Story 57--Like Magic (2)

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The year whizzed by so quickly you didn't even have time to blink.

Of course, after you told Tadashi about your life at Hogwarts, you made him swear not to tell anyone else, and so far he seems to be doing a good job with that. You didn't even tell your first friends, Honey Lemon or Gogo, much less the rest of the gang. The time-turner you used to get to all of your classes was safe around your neck, under your sweater or t-shirt or jacket or coat, and no one-ever questioned about the secret pendant you had to wear to get to all your classes, nor did they question about the speed you were working at to finish your projects.

Until one day.

It was near the end of the year when students were working on cumulative projects for the annual SFIT showcase. Just before the date, every student had to present their project for the professors to critique on. If the invention was worthy of display, they would be notified via written note placed on their desk in their lab.

On the day you were all to present your inventions, you were lazily at home first writing a letter to your parents and friends by owl back in London. Your barn owl, Frizz, was already very well fed and ready for your letter delivery.

"All ready, Frizz?" you asked, signing your final letter with a flourish and putting the quill back in the ink pot.

Frizz nodded and hooted in agreement, which made you smile as you tied on his leg 5 pieces of parchment.

"Be lucky it's a good day out," you smiled, opening the window to take in some fresh air.

"HOO!" Frizz suddenly hooted loudly as he jumped back, a car horn apparently scaring him.

You laughed. "Relax, Frizz. We'll get used to it, yeah?" You smiled reassuringly as you gave him one more rat entrail, then released him. "Go boy!"

Frizz then opened his wings and soared away, and you watched with content as your friend flew off into the distance, shrinking smaller and smaller until he disappeared into the horizon.

"Hey (Y/N)! You ready?"

You spun around to see Tadashi by the door frame to your room, leaning slightly on it with one arm propped up, a smile decked on his face.

"Tadashi Hamada! You scared me to death there!" you screamed, breathing hard. "Don't you DARE do that again!"

"Sorry, sorry," Tadashi laughed. "I take it you were sending some letters off?"

You nodded. "Yeah. Frizz seems to be getting healthier and stronger the longer we spend here."

"That's good to hear," Tadashi grinned. "Anyway, you ready?"

You nodded, grabbing your bag and checking to see that your time-turner, invention, and wand were safely stowed away in there. "Yeah."

"Then come on! It's not good to leave Hiro waiting down there."

You laughed in agreement as you and Tadashi descended down the stairs and exited the house. The instance you got there, Hiro was perched on the bench by your house, fiddling with his invention in his hand--a simple headband.

"Seems like Hiro's got some serious invention up his sleeve, what with a single headband," you remarked to Tadashi, who just chuckled.

"Most of us had the option to develop further the inventions we used to get into SFIT," Tadashi told you. "So Hiro took the time to further develop his microbots. I decided to add in some upgrades on my instant cooking machine."

"I take it it's a huge machine that you can't bring home to work with?" you giggled.

"Well...I guess," he shrugged. "But wait till you see the end result. It would make your mouth water." Then he grinned. "What about you?"

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