Story 6--Black Belt

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(Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Hair Colour

(H/L): Hair Length

A.N. I have NO knowledge on karate or martial arts, so let me know if any of the terminology below is incorrect and I'll try my best to change it.


Everyone's eyes were on you as you started to fight through this really long obstacle course. It was the day of your black belt testing, and you really wanted to get that black belt. You worked so hard for this moment, and you were not going to fail. You dodged the slapping pieces of wood that were meant to stop you from moving, kicked away the huge punching bag, jumped over many beams, and sprinted for the dummy at the end, slicing your hand through it and kicking it off of the stand it was on.

Everyone cheered as you completed the course. Smiling in relief, you brushed the hair out of your eyes and saluted your master.

"Excellent," he nodded in approval. "Now it's time for your final test. Let's see our two testers on the ring."

Your master then leads you to the middle of the room, then brings out the other candidate for the black belt. Your eyes narrowed at who your opponent wa, and you tightened your ponytail on your head (sorry for the short haired people--let's just say you smoothed the hair out of your face).

Tadashi Hamada came into the ring, eyes narrowed as he took the ready stance. You stared into his eyes, full of loathing. The two of you have come to the dojo at the same time, since you were children, and even to this day you two were continuously competing to do better than the other. However, unbeknownst to you, Tadashi has taking a serious liking for you, yet you were blinded by competition to notice. At times you almost fell for him due to his good looks, but remembrance of your rivalry made you snap back to reality. 

"Salute," the master ordered, and you two bowed to each other.

"Positions," he ordered, and you took your stance, narrowing your eyes at Tadashi as he did the same. 

"Begin!: the master finally ordered.

You started to circle around the ring, Tadashi doing the same thing, both anticipating on the opponent to strike first. This went on for a good 2 minutes before you finally broke the tension by approaching the centre, swiping a hand towards his chest, only to have it blocked by his other hand. You then flowed to another position, kicking your leg high so that you could kick him in the head, but he ducked. And so the duel continued until you finally jumped and sent in a kick to his back, making him fall to the ground. You landed, ninja style, and then stood up again, bowing.

"Thank you," you simply said. However, your master didn't look pleased. 


You then noticed that Tadashi was getting up agian and was grabbing at your ankle, attempting to trip you. You countered that by leaping into the air and using all of your body weight to pull Tadashi up and off of the ground. The moment you landed, however, Tadashi slammed into the ground again, all strength knocked off of him. 

Tadashi didn't look ready to give up, however. He got back up and kicked you on the side of your stomach, sending you falling hard on your side. You quickly pushed yourself up again using your arms, and sent your legs flying to his chest in an attempt to knock him over. However, he did not fall, he kept his ground as you got yourself up.

The both of you then went through some complicated moves that either sent you flying through the air or crashing to the ground or simply trying to make contact with the opponent. You felt your (H/C) hair stick to the back of your neck and your forehead, plastered with sweat, and the heat and adrenaline just rushed through your system as you took him on. After what felt like forever, the master called, "HALT!"

You and Tadashi stepped away from each other, bowed to each other, and then bowed to the master, who looked very pleased with the both of you.

"You two have done well," he praised you. "It was hard for us, judging on your performance, to see how we were going to rate this. However, it seems very clear that you two know how to use the concepts you learned in a real life match. I am pleased to say that both of you have earned your black belts."

You and Tadashi turned to each other and then shook each other's hand before approaching your master and retrieving your black belts. You tied your belt around your waist and smiled at the crowd. Your eyes found your parents' immediately, and they smiled and waved at you. 

"Good job, (Y/N)," your master congratulated you, patting you on the back. "You did well."

"Thank you, sir," you said, bowing to him before exiting the training room. You headed off to your changeroom, took a quick shower, and changed back into your normal clothes, putting your gi back in your bag. Well, there's more laundry for you.

By the time you got out, your parents were talking with Tadashi, who somehow got out of his change room faster than you did. You barely saw him in his normal clothes, so to see him in a simple tee with a cardigan over it, brown jeans, and aqua sneakers made you rethink your rivalry, just a little bit. But before you could say anything, your mom came over to you and gave you a hug.

"Congratulations, (Y/N)!" she cried. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks...thanks mom," you said, returning the hug.

Your dad then approached you. "Good job out there."

"Thanks, dad," you smiled at him, letting go of your mom.

What you didn't expect was for Tadashi to approach you. "Uh, (Y/N), uh, good job."

You smiled ruefully at him. "Thanks."

You were going to leave with your parents, but then he stopped you. "Can you come with me for a minute? I have something to say."

Your eyes narrowed, but you nodded, looking back at your parents. They nodded at you, and you followed Tadashi outside to where he parked his moped.

"I have to admit something," he finally said, dropping his eyesight and shuffling his feet. "You're one awesome opponent, you really are. But I'm just going to say this, and don't flip me over or anything. Since the very first day we stepped into the dojo as kids...I really liked you, because even in your good looking state you were a fighter, and I was actually rooting for you the whole time through. Of course I wanted to do well in the dojo too, but I couldn't help but notice just how fierce you are for a girl. Sometimes I wonder if you ever notice..." He finally looked up at you, his cheeks turning red.

You blushed just a tinge of pink. "Tadashi, I don't blame you," you eventually said, after a moment of silence. "I'll admit it, I liked you too. I didn't expect anyone as handsome as you to just enter the ring and go through a complicated match like 'no sweat'." You laughed. "I guess I was too blinded by competition to even think about how amazing you are."

"I'm glad then," he said, gently taking your hand. Instead of judo flipping you like you expected, he just pulled you closer to him, brushing a hand on your cheek."You don't have to be scared of me. From now on, we can train together. We fight together, we stay together."

"If there is any need for us to do serious martial arts in extreme situations, I rather have you by my side," you murmured as you closed the gap between your lips with Tadashi's. 

"So are we even?" he asked, after breaking the kiss off.

You nodded, and gave him a hug. "How about we celebrate together? Got anything in mind?"

"Call your parents. We'll go to the Lucky Cat Cafe, and we'll have a small celebration there. Food is on the house," Tadashi smiled.

You let go and then, hand in hand, the two of you went back to your parents to tell them the news.

SORRY FOR THE HORRIBLE ENDING, I guess I am way too focused on my math to worry about another story. But I hope you enjoyed this. 

AND if you have any requests, PLEASE comment below your story ideas and I'll write them for you, even dedicate the stories to you. :)

Alright that's it from me. Peace out. More to come! :) 


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