Story 1--Karaoke Duet

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

(E/C): Eye colour

"Okay guys! Wow, that was one awesome performance you gave there! Thank you! Now who's next?"

It was just a typical night when you and Tadashi dropped by a karaoke lounge in San Fransokyo. You have no idea they had one, but since last summer when Tadashi heard you sing, he wanted to take you there. And now here you two are, just chilling around on a sofa, glasses of mocktail in hand, while the next solo singer started belting out another pop song from the old days.

"You like it?" Tadashi asked, smiling at you.

"Well, it's clean, at least," you said, smiling back as your hand overlapped his on the couch. "Not too loud. And the singers are decent. Did you go here often?"

"Yeah, but not a lot of the time," he admitted. "Just if I really need a break from building Baymax. I stopped when Hiro started bot fighting." He then squeezed your hand. "What about you?"

"I barely sing in public," you whispered. "Well, not barely, but most people don't know I could sing. I presented my talents a bit too late in high school. Most people know it by the time frosh week was over in university though, so I try to keep that up."

"That's good," Tadashi said. "And to be honest, I missed your singing. I wish I could hear it again."

"Do we have another volunteer?" you heard the host boom. The last performer has finished a long while back and the stage has been empty for way too long. How could you not have noticed? Without thinking, you jumped to your feet. "I'll go."

But the moment those words left your lips, you felt dizzy, and immediately regretted your words. What were you going to sing that was going to please the crowd?

"Wonderful!" The host literally pulled you onstage and presented you with the mic. You winced as the spotlight glared into your (e/c) eyes, but you decided to take that as an advantage. At least you couldn't see anyone, not even Tadashi.

"What's your name, dear?" He proceeded to ask.

"(Y/N)," you responded, feeling your legs turn to jelly. You had to ball one of your hands into a fist to stop yourself from shaking.

"And what would you like to sing for us today?"

You started to mentally shuffle through your favourite singing playlist before you settled on a song that you were sure everyone would love.

"(your favourite song)," you decided. Everyone whooped, and you felt a swooping sensation in my stomach. "I mean," you added quickly, "it's just a suggestion, you don't have to--"

But the host laughed, cutting you off. "Of course we'll take it! No one has ever sang this song at our lounge before!"

"Really?" You we surprised.

"Yeah. I suppose you'd be the first. But I know you're going to shine tonight." He turned to the DJ, who gave a nod. "Good luck dear," he finally said before walking off the stage.

You suddenly felt all eyes train on you, and you started to lose it. Internally, you started to freak out and became self-conscious. But somehow, you found Tadashi in the crowd, and your eyes locked.

"Breathe," he whispered, making a hand gesture that indicated breath in, breath out.

You nodded and did so, and your fingers curled themselves on the mic securely. The music started playing, and you had a couple seconds, then you began to sing. The song continued to play and you continued singing without a second thought. Shock and relief flows within you when you realized halfway through the song that you were singing so much better than you normally would. By the time you sang the last line, the crowd cheered for you, and you blushed, wiping tears on your (f/c) hoodie.

The host came back onstage and enveloped you in a hug, which you accepted graciously.

"That. Was. Something." The host wiped a tear. "Wow."

"I guess that was definitely a first," you added, laughing.

"Well, thank you dear," the host said. "Oh wait. I just have one question to ask everyone." He turned to the crowd.

"Would you like her to give an encore?"

The crowd went wild at the idea.

"I'll sing with her," a voice suddenly piped up.

All heads turned to Tadashi, but he didn't mind the attention. He just casually walked onstage.

"And what would you like to sing with her?" The host asked him.

"(favourite duet song)," he replied.

You gasped. You haven't sung that in a while, but it was a great idea.

"That sounds great!" The host looked pleased. "Oh, and what's your name, sir?"

"I'm Tadashi," he smiled, taking the second mic.

"Alright, let's do this," the host said, and the DJ nodded.

Tadashi took his spot beside you, and smiled reassuringly at you. You smiled back as the music began to play.

As you neared the end of the song, you don't know how, or why, but you and Tadashi were standing close to each other, in front of each other, as you sang the last few lines. You didn't notice Tadashi link his fingers with yours. You were admittedly just too lost in the moment. And just as you sang the last line, he put the mic away from his mouth, gently cupped your face in his hand, and kissed you.

Surprised, but definitely expecting it, you kissed back, oblivious to the crowd cheering again, louder than ever. The kiss lasted for another minute before the host came back and patted you on the back, to which you broke apart, embarrassed.

"That was adorable!" He beamed at the both of you, and the whole crowd cheered. "Thank you both," he said to you two. "You should sing together a lot more often," he added with a wink. "And do come back here when you have the time."

"Thank you sir," you said, waving to the crowd in farewell as we exited the stage, hand in hand. It was then when you realized that Tadashi had his hand around yours, but you didn't let go.

"I'm glad you decided to take that initiative," Tadashi smiled gently at you, once you two reached a fairly empty area.

"I didn't know how good we sound in a duet," You eventually noted, and he blushed a little bit.

"Well, now you know," he finally said, and he leaned in as your lips touched again.

SO THIS IS MY FIRST SHOT okay like NO JUDGING! I previously uploaded this on Instagram, but I have to change all the I's to You's, and I hope it doesn't lose its charm hehehh. But do you have any requests? Comment below or post on my profile or message me and I'll get to those requests as soon as possible. Peace out guys, good night.


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