Story 27--The scary thing about death

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Let's see if I can get this done in a matter of 20 minutes.

WARNING: Mentions of suicide.


(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/L/N): Your Last Name

Leave me alone. I can't take this anymore. I'm not up to standards. Just please. Stop this pain. Stop this. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Dark thoughts have been rolling through your head lately as you headed home from SFIT one day, completely depressed. It started off as a great day--really, it did--before things took a turn and you didn't know what to do.


"Hey (Y/N)!" you heard Gogo call out for you. You waved, and approached her.

"Hey Gogo," you smiled. "What's new?"

"Oh, not much," she said. "Just chilling. Trying to get a new idea for my project. I mean, heck, it's mag lev and all, and...well...I just can't think of an idea."

You put a hand on her shoulder. "I know you'lll come up with something! Just take a bit of time to think outside the box. Think innovative, you know?"

"I guess." Gogo smirked. "Seems like Tadashi is getting to you, eh?"

"Oh, shush," you laughed.

But that was when it happened.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Tadashi with one of your other best friends, Honey Lemon. She was dragging him by the hand through the hallways, and you immediately stopped laughing to see them giggling like school children.

"Oh hey (Y/N)!" Tadashi called out briefly to you before he was whipped out of sight.

You waved, but then let the hand fall. You have had a crush on Tadashi since what felt like forever, but seeing him with Honey Lemon broke your heart. You didn't want to hold anything against her since she was your best friend, but you had to break it to Tadashi somehow that...oh just forget it. Maybe that was all just an old emotion that has been reused over and over and over and over and--

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Gogo asked you, waving a hand over your face to get your attention.

But you shook your head. "Excuse me."

You then ran to the bathroom, locked yourself in a stall, and cried it all out. Tadashi and Honey Lemon...who knew, right? They have practically been flirting with each other since the very beginning, since you first knew him around SFIT. But since then you have been crushing hard...and every time you saw them together it hurt.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps come in. 


You knew it was Gogo, but you just said, "Leave me alone."

"I refuse to leave you alone until you tell me what happened just now."

"I'm not good enough, Gogo." You finally blurted it out as you exited the stall. "I just can't stand seeing them together without realizing just how foolish I have been. I'll never be good enough for Tadashi. You know I like him. But I don't even know about it anymore."

Gogo put a hand on your shoulder this time. "Hey. It's not easy, this thing called love. But sometimes, you just have to push your doubts away. (Y/N), you'll always be good for someone, right?" She then gave you a reassuring smile. "Woman up."

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