Story 40--The Girl in Black and Purple Converse

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(Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Hair Colour

(E/C): Eye colour

"Did you see her just now?"


"Ugh, you're being serious, right? There's a new girl here!"

"Oh really? When did she get here?"

"Like, yesterday?"



Tadashi dropped by his friends' lab late today after having finished a particularly tough assignment for Professor Briggs, the new Robotics professor after Professor Callaghan was arrested from SFIT, wincing as he looked at his burns.

"Aww. If it isn't for the barbecue man!" another person shouted from outside. This made Tadashi roll his eyes.

"Man, when can they stop calling me that?" he muttered.

"You look fine!" Gogo called from her station, taking off her helmet and putting the mag lev wheel back on her bike. "Stop whining, woman up."

"Hey, at least you freaking survived! And then again had us worried for like a few weeks straight!" Wasabi cried. "But bro, be glad you're here. Just...don't worry about it."

Tadashi nodded. "Hey, I thought I heard you guys talk about...a new girl who just showed up yesterday?"

This made everyone freeze as they quietly stared at each other. Even Fred said nothing as he took off the hood of his monster suit.

"We don't know...that many details," Honey Lemon responded slowly. "All we know is that she showed up here yesterday. Moved from somewhere, I think, due to an accident. She wouldn't come out of her lab, and she wouldn't speak. Now Tadashi, don't just act up and-"

"I have to talk to her," he said, bolting up. "Ow, those stupid burns."

"Well, good luck finding her," Gogo said. "All we know is that she wears black and purple Converse shoes, but that's it."

"The poor thing, though!" Honey Lemon cried. "I really wish there was some way we could help."

"What's the big deal? She'll get overwhelmed with us anyway," Fred groaned as he flopped back on the comfy chair, toying with the sign beside him.

"Maybe she'll open up to me," Tadashi said firmly, shouldering his bag. "She can't be that harmful. And she should know I meant no harm."

Suddenly, just as he said this, out of the corner of his eye he saw some (H/C) hair flash past the window on the door of the lab.

"Is that her?" Tadashi asked the rest of the group.

The group shrugged. "Maybe."

"I have to talk to her," he repeated, heading out of the lab. "See you guys later."


You looked wistfully at the photo frame that laid on your desk, your eyes already brimming with tears. You only moved to San Fransokyo a week ago because your family died in a house fire set by some random impostor while you were out shopping. When you all came back, your parents started worrying. You knew your younger sister was still inside, so they ran inside to get her out. Unfortunately, after that, the building exploded. They never made it out. In tears, you moved here, just to get away from the situation that still burns in your mind. You closed your eyes, but then opened them straight away. No. Fire burns brighter in the darkness.

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