Story 2--Broken Heart, Mended Heart

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Hey guys here's another story I made up on the spot...this has NOT been posted on Instagram for certain reasons. But whatever. Here's a guide:

(Y/N): Your name

(h/c): Hair colour

(h/l): Hair length


"So what does it matter if I sleep with someone else? It's not like I never had a girlfriend, doesn't it?" 

Your current boyfriend, Nelson, finally broke the ice to you over the phone one night, just as you were preparing to leave the house for a date with him. He didn't show up the day before, leaving you waiting for so long to the point when you just went to bed early, and finally decided to clear it up with you, hoping that you wouldn't get mad.

"It's exactly that! How can you be just this unfaithful?!" You screamed in the phone, pulling at your (h/l) (h/c) hair that you so carefully styled just for tonight. "I believed you, I trusted you when you said you love me. Is this all a lie? If you loved me, you wouldn't go ahead and sleep with her!"

"But she wanted me to!"

"So you listened to her? You ignored the fact that there's another girl, YOUR girl, waiting for you, the entire night?"

"(Y/N), don't get mad at me. I lo-"

"STOP! I don't want to see you again, do you hear me? I don't want you to keep lying to me!"

There came a silence on the other end of the line, and then you heard Nelson sigh. "(Y/N), please-"

"Don't." You put all of the menace and threat and pain that bottled in you in that voice. "I don't want to talk with you, okay? I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear from you, and I most certainly do not want anything else to do with you. Back off if you don't want trouble."

Before he could respond, you hung up, tears now streaming down your eyes as you lay yourself in bed crying your eyes out. How could he? Just how? The sight of his beautiful blond hair swept aside like a lazy surfer's, his sparkling blue eyes and pale skin made you feel like throwing everything you ever had into the flames. You couldn't stand it anymore. You knew you couldn't. Any more thought of him would make you go crazy. 

The phone rang again, but your eyes were too blurred with tears to see who it was. Assuming it was still Nelson, you angrily rejected the call.

The phone rang again, and you rejected again.

The third time, you picked up, already put up with the situation.

"Look, I don't want to talk with you, I already made this clear! We're over!" you screamed.

"(Y/N)? I didn't expect you to be talking to me that way." A different voice rang through your ear, and you froze.

"Who is this?" you asked, still seething in anger.

"Tadashi. You remember me? Your best friend?"

Oh. Of course he would be calling. You start sobbing angrily and frustratedly in the pillow again, trying your best not to make a fool of yourself. However, he heard the sobbing, and asked, "what's wrong?"

"I just went through a breakup," you tell him. "My boyfriend ditched me for someone else last night, and when he finally told me--well, you don't understand just how hard it was! And he still asked me out tonight which I rejected because he told me that stupid truth. He slept with her and never told me till now! I bet he would be kissing her just as passionately as he would me! Or even the matter of giving her those priceless yet useless compliments, holding her hand like everything would be okay, giving her tight embraces letting her know everything would be okay...I don't know how he would do this. I don't know how he could do this. All of what just happened, that relationship that I thought we had going so well, just crumbled. It's my fault."

"I'm coming over," you heard Tadashi boldly declare in the phone, after a moment of silence. There was some shuffling as you heard him getting off the bed.

"Wait, Tadashi, that's not-"

"I'm coming over," he repeated. "I'm not going to let you remain upset and depressed over your ex. It's not your fault, I won't let you believe it."

Before you could say anything this time, he hung up. You sighed, anticipating the worst.


After what felt like eternity, you heard a soft knock on your bedroom door.

"Come in," you spoke bitterly, the pillow muffling your voice. You bury your head in the pillow just to hide your sight.

Tadashi entered the room and sat on your bed beside you, gently rubbing your back. He wasn't sure how else to coax you from your lying position. "(Y/N), it's just me."

The touch of his hand on your back soothed you, and after a few moments you finally get up in a sitting position, your eyes puffy and your hair now completely messed up.

Tadashi gently removed the pillow from your face, and looked at you intensely. "Nelson was such a jerk, wasn't he? You know it's not your fault he went for her."

You couldn't meet his eye. You and Tadashi have been the best of friends since you were young, and you always had a special place for him in your heart ever since Nelson started asking you out in high school. You would always turn to Tadashi if you had trouble with anything, ranging from school work to this relationship, but this time you weren't sure if you were able to tell him anything. As for Tadashi, he always seemed to take a liking for you since childhood and always supported you throughout your decisions. He couldn't help but develop a crush for you, however. 

"Yeah," you said. "I guess he told me a bit too late just how unfaithful he was. I never knew till now. He wanted to introduce me to her, but I turned down and said we were over."

Tadashi felt his heart flutter just a bit. "You wouldn't go back to him, would you?"

You chuckled sadly. "No. Besides, there is still another person I can turn to, right?"

Without warning, Tadashi took your face in his hand and smoothed your hair down with the other. The slight action made you smile, and you wiped the tears on your sleeve.

"I will never shut you out," he finally promised. "And the only reason I say this is because--well--I--"

You took his face in your hand and pressed your lips softly to his. "You like me, don't you?" you asked.

Tadashi nodded, blushing.

"Never expected to fall in love with my best friend," he finally admitted. He leaned in again and kissed you a bit more passionately, his hand on the back of your head, his arm around your waist, your hand playing with the hairs on the back of his head. After a while, you broke apart and gave him a hug. 

"Thank you for being here," you finally whispered to him, and he nuzzled his face into your shoulder.

"How about a dinner at the cafe tonight? We can take a walk in the park afterwards," he said.

"I thought you'd never ask," you finally say, looking up to him and smiling. 

Edit 11/16/15: Since so many people are confused about the whole "make up a boyfriend's name" idea, I switched it up and edited it. Sorry if that caused any confusion to you. Hope you guys like the new version of this story. :)

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