Story 72--Just As Hard

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This is again based on a song I'm listening to right now. I really love this movie, highly recommend you watch it. Unless you don't want the feels to hit again. But who doesn't want to hear Lea Michele sing? :) I'm not a huge fan of her but she's an amazing singer, I have to give her props for that.

Brace yourself for the feels.

This takes place a year later--Hiro's 15, and you and Tadashi are 19.


(Y/N): Your Name

A long sigh escaped from your mouth as you packed your final sweater into your suitcase, closing the lid over the SFIT logo that sat innocently on top of your other clothes. You can't believe it. After spending practically your entire life in San Fransokyo, you're moving away, and even partway through your college years, because your mom had gotten herself a new internship opportunity somewhere across the world and she wanted you to come.

She did have a point when she told you that you weren't going out often enough, that you still need to see the world while you still can. And even though inside you didn't want to move away, you eventually agreed. In three days' time, you'll be saying goodbye to everything, to everyone. And it hurt.

"Just about done with the last--ahh, yes you have," your mom nodded. "Good."

You nodded solemnly, looking at your almost bare room. The only things that have remained were your textbooks, which you could give to your professors for future students to use (for free), your backpack, and a charm bracelet from your best friend and secret crush, Tadashi Hamada, as a gift for your last birthday.

"Mom, do we really have to do this?" you asked her sadly, a tear leaking from your eye.

"Oh honey. The opportunity was too good to refuse," your mom confessed. "It's for the best, (Y/N)."

You shook your head in shock upon hearing those words. "How could you say that?!" you cried. "How could you say that when we've lived here for so long, just to have my quiet and peaceful life in San Fransokyo ruined by your prospect to see the world? Mom. My life was normal before this! And now? What are you doing? Ruining my entire life? Disrupting all my dreams? Turning them into dust?" Tears brimmed in your eyes, and your vision was now swimming and blurring into a blend and clash of colours.

"(Y/N), please. Even you agreed to this," your mom told you.

"Yeah. A week before today," you said bitterly. "But now I change my mind. I can't leave here. Not when my best friend has finally gotten himself a girlfriend...who's not me."

This last bit was very much true. Just as you were going to pluck the courage to tell him about your moving and your crush on him, your friend, Honey Lemon, had taken the opportunity away from you. And now, everywhere you go, there they would be, holding hands and chatting as if you were never there.

Who knows how long this would last?

Suddenly, you felt the urge to just run away from the house, just to clear your mind. Picking up your phone from your backpack, you ran out of the house, and your mom didn't even try to stop you. The vast expanse of blue sky greeted you, filled with fluffy white clouds and birds flying overhead as they chirped happily. You wished you shared that happiness, though. All you felt inside you was dread.

Sadly, you kicked the pebbles that lay innocently in your path and let out a random shout of anger and frustration, feeling the world crumble before you as you started to run away, your feet pounding hard on the sidewalk, not thinking of where you were going. How could the world suddenly be so evil, so cruel, so twisted? Life was never fair in its game. And you only realized this just too late. With you leaving your home in just three days, and with Tadashi already pretty much gone from your there really any way for you to move on and forget?

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