from the hotel, they were surprised that it took so long to find a bar since they were in Vegas of all places, they had passed three marriage chapels on the way to the club, each adorned in neon flashing lights of every colour imaginable and ridiculous caricatures of Elvis Presley just as   y/n had expected them to be.

Throughout the night and with each passing drink y/n found herself staring quite intently at none other than Spencer Reid. He was gorgeous, even her sober self knew that yet tonight she couldn't help but notice and appreciate different things about the young doctor. The two had been basically attached at the hip since they had joined the team at the same time and y/n had never found herself looking at the genius the way she was right now, it was if a whole new light had been shone on him and to say it was flattering would be an understatement.

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