Story 36--Trying to Cope

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(Y/N): Your Name

(A.N. Just another story relating to what I'm going through at the moment. Would be sad, so just prepare for some teary moments.)

The clock ticks slowly behind you as you try to get something done in your lab on a beautiful spring day. A blue sky beckons to you but you were too depressed to acknowledge it. A heavy heart is all you could register as you sat in your chair, gazing down at your feet instead of the tools in your hands, and you sighed.

You've been like this for a while now, and for no particular reason. Wait, yes, there was a reason why you have been acting like this. You felt that with every passing day you were drifting farther and farther away from your best friends in SFIT, and soon, no one came to listen to you speak anymore. Happy days full of chatty breaks and endless laughter soon died away to a silence as you now heard them talking without including you in their conversation. You tried to convince yourself that it wasn't your fault, but you thought it was, and by this point it was too late to turn back. You've already shut every single person out. You didn't feel like talking to anyone. In fact, you started to become silent, unable to vocally express yourself.

Yes. You were starting to become mute.

Unfortunately for you, some people did notice this—starting with your very first friend in the lab, Gogo.

"(Y/N)? You know you can't just cut yourself away from us like this," she said to you. "What's wrong?"

You just shook your head.

"Nothing?" Gogo asked. "Well...I won't be too sure about that. But okay. Just talk to any of us if you need it, okay?"

This repeated about twice more over the next few days, and then you didn't hear from anyone at all. Not even your mom made any effort to help.

"Relax, (Y/N)! They are all probably just busy with their own thing, you know. Just...give them some time," your mom tried to say.

But you felt pain shoot through your chest, course through your system like a poison. "I already am," you choke out. "But it just seems like...they're no know..."

"I know dear," she said in an attempt to soothe you, calm you down. But you knew you have hurt them beyond repair, just because of that stupid assumption.

With each passing day you have always dreaded going to SFIT. You have become so ill that even your favourite professor at SFIT, Professor Callaghan, started trying to get you to talk to him, but you just refused. You left yourr food untouched. You started to fail on every assignment, every project. You shut yourself away completely from everyone. And you didn't know, you just didn't seem to understand, why you are living like nothing is wrong.

At the present moment you were still sitting and looking down at your feet when you heard a knock at the door, followed by a man's voice. "Can I come in?"

You jumped, but didn't reply. That voice belonged to your most recent best friend in the college, Tadashi Hamada.

You shook your head. Tadashi would probably most likely be the last person you wished to see. As much as you liked him, you felt that you already hurt him the most, and you really didn't want to start crying all over him.

Tadashi, having heard nothing, opened the door and entered your lab.

Halted by the sound of his footsteps, you immediately started to clear away all of your tools in your toolbox and gathering all of your blueprints in a pile on your desk, not bothering to acknowledge Tadashi's presence.

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