Story 46--Muddy trenches

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

"So one last time,

I need to be the one that takes you home.

One more time,

I promise after that, I'll let you go..."

You were singing in your lab again. Typical, isn't it? Yet today you were trying to keep your spirits up as a thunderstorm rolls along outside. It wasn't as strong as you thought—in fact, the rain was just about cleared up—but just looking up at the clouds made you shudder.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

You turned around to see your best friend, Honey Lemon, dressed up in a slick rain jacket and a pair of pink rain boots, dropping by, a goofy smile decked on her face. Her blonde hair was tied in a messy bun, her pink goggles secured on her face, yet her eyes were sparkling in excitement.

"Hey Honey Lemon," you greeted her casually, turning around in your chair to face her, putting down your pencil and calculator on the desk. "Why so—I don't know—"


You nodded. "Well, yeah."

"Fred planned up a mud war," Honey Lemon explained. "He invited all of us—you too, (Y/N)!"

"Wait, a MUD WAR?" You stood up and held your hands up in surrender. "Whoa. You don't mean we are grabbing mud and splatting them on people? We're going to go DIRTY?"

"You got it, (Y/N)!" Honey Lemon nodded excitedly. "Kinda like a snowball fight, but with mud. Of course, Wasabi opted out. But you can take his spot! We'll be even then!"

"So who's joining us?" you asked.

"Oh, just Fred, me, Gogo, Hiro, and Tadashi," she responded airily, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Why?"

Almost instantly you blushed hard at the mention of Tadashi's name. "Oh nothing," you replied brightly, hoping and praying that the blush didn't show. True, you and Tadashi have been pretty good friends just recently, when he started showing up more and more often in your lab just to work on projects with you. At first, they were just filled with pleasant small talk. Then full-fledged conversations. And now? You developed feelings. Great.

"Ahh, okay," Honey Lemon said. "So we'll see you outside in 20 minutes? That's when our lunch break is, anyway."

"Sure thing," you replied with a grin. "See you later, Honey Lemon!"

"See ya!" she called back, waving as she disappeared down the hall to her own lab.

You turned back to your own desk again and continued working on your blueprint, feeling somewhat out of focus as images of you and Tadashi and the rest of the gang slathered in mud entered your minds. Outside, the thunder kept rolling, though not as loudly as before. Small raindrops drizzled outside. But the dirt, just from a single glance, was probably already moist enough to form mud balls.

Mud balls. Just like snow balls. They were meant to be thrown at others and cause chaos, but hey, that was all for the fun.

You smirked as you pulled out your raincoat and your (F/C) rain boots from under your desk, setting them by your chair, as you continued working.


And in precisely 20 minutes you were out with your proper attire, even bothered bringing a pair of rubber gloves just in case, and caught sight of the rest of the gang sitting outside at the courtyard talking amongst themselves. Naturally, Wasabi wasn't with them, as Honey Lemon already mentioned, since he was very "keen" on messes.

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