Story 14--The Lucky One (part 4)

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Please read the first three parts before this one!

"Can (Y/N) and Brittney please come to the main office please."

This announcement rang from the PA that same day after school, while you were packing up ready to head home. You sighed and closed your locker door. Not like this meeting is going to waste so much of your time, right? You quickly texted your mom, but you don't text Tadashi. For all you know, he could be busy with his project to get himself into SFIT.

Shouldering your backpack, you headed off to the principal's office, surprised to see Brittney already there. She turned back at you the moment you got there and glared at you with complete loathing. But not like you cared. You never liked her, and who cares what she does to you anyway? Unless the whole school got involved, of course.

"Come in, (Y/N). Make yourself comfortable," the principal told you, gesturing to an empty seat.

You took off your bag and sat down in the seat, feeling Brittney's glare pierce right through you.

"Alright." The principal also eased himself into his office chair. "So from what I know, you two have had a pretty big grudge on each other, right?"

You two nodded.

"But this incident that happened today--"

"I'll explain," Brittney said, getting off of her chair. 

As if she could wait, you thought.

"This girl--she took my boyfriend away from me since I got here!" she cried. "I mean, well, SHE somehow won my boyfriend's heart over me, and now she confesses that he has been cheating on me for the last 3 years I have been here. Now he's taking her to prom and completely ignored me!"

You sat up, shocked at this lie that Brittney thought up.

"That's not true!" you protested, getting up as well. "I swear she lies to me all the time! The truth is, Tadashi has been my boyfriend since freshman year. Brittney is just trying to get him away from me! She only claims that he likes her to get me mad. And I fell for her so many times. Now she HAS another boyfriend--another person who could just take her out to prom anyway--and he ditches her. So what? Does she HAVE to turn back to Tadashi, her previous crush whom she knows doesn't like her back?"

"Girls," the principal said, trying to calm you down. 

"Oh really?!" Brittney screamed at you now, trying to get you to stand down. "Well explain to me. Why did you have to be such a goody-goody-two-shoes in the first place? Did you even like Tadashi in the first place?"

"Back in freshman year, Tadashi was at first just a name," you told her. "Then I met the real him when he stuck a sticky in my locker. Then he became my friend. Then boyfriend. And now date." You stood up straighter. "And back then, my goody-goody-two-shoes act was not an act at all. I am smart, I am friendly and awesome, and I'm not afraid to hide it. You, however, kept up your hate for me for way too long."

"Is this true, (Y/N)?" the principal asked you. 

You nodded.

"This girl," you continued, "tried to make my life miserable. She and this other girl--Marlene--always talked about me behind my back. I could hear them loud and clear. And most ot the school always made fun of me. Thanks to Tadashi though, I have learned to oppose them myself. He came to me at the time where I felt like giving up most, but with his help, I no longer cared about what they said. I already made it obvious to Brittney, if she tries to step close to Tadashi I would definitely have to get involved. There is no way she could take my boyfriend away. Besides, he doesn't even care for her! He told me explicitly!" 

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