Story 29--Shoot Straight

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(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/BFF/N): Your best friend's name

"Hey (Y/BFF/N)!" you greeted your best friend (Y/BFF/N) as you just reached your favourite place in the city, the SF Archery range.

"Hey (Y/N)!" (Y/BFF/N) waved back as she approached you, giving you a hug. "Long time no see!"

"Yeah," you laughed. "I suppose so, what with the both of us being busy with stuff." That part was true since you were tackling on a huge review package for a kinesiology exam coming up in the next week, and (Y/BFF/N) was doing so much volunteer work you barely got to see her around.

"Let's get in there, shall we?"

You laughed. "Of course. Why not?"

So the two of you entered the archery club, showed the front desk your membership IDs, changed, and headed out onto the spacious archery ranges. You smiled as you entered the room, recalling all the amazing memories you had in there when you were younger. Back then, it was your mom who suggested you try it out since you were so engrossed in seeing archery competitions on the TV and on YouTube, so she started bringing you out on this range for lessons. Then you started taking the sport seriously and you even represented your archery club in various regional archery competitions, always coming out on top and getting various gold medals and trophies. You still head over to the club for fun a lot of the time, just so you didn't lose your skills completely.

Just as you put your bag down and pulled out your bow and quiver of arrows (you never could practice at home, but your dad got you your own bow and quiver of arrows for your 16th birthday after winning your 5th regional competition), your friend nudged you gently on your left arm.

"Hey," she murmured, pointing at a guy you didn't recognize. "Hey, he's totally checking you out."

You zipped up your gym bag and looked at him. The guy was about your age, wearing a white SFN t-shirt and black gym shorts, and on his feet he wore aqua-green sneakers. Your eyebrows raised. You have never seen him on the range before today, and by the look of it, he was struggling.

"What do you mean?" you asked your best friend, slinging the quiver on your back.

"He looks like he needs...serious help," your friend whispered, giggling.

"Stop it!" you cried, playfully hitting her. "I don't even know him. Why should I care?"

"Seriously?" (Y/BFF/N) rolled her eyes. "You better start talking to more people on the range, (Y/N). Stop being such a loner who doesn't care about anyone else."

"What...ugh!" You grabbed your gym bag and headed over to the farthest range, the last one available and empty and waiting for an arrow to pierce the target. "Forget it, (Y/BFF/N). Just find another range to shoot in."

"Girl, you're going to regret those words later on," (Y/BFF/N) snickered as she headed over to another range, joining another group of girls.

You sighed as you began to stretch. (Y/BFF/N) wasn't as good as you were, but you two both enjoyed archery all the same. She started a bit later than you did, but you two have become good friends in the range, and even ended up in the same high school. But now, while you were at SFIT studying integration of kinesiology in tech and robotics, (Y/BFF/N) went to another school. That meant for both of you that the only times you would see each other would be on the archery range. But somehow you felt that you two have drifted just a little bit.


You pulled out your bow and brought out an arrow from your quiver, and nocked it. You were so focused on getting at your target--that bull's-eye right in the centre of the target that was 20 feet away--when you heard a guy's voice greet you with a "hey" just not too far behind you.

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