Story 61--Popularly...Awkward

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(Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Hair Colour

(E/C): Eye Colour

(A.N. I'm going to combine two requests from PastelToucan and The_Alternative_Girl and again, I apologize for getting your requests up so late!)

"Have you heard?"

"What's up?"

"There's a new kid here!"

"Oh my GOD! Wait, seriously?"

"I heard she's got amazing marks! I mean, from what I could hear from Professor Callaghan, she could be the next star student at SFIT!"

"Anyone know what her name is?"

"I wish I could get to know her!"

"Let's hope she's not a total jerk!"

These were the small snippets that Tadashi heard all around the school. Well, it was hard to miss out on the gossip--every single student was aware of you and your arrival. New student, and a very dedicated student already?

He quickly entered the library just to hopefully get away from all the chatter about you. To his dismay, his friends were also talking about you.

"Did you hear?"

"Oh my god, no way! She can't already just be here and get high grades!"

"Oh no! I think I'll lose my top spot on the Dean's list!"

"Guys?" Tadashi asked the group, approaching them cautiously. This made them jump.

"Oh my god, um, hey Tadashi!" Honey Lemon chirped.

"Hey," Tadashi waved halfheartedly. "What's this with this new girl around here? Why is she suddenly so popular?"

"No idea," Gogo shrugged. "But from what I heard, she's taking on the discussion boards like wildfire."

Tadashi chuckled as he took out a textbook. "Yeah. As if," he murmured.

"Hey guys," a new voice chimed through the group.

The gang all looked up to see their newest addition.

"Oh, hi (Y/N)!" Wasabi greeted you. "Um, have a seat!"

The girl--you--sat down. Tadashi unfortunately made a big mistake of looking up from his notes to see you...and immediately he became a hot red mess on the face. He had never met a beautiful girl like you--ever. (H/C) hair fell perfectly down your shoulders, and your (E/C) eyes were twinkling under the bright library lights on the ceiling.

"Uh-uh, um, hi," Tadashi said sheepishly, waving.

Being the nice and considerate person you were, though sometimes you could act very awkwardly around attractive guys, you took no notice in his stuttering or his red face as you waved back shyly. "Hi. I'm (Y/N), I'm new here," you smiled. "Well, only for a bit, anyway. I suppose the news about me has gone around like crazy, right?"

Honey Lemon nodded. "You're practically the talk of every student!"

"Ahh," you finally shrugged. "I mean, I...I don't consider myself to be popular. What with one certain person I met on the streets today referring here as 'Nerd School', I suppose everyone is on the same level as I am. Honestly, I'm not overly bugged."

"Well, that's good to hear," Tadashi finally contributed, offering you a small smile.

Gogo only popped a bubble and gobbled it up. "So you ready for tomorrow's electrical engineering exam?"

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